
All About kareng

kareng's picture
Karen Griffin
recently relocated to Myrtle Beach, SC
About Me: 

I am a Southern girl who moved to California in June 2002. The weather here is awesome, but the cost of housing is outrageous! I was in business for myself for 20+ years, but am now working for a national company selling cars. I am a widow whose three daughters are now all moved and on their own. I have no retirement plan AT ALL and that time is looming on my very near horizon.

I was born to be an entrepreneur. All my life I have always been open to new ideas as to where I could make big money. My dream is to be able to live or travel anywhere in the world that I choose and still have money coming in. Enough to enjoy doing what I want to do without having to budget. Enough to help my family enjoy their lives and not be living with the stress of living from paycheck to paycheck.

Like most of us, I have tried SO many different things. I have purchased or bought into so many programs and worked my tail off, but somehow they just didn't follow thru with the promises. I truly feel that this one is different! I have enough previous experience with RE to understand the techniques that are being explained and to see that they REALLY CAN work!

2-5-2013 Need to update this a little. I left my job in February 2012-one year ago. Now I do RE full time. It is so much fun! Don't get me wrong! It is a tremendous amount of work and frustration but it is never the same thing twice. I am relocating back to SC in the next month or so because I feel that the opportunity for my investing will be much better there. Don't EVER quit!!! If something isn't working, tweak it!

Mar 15, 2013 Left Los Angeles for Myrtle Beach, SC
Mar 20, 2013 Arrived in Myrtle Beach. Let my new life begin!

I am passionate about self development! Whether it is RE, public speaking, learning new languages, Law of Attraction or anything else!

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1927 years 1 week ago
#5 thing you NEED reinvestor42117 years 4 weeks ago
Letter to Cash Buyers reinvestor42567 years 4 weeks ago
Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 5 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit


Wish They ALL Could Be California!!!!!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey!
You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.


Hi Karen

John A's picture

I just wanted to stop in & give you a warm hello. Whenever you need some assistance don't hesitate to contact me. May you continue to succeed with REI.

John A

Hi, I'm new in Texas

I am working on completing my first deal trying to use Greg Murphy's strategy that is talked about in Dean's book "Your Town: Your Real Estate Profits". Are you familiar with the contracts he uses in his strategy?

I have a meeting with a mortgage person who was hired by a home owner to help find a buyer. She is open to talking to me about this strategy but I need to take her a contract to look at.

Thanks for any help in any direction you can give me.

Deborah Trout

hi karen

cbrindamour's picture

Welcome to DG.com, and thanks for following me on my journal! Contact me anytime!


Indiana-Joe's picture

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2011! We hope Santa brings all the things that were on your list this year! Smiling - Joe and Stacey


young Money's picture

Hi hows it going ? Thanks for taking the time to stop on my page and write. I was born with the entrepreneur spirit too, so I can totally understand were your coming from. Well there's one thing I know is that we will achieve and surpass our goals cause that what we do. Hopefully we'll do some business together soon. Have a good one !

& Live Life Cool

young Money

Hi Karen

Thanks for dropping by my page. Yes, I'm still investing. I just need to build a little more persistence and consistency and the results will follow. Right now I'm 100% focused on the sandwich lease option strategy. Hope all is well for you..

Best of luck



kareng's picture

I just started a new thread that may interest you on L/Os. Check it out.



shaun omar's picture

Thanks again for supplying us with all that great info on L/O you are awesome. It's people like you on this site that make it what it is and I don't know if everyone realizes the opportunities from this site. Thanks again.


Dana Leigh's picture

That's how I read your tagline. Thanks for the encouragement. peace;


reinvestor42's picture

Hi Karen,

I don't know how I let you slip by me.

Welcome to the best website for REI info and a great DG family to help you along the way.

Please take advantage of all the resources here for you and the info you'll learn from the seasoned investors on the site.

Be sure to fill out your Bio/info to give everyone a chance to get to know you better.

Best wishes on your journey,


Thank You Karen

thanks for reaching out with you welcome.


I enjoy your posts

TrustPoint's picture

While I know you have been here a while, I've never had a chance to welcome to the DG site. You will get a lot of valuable information here.

I recommend you use it wisely by reading as much as you possibly can.

If I can ever help, always feel free to PM me. Good luck in the future!!

Good luck.

Bill Pohl

You All

kareng's picture

Are TOO funny!!!!!!! LOL!

