What do Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Katie Couric and Brian Williams have in common?
If you said great news anchors, you'd be correct! But - what I'm thinking, is different.
See, my bet is NONE of them can report the news AND host a KILLER weekend seminar teaching nearly 200 people how to "kill it" in real estate.
But Dean, on the other hand, can do both.
What in the world am I talking about?
Let me transport you now to our reporter in the field as he gives us the live breaking news, (well okay, it was taped live) - but give me a break, it's been a long weekend and it's late...
How about I just shut up and you give it a look-see...As always, your comments are golden to us, so don't forget to let them shine.
Sounds like a blast...Hope
Sounds like a blast...Hope to be there nxt yr.
Just got home from the airport....
Wow wow wow wow. I'm so tired and my mind is happily spinning; I can't write anything cohesive, but just had to say wow wow wow before I go to sleep and thank you. I'll write more tomorrow! And now, it's like "The Night Before Christmas" says "with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads" but we have "visions of techniques & profits dancing in our heads"
Good Night:)
WOW is totally right for this one! Haha, gotta totally agree with Gena (comment above me) on this one....this week's video blog is so full of impact and excitement that I'd totally love to put some great input, but I'll have to do it later cuz its late and I gotta head to bed. But seriously though...and I know you're gonna kick my butt for this Dean, so please forgive me but...but this is my 3rd straight Edge event in a row that Ive missed and I know its my loss, but Im NOT gonna allow that to discourage me from going to next year's Edge event....CUZ I AM GOING FOR SURE!!!! Great to see all the DG superstars, including my 3 fav's: Lorina, Carol, and my boy Matt! : ) Thanks for posting this week's blog with the Edge event and I look forward to hearing from ya soon. Take care!
Wow felt the great energy coming form my screen. My goal is to get there next year. See you there
I have promised myself that I will be there next year. I will need to be true to myself between now and then. I spend all my time taking care of other people. I now realize that I need to put this first, then I will be able to help more people in more ways, especially my family.
But a cruise would be the best! And as a lot of other people on here I also am promising myself to be there in 2012. Woo Hoo. Now I just need to get that one deal done. Working working on it.
That video made me feel left out of the loop that I really want to be in.
Thanx Everyone for the pump up
Gain The Edge 2011
I attended last year, and I am sure they are enjoying many advantages this year. The encouragement from all for all to all is wonderful. Great gathering, seminar and testaments. Could not attend this year, but surely will next year.
Awesome! It's great to see
Awesome! It's great to see everyone that we met last year at EDGE. Sorry to have missed it this year. Planning on being there again next year though! Can't wait to hear what you have in a couple of weeks. Thank you for having these great events!
Cheryl & Dave
- Priceless!
The video can't share with you how great of an event it was. Make sure you make it to Edge 2012, there is so much to learn and so many people to meet.
Don't let fear, uncertainty, or anyone stand in your way, the Edge will change your life! The only key is you have to be here.
It changed my life back in 2009 and each year going forward. Joe and I left the Edge and hit the ground running in 2009, 2010 and we will once again in 2011.
We are already looking forward to next year's EDGE event. It was so nice to meet so many new people and thank you for all your kind words. i wish I had even more time to share, but in just 2 days it can be hard to speak with everyone.
I look forward to speaking with you during the year on DG.com and at the EDGE next year. I hope to have an opportunity to present on stage next year because I will have more to share. Who knows, maybe I can help "mc" the event too.
It was so great seeing everyone. Carpe diem :0) - Stacey
I so wish that we could have made it this year Dean!! Looks and sounded like it was fabulous, and you can COUNT on us being there next year. Even if we have to start saving today!!
We are looking forward to also making that DG Cruise next year, and can't wait to share with you are first deal!
Renae & Tyrone
Thank you for taking the time to have another Gain the EDGE event. There is so much that goes into this event and I know it will change the lives of many of the students that attend. Each year continues to surpass the previous year and it is an event that we will not miss.
Many students told me that were so fired up from the information they learned at the event because they are now ready with a plan of action for success. No matter how you try to recap the event, what is does for people can't be measured. I believe there is something about being their live and in person that will drive people towards completing that next deal.
Thank you once again for taking the time to organize such a life changing event. We wish you continued success in all you do! Cheers to the Gain the EDGE - Class of 2011! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
I haven't done a deal yet, just started getting underway actually but my goals are:
*Finish 2011 with AT LEAST 12 deals in pocket
*Clear the calendar to go to EDGE 12
and of course, get the EDGE 11 boxed set when it comes out.
It's amazing how one short video clip can fire up so many people!
Thanks Dean for the inspiration and constant motivation that many of us need to get off our butts.
New Goal
Is to get away from my boring 9 to 5 and get moving with Dean's strategies so I am able to go on the cruise and go to the seminars. I would love my own freedom to do so!!!
Looking forward to the new changes!!!!
That's what we got this weekend and SO MUCH MORE.The fastrack to turning deals and making $$$$$.This event is such an AMAZING abundance of wisdom from each and every speaker.I want to thank you dean for all you have done to PROPELL me to take action and most of all assemble the team to bring us the most jaw dropping information.It was truly an OUTSTANDING edge event that I am grateful to be a part of and be able to share with my son justin.THANK you!!!!!!
Thank You Dean
Dean I have to say hat this years Edge event was AWESOME.
If you did not come to the Edge this year then plan on coming to next years event. Do what you need to do to get tickets for 2012 Edge Event. There is no better place to learn how to go out and make deals happen then right here at the Edge.
