Misc News

Business set up

Business set up

Getting your business set-up and starting to work on your business needs to be done simultaneously. It should be done in stages. To start, you might not have a business name so take your time trying on different business names until you have one that you feel good about. One you have a business name, you’ll want to register it with the state and apply EIN number and get you business checking account established.

Weekly Daily Calendar/Planner

If we are going to spend the time planning we need to keep a record of what we have decided to do and when to do it. Your planner will contain all appointments, meeting and deadlines for the completion of each project. This will be you bible. You need to decide what kind to use, it’s up to you whether you’ll use a PDA or a printed planner

My home town is going under

Hey guys,check this out. My mom was reading the newspaper the other day and found out that our hometown of Newburgh N.Y. was going under. When I read the story. I know I stopped breathing for 5 seconds.

My heart just broke. I can't belive it,I know that this is happening all across America,but when it's your hometown you gotta do something about it!!!

getting started

I live in Gwinnett county Ga.& have read Dean' books, done the lessons, called some investors, spoke w/ some realtors & haven't gotten anywhere. I have been asked if I can get my money back cause the reators & investors say what I tell them can't be done. I am recently divorced & had to get into another house & my sister was gracious to help me w/20,000$ toward a dwn paymt & I desperately want to pay her back . She is retired & took the $ from her 401K. I have been at this for abot 3mos now.

Performance goals

Performance goal It’s written 4-5-3-2-4- What that means in English is that for the next 4 weeks, you must ask 5 people the 3 question,(l. What condition is your house in? 2. Why are you selling? How did arrive at your price? See 2 properties each week and make one offer within the next 4 weeks. These activities will take some planning as to when you plan to do them and how often. You also must commit to yourself that you will not close the week out without completing them!

What to Plan?

Being in business is like going on a journey. For each step there are things you must do . For instance, looking ahead to when you have your office all set up and you are ready to engage in the real estate business, you need some marching orders. We can’t predict that you’ll buy a house the first week; however, we can guarantee what you are going to do.

Schedule planning times

The first thing that must be done here is to schedule at least two planning times each week. It could be the first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. But Plan them!

Planning Time

You’ve heard that most people spend more time planning their vacations than they do their lives. This also true of businesses. Without several scheduled planning times each week, you’ll no doubt run into trouble. To often people say that they don’t have time to plan. Well, which would you rather do, plan the most important things you could do to grow your business or waste valuable time doing “C” priority items that may not have to be done in the first place, while the “A” priority items remain undone?



Set-up a mail system

Use different colored folders to categorize the mail you receive. For example Red you need to act on (write a letter, make a phone call, etc.) Gray for your information: Yellow-Meetings, upcoming events: Green- minutes of other meetings, newsletters, reports, etc. Black-flyers, advertising materials. Stamp the date received on all mail, and follow up as quickly as possible, if necessary.

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