Zion Properties

All About Zion Properties

Zion Properties's picture
Tammy REOch
Southern CA-Los Angeles
About Me: 

DG SEND ME AWAY 2011 CONTEST WINNER! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO VOTED! (Official thank you here: (http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/108279/wh...) UPDATE 5/1/2014: I have to tell you that winning that event helped to change my life. It seems like my progress has been slow, but I have many other things along my journey to deal with. Don't ever compare yourself to others because we all have our own journey we are on. I have now lost track of the number of deals I've done, I just know its greater than 25. I'm to the point now that I only target high money making flips, buy and holds out of state with phenomenal cashflow, and am focusing on for sale by owner leads in CA instead of the rat race of foreclosures and short sales (still do them, but not as much). I've been speaking at a local REIC and really, really love to teach and pass on my knowledge to others. Its time for me to earn money for doing that, and that is also on my set of goals for this year. Now, here is my originally written bio in March 2010 when I first started this site:

I have been a stay at home mom now for 13 years. I also homeschool my 4 children, ages 15,13, 7 & 5.(updt ages 5/1/14). I actually put the older kids and my K in a very small school that is as close to homeschooling as one can get. But, for the first 2 years of my REI journey here, I was homeschooling with all the kids. Sticking out tongue

I started in RE involuntarily in 1997 when we upgraded our small 1st house to a larger home. The value of our little house had plummeted in value, and I refused to take a loss, so I rented it out. It was the best thing I ever did. That endeavor is how I started in RE. Over the years I have acquired 3 more rentals and sold one home FSBO.

I did it all the wrong way though, because here I am with these homes, flip flopped on 1 of them, break even with what I owe on one and one I bought well enough below market to still have equity. But my strategy was to refi and take money out of the equity of the homes to reinvest while they were at their prime, so that error has put me in this predicament. I am also in 3 scary interest only loans, and I need to do something so when they come fully amortized, we have enough money. Really, I want to earn enough to pay them all off by 2014. Laughing out loud Right now, I am taking small losses on 2 of my rentals (upd 11/11-now only ONE house has a loss, all others are profitable! Smiling ), and have negative cash flow and desperately need to do something. But rather than sell them short, I believe I can turn them around with Dean's program.
The reality of the economy struck as we acquired our vacation home. I can not get another loan or refi out of my existing loans (even to lower my interest rates. Sad ) due to having too many RE loans; my ratios are too high for banks to lend to me because they remove a tremendous chunk of our income despite good credit. Once again, my stubborn, refuse to give up attitude will not allow me to believe that I can no longer invest in real estate or that I am basically out of the acquisition phase of real estate. There HAS to be another way!

In comes Dean's program... I saw the infomercial, and here I am today. Laughing out loud I joined the success academy and invested in myself for a change (update: I received my full, 100% refund from the success academy after doing my 5 deals within a year. Sticking out tongue)), and have decided to hone in on private money, owner financing, subject tos, sandwich leases and utilize as many of the techniques I can. . My goal is to partner with other DGs across the country to get deals in all 50 states eventually! Laughing out loud This is what I've been waiting for! Watch me, because once I get going on the deals part, I'm going to soar, thanks to Dean, the success academy, and the great DG family here and private money. Eye-wink

***NEW*** I've completed 9 deals since joining the academy and have 2 in the works (August 2011). Most I ever did in a year prior to this was 4 in one year, and one was our primary residence! Jawdropping! Smiling I like to do creative, way out of the norm, think outside the box deals. Sticking out tongue **March 2012** 15 deals!

Please follow me on my rollercoaster ride of a journey here in my journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/43252/...?

"Reality is nothing more than what YOUR perception is." Dean Graziosi

skiing, Gracie jiu jitsu, REI, camping, hiking, off roading, fitness, gymnastics, laughing, having fun, skydiving! :P

Topics I've Participated In

Owner financing proposal midwest_invest77 years 4 weeks ago
Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 5 weeks ago
Anyone Wholesaling in Los Angeles or Southern CA? mewdswing107 years 33 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Domestic Engineer, mom to 4, REI, Property manager
Have Child(ren)
Some Post Graduate


can you help me

I have recently tried to get involve in real estate, but I am having trouble finding sellers. I am hoping that there is some way that you can help guide me in the right direction. Any help will be appreciated.


