
All About Tina1

Tina1's picture
Tina Hague
Las Vegas, NV
About Me: 

California girl, turned Las Vegan 20+ yrs ago. Raised old world Italian, I'm a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother- blessed.
An entrepreneur, business owner, partner, student, seeker, and confidant. For far too many years all I was able to provide and all I didn't make time for came from working far too hard and not nearly smart enough. At age 12 I was a seamstress, at 20 something a sign maker, in my 40's a designer.

Books, books, books studied (piece by part) by the likes of Tony Robbins, Robert Allen, Brian Tracy, Bob Nelson, Victor Mark Hansen, Robert Kiyosaki, Michael Gerber, Napoleon Hill, Kaizen, Benjamin Franklin, J Paul Getty plus the bios of Disney, Schultz, and so many others. Like so many "dreamers" do I "invented" things: water in vending machines before anyone paid for water, fashion videos to sell haute couture in main stream stores, a Main Street USA neighborhood before New Urbanism was a catch phrase, and American Dream TV before reality TV began, but I never talked to anyone outside my family, but I have all the business plan concepts!

Thanks to Dean, the best books of all, I wholesale SFR's locally and anywhere. As an expert in Las Vegas real estate from the trenches, on the ground I'd like to be that go-to girl, servicing out of town buyers. Having spent several years working in Multi-family as a designer, I hope to invest in that sector also.

Last May at The Edge I was quiet. In August I opened up in a small DG brainstorm session and haven't turned back. My family is sacrificing everything to help me make this work. And, this DG family is who I talk to about talking to and nurturing my team and network. If you all would be so kind as to ask me for help, I'd appreciate it and do my best-- helping is a circular thing we can all benefit from.

“What you want also wants you.
If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you.
There are no unanswered requests in the universe.”

— Vernon Howard

Tina Hague
N3Q Properties

Life, love, passion, family, my Knight in Shining Armour, sewing, open spaces, new places, architecture and real estate

Topics I've Participated In

Letters to Sellers reinvestor42517 years 4 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago
Locking Up Deals/Assigning reinvestor42437 years 38 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 4 weeks ago

Basic Info

RE Investing & Designing
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School


Welcome to DG Family!

ecazdi's picture

Hi Tina:
Just to say hello and welcome to the DG Family.
I am new too. Just finished reading the book, and joined this great group 2 weeks ago.
If i can help in any way, just PM me or reply, will be glad to share or team up. Where are you located?
I am in Southern California.
The best for you.

A little late.....

Tina1's picture

Thank you Ernesto. I appreciate the welcome! Sorry I have been a little shy-- I email and text all day long, but I've never participated in forums before!

I'm in Las Vegas and just returned from The Edge in AZ. Were you there?

Hi Tina!

kareng's picture

I sat next to you on Saturday. it was great meeting you there! I wish you the best of luck with your RE adventures.

Maybe I will see you @ Edge 2012.


Welcome Tina

sistreat's picture

Hey Tine...glad you are a member here on Deans board. Don't be shy about posting on the board. You will find out some great information by opening up and talking to these REI people here on the board. I wish you all the best with your investing.


sistreat's picture

IF you will fill out your profile and tell us about yourself...someone in your area may contact you and you will have an investing buddy. Smiling

Hi Tina

Awaterloo's picture

You are providing some great information on the 30 Day Quick Cash thread!! You are a real rock star!!

Keep it up!!

Hi Tina

Valuni's picture

I saw your comment on Dean's Weekly Wisdom blog, so I came to your guestbook to wish you success on your rei journey.
I love scrapbooking and quilting too, but I have put them aside until I reach my rei goals!
Hope you get to go to Italy soon!


Thank you Miss Tina

I just watched the Edge and am now inspired. My life is going down a really tough downward spiral or has been extremely hard since September...a ridiculous amount of death in our family and now I'm the Head of the Household and am struggling.

I want to get started, but don't know how and or where to start with absolutely NO money in hand. Can you Please give me a bit of advice on a "stepping ground"? Please?

Thank you in advance for your encouragement and time.


Hi Tina

Im having hard time finding people sharing little details with me. I still on my first deal im doing wholesale and still stuck.
If im not bothering and if you have 5 minuts of your time i would appreciate very much. I dont have a mentor or someone that I can ask questions. I try send couple messages on forums but kind confusing still... never used forum before. Well i see that you done this a few times and if you would like to answer few of my questions i would be so happy!

