
All About sphi99

sphi99's picture
Shirley phillips
Anderson, SC
About Me: 

Update coming soon!

Topics I've Participated In

Only YOU can change YOUR situation in Life reinvestor42817 years 12 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 5 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 14 weeks ago
KEB'S later years keb644618 years 17 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 18 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Thank you Greg. I

sphi99's picture

Thank you Greg. I appreciate that so much!


Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome

JJD's picture

Aloha & Mahalo!

Welcome Gifts For You!
download files, leave comments and Enjoy



Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


How do I get started

I'm new and I don't know anything about real estate. However, I'm interested in learning what I need to do to change my entire life like you did. There's some fear of not knowning what's going on or how to get involed.


Hi Shirley, Thanks for the suggestion on working with REOs & Foreclosures,I kind of thought that was the way I was going to have to go.I received another web answer to my question and maybe the information will be helpful to you to or at least I hope so.One of DG's Superstar's said that Banks get back the first 20% of there loss because it is covered by the Insurance the Homeowner has to pay for when they get a Mortage with less than 20% down payment, its called PMI- Private Mortage Insurance (hadn't a clue what PMI stood for until I looked it up) plus they get the interest that has been collecting ) pretty cool information Huh. Well I'm out of here talk to you soon. JohnnyPVAZ I'm just an Ol Country Boy trying to make it in the Big City. P.S, Good luck and Plenty of Success

Thank You Shirley

dreamcastle's picture

Thanks for your new ideas on cold calling blocks. I noticed you say you have to work at this 24/7. I can't do that but I will do what I can do.
May you have a successful 2011!



sphi99's picture

You misunderstood me. You don't have to work at this 24/7. I was talking about my past real estate experience as a real estate agent. I let my license expire several years ago because I was working full time at another job. As a RE agent, yes, you have to work 24/7 because there is so much competition and right now is definitely trying for RE agents simply because the market is on the down low. However, for real estate investors, we don't have to work 24/7.... you might want to... haha... because it is fun and doesn't seem like work. Read all the success stories.. you can make more in 1 hour's work doing this than you can make in a year at any other job if you're the average Joe. Hope that clears things up for you. Just read Dean's books, study,
and read this forum and you'll learn a ton of stuff.. Ask questions and just go for it and take action. You can do it!


kim mellies's picture

Shirley, hey my name is Kim. I just finished reading your profile on Deangraziosi.com. I look forward to reading about continued progress and your future real estate deals. And like me continue to surround yourself with others that have similar goals and ambitions. This is the greatest bunch of people you will ever meet. Later,

Hi Shirley

closingdeals's picture

Dropping in to say hi. I hope ur getting allot of deals in the pipeline & much success to you my friend....


Wow ur a power house

gotahavit's picture

Shirley, I didn't come on here to give any input about Agents. Ha you are handling it just fine. I won't waist your time or thread. I am looking for a house in Myrtle (beach area) Any deal you may come across. I have a cash buyer and my wife and I are still trying to put our first Dean deal together. It would be fun and GREAT to have that happen with You. I don't know how far from Myrtle you are but if you have anything holler at me and I'll try to get it done. My daughter lives there and my buyer is in Jersey. We are in Pa so if you think Agents are in need of flexibility, try doing this Ha
Thanks And Hope To Hear From You
Dave And Belinda (coming down there for Fathers' Day. Maybe we can meet to thank you in person)


Mossyoak's picture

I enjoyed reading your positive comments. Nothing wrong with with PMA.(positive mental attitude). In real estate it's location, location, location. In life it's attitude, attitude, attitude.

cool !!

Congrads on your first, I bet your so happy!!! I' am still pushing forward for mine. good Job !!!

assignments deals

Hi Shirley,
I am taking the dean 30 day to cash training program.I need to no where to get the assignment forms from.


Chasing The Dream's picture

Just stopping by your DG guest page to say hello. Looking forward to hearing more about your insight, stories, progress and future real estate deals. Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey

How much is the success academy ?

chrishone's picture

I just wanted to know been thinking about buying it don't know how much it is.

Hey Shirley

Valuni's picture

Just wanted to sign in your guestbook and let you know that it has been a pleasure 'meeting' you here on DG and following your story. I know it's only the beginning, and we will hear of your great successes very soon!
Your perserverance will pay off!

Hi Shirley!

Shirley, I saw your site and was curious to know how did this deal all pan out? Can you elaborate the details for me please? I am fairly new and have not yet finished reading Deans Profit from Real Estate Right Now book. I am very excited and have a lot of work ahead of me yet, but I am moving forward everyday. Thank you and God Bless!


Not trying to push any products but there are some you may want to try that might help you. I'm taking them for better health! It's help me!!!!!! I'm new and learning Dean's books and looking to be financially free in two years if not sooner! I am determined not to be working for someone else and making them rich! I want to work for me and make me RICH!!!! Anyway, I'm getting my feet wet and getting ready to step out of "my comfort" zone and get some deals going because the job I'm currently in will not make me "Rich" and I'm dog-gone tired of making others rich with my talents!!!
You go girl! I know that things will work out for you for the "Good Lord" is watching over you! LOL me

Hey you

keb64's picture

you online

Dean's Facebook account

sphi99's picture

Hi everybody!

It's been a while! Life and stuff! Does anybody know if Dean's FB account has been hacked? I usually see very uplifting posts from him, but for the past several days, it has been stuff that I know he would not post!!!!

Dean's FB account

sphi99's picture

Does anyone know if Dean's FB account has been hacked?