steve kibler

All About steve and veronica

steve and veronica's picture
Steve and Veronica
Northern California and Florida also have lived in Illinois and Indiana.
About Me: 

My wife and I have been married for over 29 years. We attend Bayside Church in Granite Bay. We have some investment property's now but want to get a lot more. We have flipped a house and want to flip a lot more.

Members of the Success Academy.

USMC Semper Fi.

Church, Bass fishing,

Topics I've Participated In

Only YOU can change YOUR situation in Life reinvestor42817 years 12 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 43 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 46 weeks ago
PropTrend Problem DJMario148 years 4 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Sheriff's Dept.Correctional Officer now Retired. Veronica network specialist/ both REI.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Steve and Veronica,

Indiana-Joe's picture

I just wanted to stop by your guest page and say hello. I wish you luck with real estate investing and I look forward to reading about your future real estate deals whether they are in California, Illinois or Indiana. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Seen you in the Newsletter

steve and veronica's picture

Hi Indiana Joe. I seen you in the newsletter. You have done a very good job. I am happy for you and your wife.

We have an accepted offer in on two properties in Danville Il. We should close in Nov. God willing.

How about them Bears 3-1 good stuff.

Keep up the good work.
Steve and Veronica


Indiana-Joe's picture

Just wanted to stop by again and say hello. I am glad the Chicago Bears made some really good pick-ups this Spring. If the defense is 100%, it could be our year! Smiling We wish you and Veronica continued success in all that you do. Please stay in touch and let me know how the deals are going. Believe and achieve! Smiling - Joe

Thanks Joe

steve and veronica's picture

I do hope it is the Bears year. I tell evryone that I work with that the Bears will be in the super bowl every year.

We were dealing on houses in Danville Il. but the banks did not come threw for us at the last minute. At that time we went to the stock classes put on by Rich Dad what a mistake that was. I did learn good info for the stock market but stocks are not doing well right now.

Your e bay will be a better sorce of income than stocks.

Some guys from my work are meeting with my wife and I to go in on deals together here in California. I will let you know how that turns out.

Thanks for being the investers that you and your wife are. It keeps me motivated to keep in the game.

I hope to meet you and your wife soon, maybe next year at the EDGE event or if you get out to Sacramento area on a book signing deal look me up.


Hi Steve and Veronica

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and say hello to both of you. I see that you are going to close on 2 properties soon. Congratulations! That is like adding 2 new members to your family!
I wish you well in your journey to real estate riches. I have close 21 cash deals since I started on the board...using none of my own money. Dean is great and has helped to change so many lifes. He is a good guy and I know you will enjoy being a part of this great community of investors he has created for all of us.

Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture

Just thought I'd stop by, chime in, and Say HI!!!



Steve and Veronica,
Hello! My name is Maria and I read some of your postings and that you live in Northern California. I joined in late June and have read all that I can and have watched every video and have even gone back to Dean's earlier blogs. My questions to you are: How long did it take you to acquire property with no money down? Are you just investing for now or do you plan to make this a full-time project?

Not long at all

steve and veronica's picture

We have bought 4 homes over the years with no money down. It has helped to be a veteran ( Semper Fi) and use VA loans. We have one home also we bought in 07 with no money down when banks would do 80/20 loans.

We will be doing REI full time in a few short years.

Steve and Veronica

Terrified to make a big mistake

I want to get the success academy program, but I am getting frustrated with Dean' s sale people. They are so pushy. I don' t have $3500 play money to throw out the window. However, if I felt safe, I would be happy to invest that money into a better future. The sales people' s pushiness makes me worried that this is a bad idea.

Reading the books got me so excited to start, but my husband is sceptical, because he read bad reviews of Dean.

I don't know what to do. What is your experience?

Thanks so much! God bless you!

Steve and Veronica

Chasing The Dream's picture

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Hope all is going well in your Real Estate world.
Take care and keep us posted.
Carpe Diem

Thanks Stacey

steve and veronica's picture

For stopping by.

