Set-up a mail system

Set-up a mail system

Use different colored folders to categorize the mail you receive. For example Red you need to act on (write a letter, make a phone call, etc.) Gray for your information: Yellow-Meetings, upcoming events: Green- minutes of other meetings, newsletters, reports, etc. Black-flyers, advertising materials. Stamp the date received on all mail, and follow up as quickly as possible, if necessary.
Make up a reading folder. Read or browse this material during lunch or when ever you have some slow time. Make up files with specific categories for those articles you want to keep as a reference. Check on these periodically to see if the information is still up to date.



Thank you for the tips on setting up a mail system. The more orgainized we ceome the more we can accomplish. As our business grows out time will become less, so the more we utilize our time productively the better. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA

Love it, thanks!

My whole life I have struggled with organization. Thanks for this suggestion! I need all the help I can get in this area! LOL

Nancy D.


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