Finding Sellers

Zion Properties's picture

I'm no expert in this area; but, have you tried looking throught the FSBO (for sale by owner) sites, or looked for a list of people who have defaulted on their loans and are at risk of going the next step towards foreclosure? Do you have any contacts in the RE field, like banks, agents, or loan officers? I'm sure there are many more ways, I'm still learning them myself, but I do wish you all the best! Read Dean's books, lots of info in there on how to find sellers, and read this site; so many people out there willing to help! Here is an article with a lot of help: http://www.biggerpockets.com/find-foreclosure-homes.html


How are you Just wondering were you are located. Im also in SO Cal
I live in Los angeles county, Im done acouple of deals. Let me know if you have anything i would help you out if you cant find buyers


Im in Los angeles Close to culver city.

Im also in the success academy. LEt me know if you run acroos any deals. I have some cash buyers looking to buy SFR
This is my email
rick2010 at ATT dot net

Ive been focusing more on apt investing
and wholessaling

Lets see if we can make some money

email me and i will send you there criteria

Hello, DG family!

jazzingcoco's picture

I just wanted to stop by & say "Hello"

I have two boys myself, 4 yrs & 11month. You have 4 kids & homeschooling them?! That's wonderful!!!
As I write this, my 11 month is taking a nap on my back (I always carry him like this... he sleeps at least 3~4 hours this way! So I can work Smiling )
I also joined Success Academy last October.
My progress is not fast as I wanted it to be, but I am trying everyday Smiling Smiling Smiling

Well, good luck & I will see you at the top!!!
Coco a.k.a. Miyuki

Recording Scripts

Hi Tammy.

Love your posts. Figured u may be able to help me out on this. I'm pretty new to REI and setting up my automated phone service. Do you know where i can find scripts to atract buyers and sellers with those phon e lines. I got the flyers and ads set. I just need to know what to put on the 24hr recorded line. Thanks!

Hi Tammy

cbrindamour's picture

Just signing your guest book. Keep up all the hard work! See you on the beaches of the world!


Hello Tammy

afigueroa's picture


I live in New York city and I would like to be a real estate investor. I am unemployeed and I am in despred need of cash. I just found out that I can make quick cash by doing WHOLESALE ASSIGNMENT DEALS, but, I still don't know how to get started. I was hoping you would give me some friendly advise on how to get the ball rolling. What would be my first move for someone who does not have any money and needs to start putting money in my pocket, in the next 2 to 3 weeks, possibly even sooner.

Short Sales

Arn's picture

I am a cash buyer needing of more short sales anywhere in California and also any listing agents who understands short sales, preferably who has closed them as well.
I am located in SoCal about 45 minutes from Los Angeles.

Hello Arn,

Zion Properties's picture

Thanks for contacting me, I may have just the listing agent for you, but it depends where you're investing. I see you are in the Inland Empire, is that where you are focusing your investing on? I have access to so many short sales, and I usually pass on them because I am not comfortable with them yet. Please let me know your target areas, I may have some leads and possibly even a listing agent for you. Please PM me and we can work out particulars!

Hi I'm Mary-Jane (MJ) I have

MJlooking4RealEstate's picture

Hi I'm Mary-Jane (MJ) I have a cash buyer/Investor who purchases Short Sales in CA. Do you have any short sales at this time? Please PM
Thank You,

can somebody direct me to make my first sale.

I'tring to figuer out how to start but everything seem crazy. can i get somebody for one on one to get things going.

Stop By

Saw one of your posts and just figured I'd stop by and say hello!
If you're ever interested in doing deals in the DC Metro Area, give me a call.

God Bless!



andre73's picture

Hello Tammy, Just got finish listening to your phone service and checking your website http://www.zionforeclosuresolutions.com/ loving it Tammy, keep up the good work that you are doing.

Los angeles county

davibeto's picture

Hello Tammy,
I am also in the la area. Would like to connect to see if we can do some business together. I work with lease options and I wholesale homes. Send me your contact info thru private message.


short sales

davibeto's picture

Hello I also stay in the la area, i work with lease options and wholesale homes. Message me your email so we can connect.