I have a list of buyers aredy and I been putting lot offers today a REO deal accepted my offer zillow and totalview website says the house is worth it 138K I got the house for 36K 3 bed 2 bath need about 15 K reehab.
Well now i get to scrow the 1000 earnest money and they just told me that REO DONT do ASSIGNMENT CONTRACT!

what should i doooooo???

Thank you so much for your time... if you to busy sorry bothering you!

Bruno Iarussi

Hi Tina!

Cocoon's picture

Hi Tina!

I just wanted to thank you for all the help and all the posts that you contribute here at DG! You are one amazing lady with a big heart for helping and that is a wonderful trait! I learn a lot from your posts as well! So thanks! I appreciate you! Smiling Looking forward to meeting you at The Edge 2012 in Arizona!

God bless you and your family always!



HELP! "Who Moved My Cheese?"

Hi Tina,

You sound so interesting!!

I am currently enrolled in my first class in Denver, Colorado. I am having trouble in retrieving "Cheese" and need it for class tomorrow. Can you help?? It is supposed to be under insider's resource....


Hello Tina

pitbull2012's picture

I didn't realize you joined just last year. From the help I've seen here in several different places you sound as if you have been here from the beginning. I've learned alot just from your posts alone and want to thank you for you generosity. Good luck in all you do!

I just saw this!

Tina1's picture

Bruno, this was nearly two weeks ago! I am so sorry, yes the forums are a little hard to navigate. Next time yoiu help, PM me and post a thread by going to CONTRIBUTE on the left of the screen. that post will show up in WHAT's NEW and people will answer.

It sounds like you got a great deal, but you need to verify the comp (ask your RE Agent to do an MLS comp for you), have a contractor walk thru with you if nec to verify that there are no foundation issues (or other very expensive / permit type issues), contact a title co and ask for a PROFILE (a pre-lim title search) and you should be covered.
No you cannot ASSIGN REO's, but you can do DOUBLE CLOSINGS-- lots of info on the site here and in Dean's books and programs about Dbl-Closings.

I'll copy this and post it to the public part of the site. By asking on MY page, I am the only one who sees it, unless visits my page.

Hope you are doing the deal!

Good Luck,

Kiki, I am sorry for your losses, and what life has handed you,

Tina1's picture

but as they say we never get more than more we handle.

Spiraling downward has only one way to go. Up.

Look up, think forward-- be a little mouse in the corner of the room watching yourself (not kidding this is an exercise)-- by doing so, you really can't stay down in the dumps, you really can't take the easy way out, you become accountable.

I am so sorry I did not see this until now-- I will try to watch my guest book better.

You need to start WHOLESALING. You can do it but it takes time and effort and most importantly follow the sequence, the order of the steps. You can do this and propel yourself upward in mere months and you can begin making your first money as soon as say $500 in a month or less, or it may take 3 months and the money will be coming in according to your focus and attention. I made my first $4,400 in 60 days, my first $10,000 in 90 days and I my first $25,000 in 5 months, with no money except a borrowed $500 and money for the bandit signs. It is real!

If you have one of Dean's books read the steps, the general steps (you can refer back to details later), if not scan, review, read this thread: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/86517/30-...

Lastly, please accept my sincere apologies for asking this, as I am sorry for your losses, BUT are there any homes from the losses in your family that need to be sold to benefit the heirs? If so, you have your first opportunity right in front of you and it will help the heirs move on with their lives.


Harry, Thank you!

Tina1's picture

I am honored you feel my posts are helping-- that's what it's all about!

Just a thought, it really helps to fill out your profile it you want to find others in your area, and when we answer a question, we can answer based on your level of knowledge in the DG system!

You take care--

Love your "handle" Sherri!

Tina1's picture

SOOOOOO sorry, I just saw this. I was in class in Scottsdale, AZ at the EDGE. As I've been telling everyone I will start looking at my guestbook more often.

So, did you find your "cheese" Saturday? Please tell us all about it!

It sounds like it was one of Dean's affiliate programs you went to.... ?


Cris, It was such a pleasure to meet you at the EDGE!