Thanks for the warm welcomes!

Aren't you done with this

James L. Kendrick's picture

Aren't you done with this crap yet

Pay attention Jim

TrustPoint's picture

She's got another 1000 points to get under her belt. At 3 points per comment, that means another 333 new people she still has to welcome.

Good luck Karen!!!


reinvestor42's picture

It's OK. You'll get the 1000 points PLUS in a matter of 3-4 days. Approx 100 new members a day at 3 points each and you'll get another medal.

Have a great day!


Thanks for the warm welcome. Im going to give it my best and see what happens!

We share some stuff

www.RocBuysHouses.com's picture

Dear Karen:

We share a number of things...for one we are "contemporaries", have grown daughters who are on their own (mine ate 32 and 30...married with babies) and we both don't have retirement...for different reasons...We want to create a financially free future for ourselves. Those are revelvant similarities that caused me to write to you.

I am also "sorta new" to blogging...I am 2 years "new" to Dean Graziozi information.

I have decided to retire July 1...resign actually as there will be no "benefits", and, thus, I want to create my own "benefits"...

I did, with the help of Dean G's Success Academy purchase and rent 4 properties (however, one currently has a "not paid rent yet" tenant...These properties are in Fort Myers Florida while my husband and I currently live in Rochester, New York...some 2,000 miles away. Our plan is to live in Florida ultimately so purchasing and 'holding' made sense...to do it there. I'm writing cuz I love your energy...and want to share mine...raising vibrations where I can..

Thanks for "listening" and thank you for your helpful blogging...very helpful!!

Love this journey we are on...funny...I just (will be 5 years this April 21st) acquired the last name Ventura by marrying an amazing second husband...the name means journey...and I'm enjoying every minute of it...

Miss Tish

Realestate Contact

Nice to meet you I live in Canada and I am looking for people to broker with .
I would do the research find properties
at discounted prices and forward the info to you. You would then forward that info to your investor and if a sale is made we would split the profits..
75% for you and twenty five percent for my efforts. We would have to enter into
an agreement contract. Let me know what you think.

Hey Girl

Valuni's picture

I just noticed that I haven't left you a 'welcome' post here.
It's been great knowing you and I hope that one day we can do some deals together.
Wishing you great success,



agh615's picture

It was great meeting you at The Edge. Please keep in touch!

Me again

reinhilde's picture

I just sent you PM. I thought I was posting in your guestbook Smiling
I'll get the hang of this site yet.

Hope to connect with some like minded REIs in So. Cal.

Hi Karen

I wanted to stop in and tell you how excited I am about the cruise. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone.

Gotta go read more journals


just saying hello

Hello and hope all is going good for you.

Thanks for the warm welcome

jade_east's picture

Hello, Karen,
My head is reeling from all the information, opinions, strategies, etc. here, and I haven't even received my books yet! Feels like information overload for sure right now, but I felt that way when I first started back to college 3 years ago now, I pushed through it, and now they've got me teaching classes. Yes, I do have some RE experience --- like what not to do --- but I also have some practical background just from renting, moving around the world, fixing up old homes, working with home staging for other investors, and so on. Will work at building on that gradually.
Thanks again,
Jennifer E

I Need Sound Advice

If I have someone who is just wanting me to help them find a place to rent, what forms will I use and how do I get paid? I am a new student as of last week and have not yet received my books I ordered. Do you have any advice?

Also! what forms do I use when it come to those who are willing to rent to own and how does this process work? I am willing to share some of the profits if you like.

Affidavit of Liens

Kareng do you have a ("Affidavit of Liens") contract that you can share with me

Hi again

randybailiff's picture

Sent you a message last week in response to your message but not sure if they go through all the time.
How is everything going for you? Some very interesting things going on in R.E. all the time.


ready to get serious!!!

rlcervantes55's picture

Ok Karen,
So you started about a year ago, right? Did you start by incorporating your business. I didn't realize I need SO much money to even get started. How come no one talks about that? LLC fees, Academy installments,what next? I was ready to start tonight by getting my business name incorporated??? thinking all I needed was $100, but noooo - there's a STATE FEE?!?!? A stumbing block. Now I got to come up with more money! So is that how you started?

New To This

jdilley09's picture

I am a newbie and I need to get this on the road!

I love Las Vegas Nevada

RobertaN307's picture

Homes here are so pretty, only a fraction of the cost of California.

