Ok...Here goes. I'm not a blogger or REI. Or rather i wasn't. Guess I'm both now or trying to be. Started reading BARM a while ago with my father. It was supposed to be a partnership, I had time to research, he had the contacts, credit, some money and know how. He's since backed out and joined all the other naysayers that I'm surrounded by (hubby included). So I'm on my own. I can't afford Dean's academy, I had to buy his new book in secret! So I NEED to make this work!
Investing Journals
cash flow analysis
March 3rd, 2009 | posted by msamuraWhere can i find the cash flow analysis for that's on page 253. Is it on the website?
- by msamura
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moonbeam101' Journal
March 3rd, 2009 | posted by moonbeam101Today is my first entry. I should had started this two weeks ago when I finally finished Dean's book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" but better late than never... Anyway, right now I'm working on my first deal - or I should say deals. I have one seller who is selling two properties to a buyer that I found on Craigslist. The buyer is willing to pay a finder's fee at the closing of the transaction. To start off, I'm charging 2.5% as a finder's fee. So I get to the point where the buyer wants to do an inspection on the properties.
TrueFocus Journals
March 3rd, 2009 | posted by TruefocusWell...Here goes....
This is my very first journal entry. Don't know how often I will be writing in it. Have no idea if this will even post in the right category. Don't have a CLUE as to what I'm doing in Real Estate yet. I feel kinda like "Ignorance on Fire." (lol)
Am just starting to read Dean's Book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire." Will be ordering his new book soon. Going to try to read as much as I can until my brain freezes up.
Jack's REI Journal
March 3rd, 2009 | posted by euphrates04I thought maybe it would be good to do my journal for someone like me (there may already be some out there) who are starting out with no money, no previous experience and no idea what to expect!
I got the book "Profit From Real Estate Right Now!" about a week ago. I read it in 3 days and called the Academy last Friday, 2-27-09. I got my email back this afternoon and following the advice of one of the advisors, I started with Assignment of Contracts Part 1.
Newbe 2 23 09
February 23rd, 2009 | posted by jabrks1I finally feel I can now make an honest living w/RE. I look forward to learning as much as I can from all of you and, and hope some day to return same. I have not been as excited as this in a very, and I do mean very long time. I feel very good about myself, you've instilled a new sense of confidence, Thank you Dean...and I thank God for creating you. I am looking to create a killer deal within 30 days from today and I don't see anything standing in my way but me, however, what you've armed me with is the ability to jump over myself without landing flat on my face.
Rick's Fresh Start - Today
February 20th, 2009 | posted by jokest5894Hello everyone My name is Rick and I bought DG's "BAREM" about a year ago and loved it. I currently work in the finance industry so I had some knoledge of current markets and idicators but the info and tatics I got from the book were excellent.
Dean's book was the first I read on RE investing and thought that they would all be this way. Well as many of you know by now they aren't. I read another book by some other author who has a TV show that was given to me by brother inlaw that was well....left one wanting.
Jannelle's Investing Journal
February 20th, 2009 | posted by jannellebahnI have been through the Think a Little Different course and am a success team member (well, I think that is what they call it. I am a student with PMI/ITS). I purchased my first property about 6 months ago. I tried to sell it for about 4 months and it didn't move so I am now trying to rent or lease option it. I have at least 4 calls/emails on it a day but do not have a tenant yet. Since it is my first deal, my husband is uncomfortable with moving on to the next deal until it is rented. However, I am continually looking for good deals in our area.
Moundman's Journal
February 20th, 2009 | posted by moundmanHello everyone.
I bought BARM in early Jan. and read in pretty quickly. That's saying a lot for me because I think I've only read about 8 books in my life. I was thoroughly impress with it and thought to myself, "This is it. This is what I've always wanted to do" After joining this website and reading all the posts from everyone and once in awhile posting myself I started to get my team together.
Jim's Journal
February 19th, 2009 | posted by JamesMohrWell here is my first journal entry. Makes me want to use the old Star Trek voice over for date and time. Well a little about myself, I'm a computer technician with no real estate experience at all. I purchased Dean's Be a Real Estate Millionaire book after seeing his commerical for it. To make a long story short, I am looking forward to investing in real estate, even though I am very nervous (and short funded). I went thru the beginning course and course 1 online. I, being who I am, being impatent decided to start looking at houses online.