Tina1's picture

Thank you for the kind words, and "back at 'ya!" you are so helpful here on DG. Your time is appreciated!

I hope the EDGE propels you to wherever you wish to go!


Miss Tina, Thank you for

Miss Tina,

Thank you for your heartfelt response and encouragement! I really appreciate your time in responding. No homes left behind, my family has been struggling for years. I have been the only and sole supporter for a long time and feel as though my life keeps spiraling down with all my money worries. I looked to DG and his site for help to get out of this mess.

I am scheduled to attend the seminar this week at Green Valley Ranch and hopefully learn a few things to help me get started. Thank you again for your words of wisdom!


Cioa Tina

I like your comment "old world Italian"
Well so am I. I mean I imegrated to USA in 1964. Proud of my Paisano Dean G. as I'm sure you are, well I allways like to read your messages looking foward to discussing the coffee club I live in Queens, New York. Talk soon
Ciao for now.


Hi, Tina

RobertaN307's picture

If you can take a note and deed of trust for the downpayment, or help me to find a great partner. I am taking my first steps with Dean Graziosi. When I was a kid I used to get beat up by neighbor kids because there was an Italian man in our house. I told them that man was my Father and I would get beat again. I know alot about hate and sorrow, I pray that there is a miracle of good coming my way. I am still learning how to use the wonderful website. Hope you know a way to help me. I live in North Las Vegas.

Each House or All

RobertaN307's picture

Send more information please, thank you

Hi Tina!

I had to put in a quick hello from one "Old World Italian" to another. My father's from Naples, Italy. Many of us residing in Pingree, Idaho. I don't know why just felt like I had to share it with you! I am in Salem, Oregon. It's nice to hear of your success in RE! I will be there someday!

The best for you,


Ciao tutti!

Tina1's picture

Kiki, Nunzio, Roberta, Angie--

Thank you so much for stopping in to say Ciao!
My apologies, as I do not look here on my account often and I forget to check for people leaving notes in my guestbook.

Here's hoping you are all doing well.
Roberta, you asked a question about taking a Deed and about "all houses"; I'm sorry but I'm not certain what you are referring to. If you could ask a specific question referring to what prompted the question, start a post, or PM me I may be able to answer-- I hope!

Be well,

Hi Tina

Hello Tina. I currently live in Victorville,Ca but want to relocate to Las Vegas.I am dealing with a couple of Realtors in a house search and as you know the inventory in Vegas is down (partly thanks to the new law in Nevada they passed this year making it harder to foreclose on)You can keep me in mind if you should find a wholesale deal 0r REO that I could move into,fix & flip.Thanks.

Let me know what you are looking for!

Tina1's picture

Darn it, Frank! Apologies, I still can't seem to look in my guestbook enough so I am just now seeing your post.

Please let me know what you are looking for in a home:
- cash for purchase or down pymt?
- if you are financing, how much are you approved for?
- if you cannot get financed, how much can you pay in a monthly payment?
- how fast can you close?
- what special things do you need in a home, ie.:
- beds & bath?
- garage?
- pool?
- 1 or 2 story?
- larger lot or development?
- HOA? If so, limit of monthly fee?
- what area? do you need near work or schools? If so, proximity?
That should do it.
I can help you find something.


My partner

Family Investors's picture

Hi Tina.
I have previously emailed you in regards to asking you questions about our business in Las Vegas. My partner was hoping to email you some questions as well.
We are getting our feet wet with a property in Alabama but are also looking to open up projects out here as well.

Hi Patti-

Tina1's picture

I hope I responded to your email -)
please let me know if I missed something, and of course your partner is welcomed to get in touch.


Great meeting up with you.

Lizeth D Galvan's picture

Hi Tina,

Just wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for meeting up with me. It was great talking with you. Super excited for whats to come.

Talk to you soon,

-Lizeth D. Galvan

Hi Tina!!

Reyn's picture

Hi Tina,

I just saw your profile. Noticed you were in Vegas. I am also in Vegas. I am currently working in the construction field on the strip. But I am slowly trying to get into REI full time. Hard to do with a big mortgage payment.

I was wondering if there are more DG'ers here in Vegas that you know of. It would be cool if there was, for local support on our way to wealth.

Reynolds & Haidee

Real Estate in Vegas

randybailiff's picture

Hi Tina,

My name is Randy and I just ran across one of your postings so thought I would say hi.