Small Biz Credit

dvisco's picture

Hi Tammy - David again. I'd just responded to your response and then discovered how to find dgmod. I've sent her a PM hoping she can help. Thanks again

HI Tammy

steve and veronica's picture

We just wanted to stop buy and say hi. Thanks for all the hard work you have put into this site with information to help others.

God Bless You and your Family and your REI.

Steve and Veronica.

i live in san bernardino

im new at this and need to meet people close buy who are doing the same would love to get to know you and pick your brain


I like your drive ande positiveness. I hope you soar and I want to join you in the sky!
I am 48 years old. Bought some of Dean's books and Foreclosure package.
Now I have this Professional Marketing International(PMI)banging on my phone wanting me to give them $319.00 to start and sign-up for about $5K of coaching etc... Thay claim to be partly owned by Dean. Scammers? what say yee?


Zion Properties's picture

PMI is actually the success academy! They are the ones that organize all of Dean's stuff, and I believe it is one of Dean's entities. 100% money back if you can do your 5 deals in a year, its the real thing! Its some great info. The only advice I give though is to research really well which strategies will really fit you and your lifestyle best. I am on an assignment course of action, and after a few months, I figured out that for me, the buy and holds, lease options and subject tos are the way I want to go, so I have all the material for a diretion I'm not going in; although e the courses may all be the same, but in a different order. The goals are definitely different though. So, know which strategies you most want to try, that will fit your life, lifestyle, time and resources. You won't regret joining the academy! Best to you in all your REI endeavors!

It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!

I must apologize

Zion Properties's picture

I come on here and there are so many posts! Why, I wish that something was sent to either email or inbox here to notify you of people posting. I thank each and everyone of you for stopping by. I will go through and respond to everyone here little by little. I am so sorry for not responding to everyone. Sad And, remember, do affirmations everyday!

It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!!

your journal

grant's picture

Hey Tammy....for some reason when i go to your journal now...the last post is like from nov 2009....am i doing something wrong all of a sudden?

Journal last page

Zion Properties's picture

Are you hitting the 'LAST' button at the bottom of the page? I didn't start posting her until March 2010 (signed up in Nov 2009, but never participated or posted until then. It works fine for me, so I don't know what could be going on!

grant wrote:
Hey Tammy....for some reason when i go to your journal now...the last post is like from nov 2009....am i doing something wrong all of a sudden?

Well Tammy,

Kevin A Goldman's picture

You either are certifiably crazy (as you said on Dean's latest blog), as you say, or just VERY good at persevering through tough circumstances. I would bet it's the latter. I have trouble keeping up with life and investing and I do not have kids. You are stronger than you realize.


getting started

gfunk's picture

Hi Tammy I hope all is well with you. Trying to make some friends on the DG site. I as well am a mom pf a toddler, but works as well.

My question for you his how did you get started in investing and do you have any helpful tips for a newbie?

I have the SFL system and am contacting banks in my local area before I put my buyers list together. Any feedback you have is much appreciated.

Getting Started

Tammy this is Eric from Topeka KS, I just read your bio and saw that you were intrest include Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, I too am a hudge fan. I hold a blue belt under Royler n joined Gracie University last year. Now working on getting my CTC status. to teach for a profit and build the Gracie family as I am now trying to spread the Graziosi Gospel. Another great family to belong to.

My stratgies

I too like the assignments, and lease options of Gregg Murphy's. Any additional advice would be greatly welcomed. Thanks Eric in Topeka.

Prop Trend Software

mdlinvestors's picture

I do not know any other way to contact you as I am having difficulty navigating this site. I saw a post you made and wanted to reply to same but was unable. I would have to create a new post and I did not think I would receive a timely reply.

I attempted to PM you but I think you must be on line in order receive a PM.

Anyway, I would like information regarding Prop Trend Software. Can you provide suggestions? I searched for CRM software, etc. to no avail.





Private Lending Report

Kiyosaki Groupie's picture

Hi, I just jumped on your favourite website and i love it. I am new to Dean G but loving every minute of it.
If you ever want to talk to a newbie, i am open!


aiellosdream's picture

on getting your diamond! You did it!


I'm in Ca and have some short sales if your still interested. My name is Carlos I'm in the Bakersfield area but I'm always in Santa Barbara too.

