Misc News

Daily Affirmations (From me to ALL OF YOU)

"Never let other peoples opinion hold you back... Only you know your potential! Here's some facts... Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishers.. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team.. Walt Disney was told he lacked imagination and one record company told the Beatles. "WE DON'T LIKE YOUR SOUND". Keep going!"

God is Love
Rev Run

CNBC 1st Q

CNBC said Wednesday, April 30, that U.S. economy actually grew in the first quarter of 2008. Also, the Fed cut rates again.

Lease Purchase

Can someone walk me through a Lease Purchase Scenario


Ok, no rolling on the floor out there but what is the definition of Subprime anyway???????? Subprime, Subprime, Subprime.............I like this word but what the heck does it really mean??????

The Next Big Thing

One specific topic that is always on my mind is the coming baby boomer retirement explosion-and how to profit from it. There are 77 million baby boomers retiring over the next few years which is nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population. I like to talk to baby boomers all the time to find out where they plan on moving, when, and why? One thing is for sure, most of them mention buying an RV, driving it west or south and living in the warm climate. Will they buy small homes,condos, or live in mobile homes? Should I be buying campgrounds right now in the south? Should I focus on condos?

Looking To The Past And Future For Investing

When it comes to reassignments or quick flips, which would be the real estate equivalent of day trading on the stock market, you are looking micro level trends on a small time frame to make decisions. But what if you are looking to hold a property for months or years, where should your mindset be?

When you are looking at the current real estate market and wondering why anyone would want to invest in right now, you are looking the situation reactively. This is generally backwards from proper investment thinking.

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