How are you enjoying the brisk LV real estate market? It is pretty exciting there right now. I remember Henderson back in 2005. what a market.

I am now one of Dean's Investment and Life Coaches. He has just added on the Life coaching and there are two us at this point.

I would love to hear about your successes and insights in the LV market!


Randy Bailiff

Hello Randy!

Tina1's picture

Hi Randy,

Glad to "meet" you. Please accept my apologies for not seeing this sooner. I am certain I am supposed to be getting in touch with you as a MM member, but as you said, Vegas is CRAZY right now.

Hmmmm, insights from the ground in Vegas:
• the frenzy has hurt "pro" investors by overpaying, but that has another side, because it also raises the resales
• the frenzy has left Listing Agents and more so the Asset Managers thinking they get more than they can, again that has another side; I wait in the wings and catch them after they fall out 2-3 times
• appraisals are ultra cautious, hurting our sales to home buyers, and the catch 22 prevails with cash as king
• if PM guys were feeling a little less cautious, the bigger money maker would be in lending; doing land contracts for the buyers who can't get a home to save their neck, but.... that may have to wait until after the elections
• it's been 13 weeks since the frenzy really hit and our low-end takes went from $35K to $60, but the $75-$125's are still hot, hot, hot and did not rise as much.
* I built a system to have 200 active offers out at all times and still it's hard to catch at the right price, but I feel it will correct a bit as soon as school starts and then we should see a dip near the election.
• I'm lining up buyers to have cash on the shelves in a big way for Dec closings- I feel the deals will be plentiful for the end of Q4.

Re: S/S's --- I have not been doing S/S's since last Dec. They are still taking 6-7 months and the AM's are coming back at list, so the only S/S's I do are tenant occupied.

We have just under 4000 Total SFR's listed in the Valley, ~400 REO's, ~200 under $88K (my specialty) and another 100 or so up to $200K (I do these as well), BUT there are 12,000 SFR's under contract, the bulk of which are S/S's. Many of these will end up as FC's and become available as REO's, or at least fall through and be BOM.

Our cash sales over all dropped from 240 in June to only 122 in July, so it's not just me that had a tough time; we all did! And, if I had to guess, many of those were at/over list. I do the analysis but it's not done yet.

Thank you, Randy. EEEK, I'm probably in trouble for not calling you, so I need to very soon.


Better understanding ??

ADTG's picture

I read your post on the weekly wisdom for the area management opportunity. I didn't completely understand some of the things you wrote I'm pretty new at everything. Would you mind explaining a little please ?

Weekly Wisdom #217 Post

Tina1's picture

Hi Alton,

Hope this helps. I'm not certain what or which parts you don't understand, but here goes:
To answer Dean and Matt's 6 questions, I made sure the results of the stats were clean; for instance the average sale price in Columbus is $128,000, but the average for a 3 bedroom X 1 bath in the Metro area I work in is $48K, and the Property Tax, square feet, DOM and rents follow suit.

I've been buying and selling in the area since August and I added my actual results below the answers.
- my actual average purchase price has been $12,207
- my actual rents are under the average stat of $650 at $638 at this moment (BUT I had them rehab'd and rented in under 5 weeks)
- my expected rents will be $18,144 on the 28 I am rehabbing now, and all together my average will be $646 (so very close to the average statistic)
- my current cash on cash return is 59%, inotherwords on my 4 sales I was all-in (incl cost of money, fees, holding & closing costs) $113,000 and the sales were $180,000, so $180,000-$113,000 + $67,000/$113,000 = 59.29%
- lastly on the 19 lot just closing, the plan is is phase the repairs and self-fund the repairs of 14 after the first 5 are done and sold, this will result in a higher cash on cash return estimated at 77%. BUT if i get an influx of cash it will make the job go faster and smoother, so I would gladly give up part of the return to pay for a simpler process.
Does this help?

Bird Dog NM Albuquerque Area

Hello Tina If your looking for deals here in Albuquerque I would like to team up with your investors and have them fund wholesale deals I find. Inventory here is great for assignments just needing private money to close deals. Let me know if EZ2Rent can be of service in providing you with assignments deals and deals to wholesale. Until then Happy Mothers Day! Hope to hear from you soon.