I would like to thank everyone at the Edge that took the time to teach us something. If you were not at the Edge you missed out on one of the best ways to network with other for real, real estate investors. The learning was not just from the stage of the event but from the lunch table, the meet and greet, standing around the fire pit or anyware people would get together on the grounds of the event site. I was even able to see Indiana Joe and Rany428 do a hula dance, what a site that was.
Bottom line here DG Family is do what it takes to make deals happen and get here to the Edge in 2012. Who knows you might even see Steve and Veronica on stage at the 2012 event.
We had a great time at at the Edge Dean thanks again. Oh ya we really did talk with Dean Graziosi in person face to face only here at the Edge.
God Bless the DG Family.
Steve and Veronica.
One happy family reunion!!
I am looking forward to going next year!! I heard Dean say New DG family...it's not new dean....you're DG family is growing!! Glad to see so many people with smiles on their faces. To all the DG super stars like Matt, Rina and Laura J. Indi Joe and Stacey, Thank you for always adding your support to all the dg'r that are working on finding our niche!! Much love to all of ya and travel safely. A cruise does sound nice, especially when you reside in a snow state like MI.
Edge 2011
Wow it look'd like a lot of fun. Sorry i missed it hopfuly i can make it next year.
Better than a dream!
We got home late last night from the EDGE event. I can't even put into words how amazing the entire experience was for us. We were able to meet so many talented and hard working investors. It was so nice to be with like-minded people!
The best part about it was gaining some very valuable nuggets of information. Every moment was an "Aha" moment! We heard things that will take our business to the next level. We plan to kill it this year.
Thank you Dean! Thank you for believing in all of us and inspiring us to work a little harder and re-commit ourselves to success! We are so grateful for the friendships we've made and look forward to seeing all of you at the EDGE 2012!
Great video dean
It great to see so many people succeed and do what they have dreamed of doing i know i have to get started.I'll admit i need help i'm not one to keep things to myself,but it was great to see this video and all of dean's students.thank you dean for all the wonderful things that you share with us and believing all of us can achieve success i will and i'm not going to give up!
I'm sure
we'll see a lot more of the EDGE 2011 meeting. Looks like fun.
There was so much knowledge and excitement going around that my brain was on hyperdrive! It was INCREDIBLE!! I actually got back to my room last night and began to break it all down and write out all of my new goals in REI.
I am here a few more days so I am going to enjoy beautiful AZ for a bit.
If you didn't come this year next year is a must! This year's Edge Event was, as my kids would say... OFF THE HOOK!!!!
I N C R E D I B L E! :)
Last year I said I would make it this year, and I DID! It was just amazing! I am so glad I achieved my goals last year to be able to reach this goal! Words can't express it but I'll try. Exhilarating! Energy Galore! Information Overload! Amazing! Fast Track! Da bomb!
, Networking! Fun! Exhausting GOOD FOOD! 
I asked so many questions, and the Q&A sessions alone were worth the price!
Bet people were sick of seeing me! 
Meeting everyone was awesome!
Everyone write down where you are now, where you want to go, and how you're going to get there now. Make coming the EDGE 2012 one of your destination goals next year.
There are all these worksheets in here, was hoping to be able to fill them in, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put in some of them (some are obvious). Can you do a blog about them?
PS: Dean, Those markers you and the speakers use to write on that board are intoxicating!
No wonder you are all so hyper! 
Gr8 event
So happy to attend again this event I got so much good info and I can see also that my wife is ready to jump in full blast with me.
Thanks Dean Alot of great speakers...
Thank you Dean!
What an amazing event! I can't believe the weekend has come to an end, but we have so much to go and do.
Thank you for providing us the tools to fish for a lifetime!
Off the hook, off the charts, larger than life, da bomb, we were blown away, or whatever catch phrase you want to use to describe it! lol
Dean and his staff went above and beyond!
Listen guys, I just want to say.... If you weren't able to make the EDGE event yet. Please, please, don't get discouraged. Just do 1 deal in the next 12 months. 1 deal! YOU CAN DO IT! Then take that money and invest it in your education whether it's through the Academy, the EDGE or Dean's courses and books. They've changed the lives of so many people. Yes, regular, genuine people like me and you. Yes, YOU could be next too!
That's all I can say... I will be there in 2012!!!!
sound like you guys were having fun and learning at the same time, whats better than that. I will be there next time
Stepping Off The Edge 2011
Hi everyone in the DG Fam! I'm a newbie (although I've been studying Dean for a couple of years), but the Edge made me take that first step!
Kudos to the DG Team for the planning and execution that went into the event and the venue was awesome!
Much thanks for getting so many wonderful guests and speakers together and packing the time so well with soooooo much useful information.
Many thanks to all the attendees, novices and deal-doers alike-- I sat back and listened to tons of great questions and answers. Next year I'll get up there and ask lots of questions too!
For those of you that didn't make it, we missed you, but no worries if it's coming out on DVD-- you too can Step Off The Edge!
Thanks everyone, I love you all already--
(is it okay to sign these posts with your name?)
I read the rules, but just askin'
Thanks for an awesome Edge event!
Many great speakers, lots of wisdom shared, friendships deepened and I could go on and on...
Dean is even better looking in person! And as Jeff Jensen says, "He's got GREAT hair!"
This is where you want to be in 2012!
Ditto to what everyone who was there posted above! I just arrived back to KC, and of course on the plane was busy planning new strategies, organizing all my new contacts (the networking was incredible!!)and just flying high off the energy! Each year I've thought it couldnt get better and it always does! So for those of you who couldnt be there this year - make it a WRITTEN goal to get there next year! Words just cant describe what you take away with you! Thanks Dean and all your wonderful staff for another job well done