Investing Journals

Steve B's....first journal entry

I've finished the realestate millionaire book...took some of dean's on-line courses....I've found one REO I'm really interested in for a quick flip, need to work on the financing..suggestions welcome....

2nd property is the ugly house in a gated community...gunna be in foreclosure soon....owner goin through bankruptcy...i have interested buyer...home is owned thru Merril Lynch.....I have call into the homeowner to find the ML contact but not sure how to proceed....

Looking for an HML

Does anyone know a good HML who is in or will work in Michigan?

Has anyone had experience with an HML? What are the typical terms?

Looking for investors in Washington State

We are seeking investors in the Seattle and/or South King County area. We have some properties that are great deals and in need of buyers. We are willing to do the leg work and have experience in today's market.

Bird-Dogging Agreement

Hello all,

I've been a member here for about a week and already have a potential Bird-Dogging opportunity. Does anyone have a form letter for a Bird-googing agreement or non-circumvent claus? Which would best apply in this case?

I checked the forms topic on the left and didn't find an example.

Thanks in advance.


Mouse Bandit's Journal

Okay, I'm finally doing it! Every night I think, wow, if I had a journal, I could put down that I did this and this and that today! And, I haven't done it. Procrastination time is OVER.

Here's a recap of where we're at (we, being my hubby and me. He's the money maker with the credit score, and I'm the homemaker with lots of time and fast internet connection!):

I found an easy Hard Money Lender to work with

Evan Yount
Business Development Manager
864.527.2891 Office
919.414.-9900 Mobile
866.567.2366 Facsimile
[email protected]

He is with SDI funding. He is the only Hard Money Lender that took the time to explain things to me and was very patient. I am obviously a newbie!

Tell him Ericka Matta said Hi!

New Member on a Fast Track-Need Suggestions.......

Hello Everyone,

I may have originally posted this in the wrong place. I didn't get a reply. Then I was prompted to start a new Forum Topic.

Here's what I posted a couple of days ago (3/4/09)under "Ask a Question." Wrong place huh....? I'm still learning the website.......


Hello everyone!!

New to this and frustrated! HELP!

My husband and I finally got a real estate agent to some what work with us. We are about to put in our first offer. We got approved for a hard money loan but we have to have a letter from a bank saying they will re-fi us. The problem is we have had a foreclosure and no bank will approve us for a home loan.

I'm stuck mentally and emotionally. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do next. The deal is a great deal and will have about a $50,000 profit after fees.
Ericka and Oz


Hi everybody my name is patrick,,now I have a small story to tell and if you all will hear me out it will show you why me investing in real estate is my only true last resort ,,short of being a roofer all of my life killing myself,,I wrote that heading to draw the people in here that are sucessful in my area to let me know some actionable steps to take on my way to a financially free future for myself and my children.


$8K for 1st time home buyer has me in a bind. I have not found a home worthy of making my own. However the $8k is very tempting. I am stuck between purchasing a rental property and continue to do so or purchase a personal residence just for the money. I have a great rental that I made a offer on that has great passive cash flow and alot of instant equity. Now this new bill has me second guessing if that is a good idea. Should I purchase a personal home than buy rentals later?

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