Hey there

I was just wondering how that acadamy works? how many deals have you done? Hows la weather its really cold over hear in bakersfield

I want a cash buyer

I have seen alot of deals in my area. I see deals everyday. I am trying to get a deal so I can join Deans success academy. I will send info to your private email too.


money out

Mike 2112's picture

I got an offer accepted, 109,000 on a 150,000 property with me paying closing, the question is how do i take cash out? ask for a loan bigger then the asking price? and if so how would it be distributed? do I need another form to take to the title co?

7-Day Method (or 5-Day Method)

nclui01's picture

Hi, I read all of the posts in this forum, and the other one you posted in about the "auction" style process of selling homes. I REALLY want to try this and have some close friends that are willing to be my "guinea pigs," if you will, and let me try and sell their home for them. Only problem is, I don't feel like I have enough information to confidently do this right now. Also, I haven't seen that anyone has come back and posted their results, or exact methods they used. My main concern is the 'closing' process. If the sellers don't have a RE Attorney, how can they do this with the buyer? I don't think I can legally close on a house, since I don't have a RE license, plus, I don't know how to do one. Can you PLEASE help me out if you have done this successfully? I live in NC so I would not be competition for you. Thanks so much! Looking forward to hearing from you.

LA/OC Resident Wannabe Investor

prevac's picture

Hi Tammy,

I'm still trying to finish reading Dean's book & wondering if it can be done here in the 562 area code? I've got a sister that has been a broker for over 10 years here LA who says that I'd have 2B licensed to do RE, especially with how banks are now. Been checking out some investor's clubs that meet in different areas around LA & one in OC that haven't helped. Attended a creative investing in San Diego too. Hoping that this will be the one that will get me started.
John M

Hi Tammy

MxChica's picture

Read your active Bio,
Let me know if I can help


Hello Tammy

evolkers's picture

You have a great story keep up the amazing work. I am looking to partner with people on upcoming deals in Southern California and around as well as networking. Do you know of any Real Estate Investor Clubs active in the Los Angeles area and also where you are.

God Bless

Eric V

Thank you

dbmacd's picture

I have Deans books and I read them- I am just afraid to start on my own. I have looked at FSBO in my area and I am working with a realtor. I am going to try and do a contract, and hope it goes through.


Aa_LA's picture

Thanks Tammy for your encouragement!! I hope to take a picture with Dean like you someday! Smiling Where is southern Cali are you at? We should chat! Feel free to PM me.

Best regards,


Hello Zion Properties,

I am imagining what my first deal will feel like! I am a newbie studying the
RBBP with the daily mentoring.
You are located in Orange County?
I am in Encino - San Fernando Valley.
If you have any insights to what I can do now that will exceed my stuidies + action, I am open and listening.
There may come the day where we partner.
I have an influential relative in your area.
P.S. On my first deal: if I have any questions can you help me?

In Abundance, Diane Satin.

Land Trust doc. and QCD doc.

Hi Tammy am Zeke from Northern CA near Sacramento CA I been reading the thread about how to use a Land Trust Document to buy and flip REOs I notiece that you offer a copy in one of you posts I like to get my hands in those documents can you by any chance E- mailing to me Thanks pls. P M me

hi im really excited to

hi im really excited to finally join. ive been hesitating but now i feel like its the perfect time and i need this. please help me out. you are witnessing the hardest working person that has come but all i need is some instruction how to get started and a push and i will be ur guy's huge success. please help me out. im in need.


chuckmc's picture

Just felt lead to encourage you in your walk and wanted to let you know I admired your courage on camera at the edge. I'm sure many could relate with your heart, as I did.
If you ever run across a deal in Tenneessee, look us up.

Thank you Chuck!

Zion Properties's picture

I appreciate the encouragement. I guess my post was marked as spam. I noticed I've been REALLY bad at looking on here for posts in this area. I have to read many of the posts here, shame on me! Thank you!

high end buyer

Hi Tammy if the offer to find a high end buyer for 5k is still out there I'll take it.Where do I tell the buyer to send the info.



Amer Brdjanin's picture

Hi i need to find new buyers.Because my buyers are telling me not to work real estate agents.
can you tell me how can i find some good buyers?i am in Nashville TN.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

Hi i need to find new buyers.Because my buyers are telling me not to work real estate agents.
can you tell me how can i find some good buyers?i am in Nashville TN.