I believe my passion for looking at great houses led me here. today I found a five bedroom 3 bath...very good deal at $90,000.

How do I buy this home for myself? How.? If you have ideas, let me know.

I will seek a downpayment partner. Apply for a private money first long term investor. What other ideas do you have?


Lane McCaw's picture

How are you!

We need to talk more!

How is your investing going?

Hello Karen

chad.bartlett's picture

I am very excited for this year's edge event. I can hardly imagine what my life will be one year later, congratulating someone else who just won tickets to the event. I am sure you have enjoyed much success since last year. I look forward to enjoying some of the same. Can't wait!!


kareng's picture

Yes, it has been quite a while since we chatted. You are doing very well! Glad you have settled in and found your groove.



kareng's picture

Yes, I can't believe it has been a whole year since I was in your position!

You will have a wonderful time. It will open you up to SO many new ideas!

Enjoy and my best to you in your investing!



Mossyoak's picture

You must be a real go getter from your point total. I am fairly new to the site but a seasoned investor. I have been amazed at the resources available at the site.


Thanx so much for the suggestion. I've never done anything like this before. My cousin one time made me a myspace account (like 5 yrs. ago) but I didn't even know how to get back on. I will update my profile. Please let me know what you think.


Wow, great progress Karen /talk soon

You have a great Spirit

LadyHarris8's picture

Like the way you think. Stay focus and you will succeed!

Many Blessings



Amer Brdjanin's picture

Amer,i have some investors tell me not to work with a agent.Dean people are telling me to work with a agent.the investors are telling me it is a wrong way to go when you wholesale deals.


Jay C's picture

Thank You for stopping by my guest page.

You seem to know alot about Lease options and I would like to learn about them. I seem to have minimal time on my hand this time of year and i know this is a bad excuse. I am going to start to learn more about this business and could use your help. Any info on Lease options would be Great!!

Thanks Jay C

lease option

Mollyca11's picture

Hi Karen
I was wondering if you had any lease option properties in Orange County ( Huntington Beach) or know anyone that has any? My husband and I are looking to go this route if we can find out more about how lease option works. From the stories I've read on here it sounds like a win/win situation.
Thank you

Your Lease Option Contracts

Hello Karen,

I'm currently interested in doing lease option deals and have been unable to locate the various contracts that you've drafted and referenced in your post. Would you please tell me where I can find this information?





What type of contingences would apply to an "as is" property?

Thank you


Bird's picture

How are you?

how far are you from Highland, Calif.?

Vern Bird ph 2042314132
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

From Highland to North Hollywood

kareng's picture

75 miles or 1 1/2 hrs.


Hi Karen

SuperBee's picture

Just thought I'd stop by and spread some sunshine on your page. Smiling

Hope all is well with you.


happy Holiday season ^_^

lingdustin's picture

How are you doing!!!
Just want to keep with DG family member, try to keep support going!!! it's holiday season, wish you and your love one happy and healthy.

Subject To Deals - Free eBook on Subject To

Gpricejr's picture

Hey Karen,

Because I am also from California, I am going to show you some "California Love"

I use Subject To & Lease Options, a lot and it took me a few years to understand how they work and when to use them. I have an eBook that I purchased that really helped me out. If you shoot me an email I will forward you a copy of the eBooks I have on the subject.

Here is one way I have use both strategies - I deal with Pre-Foreclosures that's my niche. So when I can if the home owner doesn't want the house any more, but they are upside down on the mortgage. this is what I do - i explain the short sale process and how that will help them avoid foreclosure - then I start that process for them - I found a lawyer on my team that I hire to handle the process - I have a real estate Broker to assist with that process - and I make a low offer. Once that process has started I then sign a lease with the home owner to take over control of the Property. I normally I don't have to cover the mortgage payments because of the short sale process - I cover the up keep of the property and I split any profits with the home owner 80/20 me. When I get the approval on the short sale I than whole sale it or close on it. If they don't approve the short sale and/or the price they approve is not a deal for me - my Broker takes the lead and tries to find a buyer or worse case it forecloses which was going to happen anyway before I came into the picture. but at lease the home owner made a little money and bought some time to get things in order. I hope this was helpful - if you have questions shoot me a message. Also if anyone else wants a copy of the eBooks I am giving Karen just shoot me a message.

Keep trucking this is your year.
