Investing Journals

Jim Rockwell's REI Journal

Hi everyone. Recently received Dean's books "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" and "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". I plan to start reading them today.

Getting Started

Hi Everyone,
I am completely new in Real Estate Investing.I have completed reading Dean's "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" and "Profit From Real Estate Right Now" also I joined DEAN'S REAL ESTATE SUCCESS ACADEMY.
After reading both book I am so much inspired with Dean's talking.Also I am getting wonderful knowledge from all member's daily journal that I can't wait to make my first deal.

I need help from everyone on this site and success academy.Please help me to step forward in Real Estate Investing Success way.If I can help anybody in anyway I can I will feel very happy.


Bunnie's Journal of Success ! ! !

Joined the Academy yesterday! (Against my husbands wishes!) I am doing this pretty much on my own. No words of encouragement from anyone so far. Everyone says I'm crazy or it won't work... But that's ok, I like a challenge.

Your hopes and wishes are your own -- do not change them to make others happy.



Shiela is back! I have been absent from the DG website and I feel that I have been quite out of touch.

I have been away on a big project. I have been working closely with my team as the foreclosure and short sale market demand has been quite high. I have also been studying for my commercial broker license/designation. I am dividing my team into two: residential and commercial. Its going to be quite a transition, but I can see attaining a successful transition within 5 years.

Camille's Journal

Hi Everyone - well, this is my first post into my daily journal (that's the goal anyway!). I've had a crazy year, and finally decided to put my real estate background to good use and plan my future! I found DG by accident, bought the book after I had purchased 3 properties and have been playing "catch-up" ever since! I'm looking forward to a great 2009. Will post my (our) progress as the days pass - renovations are almost complete and we will be ready to put these properties back on the market for sale! Exciting!

HJMAC's journal

I am starting my journal today. I have been looking for a way to do re-assignments in today's market, and my husband found Dean's new book, so we ordered it. I already have purchased Dean's "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" book and in 2005 I think it was, I purchased his "Think A Little Different" program. I have also purchased many other books and programs on the subject. I actually get it, but I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to re-assign in this market without having to do a short sale, seeing that most people owe more than the property is worth.


Today is March 19th. March 13th of 2010 will be my son's second b-day. By that time, I am hoping to make at least 75K in real estate deals.

-->Where I am right now in RE:
I have 6 rental properties in Pocono Area of PA.

-->Where I am hoping to be within a year.
Selling off those properties and acquiring more properties. My goal is 20 properties within a year. 10 would be kept as a rental income with projected $500/month flow and 10 will be flipped for a profit.

--> I know I can do it, I just need help doing it!!!

New to REI

Hi Everyone,

I just got the Dean's book and I am currently reading it. I do have about 60k in cash I want to invest in RE. I was thinking of finding a rental property in that price range and paying cash for it, with hope of refinancing after a few months (6) to pull some of my money out. However, my credit is not that good , any suggestions on how to invest this money in RE. Should I split the money in multiple ways and do muliple down payments on maybe say 3-4 properties. Any suggestions is welcomed. Thanks


NEW Investor ... NEED help!!

My name is Emeline, I just got started on Dean's book this week. I spoke to a RE this morning and he emailed me 7 pages of MLS homes. There is one home in particular that I like and I would like to keep it as a home because my family and I are in desparate need of a home. We have been living in a Motel since Oct because my husband is a carpenter and has been laid off since Sept 08. I started a new part-time job at a Community College and also expecting a child in June 09 but I would like to be a full-time RE investor someday.

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