Steve and Veronica.

Los angeles

davibeto's picture

Hello Steve and Veronica,
I'm and investor in the LA area, wanting to know if we can team up. I work with lease options and wholesale homes.Message me with your contact info and see if we can do business. Thanks,

Thanks for stoping by

steve and veronica's picture

WE sent you a PM.

Steve and Veronica.

Hi Steve and Veronica!

Zion Properties's picture

I wanted to stop by your profile and say hi. Laughing out loud Us Californian's have to stick together! I saw you too are investing out of state. I have found that is the best way so far. Sticking out tongue I've been with my husband for 23 years, you guys have a year on me! Smiling

Thanks Tammy

steve and veronica's picture

For stoping by. We have been blessed to be together for 24 years. My Mom and Dad (Steve)have been together for 57 years and Veronica's Mom and Dad 43 years. We come from a long line of love.

Steve and Veronica.

re: I'm just getting started

Hi, I'm 59 yr. old woman. Have Business Education degree and sales experience. I'm a new member. Are there members that are willing to mentor?



steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for stoping by. Have you looked into the Succsess Academy. Thats where we started after the books.

You have came to the right site The DG family will help you with your REI questions.

Welcome to the Family.

Steve and Veronica.

New Deal

Bob43's picture

Congratulations on your deal in Indiana. I appreciate you sharing your success with everyone. It helps me stay motivated. My wife is skeptical and most of my family would not be supportive. I need to prove it to them before my Real Estate Investing will be accepted.

I am still working on my first deal in Northern California. I have a Real Estate Agent and made 3 offers last week. I do however have concerns about making cash offers without a buyers list in place. I am trying to build that list a quickly as possible. I am going to meet with a prospective home seller this afternoon to view a property. Wish me luck on getting it locked up on contract..


steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for stopping by. Are you looking for cash buyers in the Tahoe area.


Hi Steve and Veronica

Shawn SD's picture

Hi Steve and Veronica,

I just wanted to mention that I thought your comments regarding Dean's latest video blog were genuine and simply wonderful. I am new to and REI. I am one of the new SFL members, and I am still going through the material and getting things set up. Your comments caught my attention because they were so heartfelt. I also noticed that we have a few things in common. I also live in California, but I am originally from Indiana. I still have family and friends there, and I am looking to invest there as well as California. Maybe the thing we share the most in common is that I am a former Marine. This is why I could really see the genuine nature of your post. It is that unspoken language of truth written between the words that Marines share. I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and thank you for sharing your sincerely motivational story. Best wishes to both of you, and of course...Semper Fi.


Thank You

steve and veronica's picture

for the kind words. Best of luck to you in your REI.

God Bless

Semper Fi


Greetings from Camino, Ca

cedarcreekent's picture

Hi Steve And Veronica,

Wanted to say "Hi and God Bless" to both of you. It's nice to see neighbors and also family in all sense of the word.

If you need any help of any kind, give me a call or email me.

My business partner and I have been super busy and ready to finally get our lined up ducks ready to roll.

Super blessings to you both!

John and Connie
Cedar Creek Enterprises

John and Connie

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for stoping by. God bless the both of you.

Our first home was in Camino when we moved up here to Nor Cal.

We should get together some time.

Steve and Veronica.

Steve and Veronica,

Indiana-Joe's picture

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. We got a little snow yesterday and we are getting Spring fever. Hoe you have a great weekend. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


steve and veronica's picture

You can always come out to California to warm up.



Im just starting with Dean,I couldnt wait to order he's books from he's webb page,So I drove to the nearest book store and purhased two books,Be a real estate Millionaire,profit from real estate.Im just reading to get started.Where can I set up a free webb page from deans site?

if you can point me in the
right direction right now I'm lost



Lex Templar's picture

Your response and help means a lot to me. I tried PMing you but for some odd reason couldn't do it so I re-posted on the forum "Help Lex get to Gain The Edge 2011 by helping him make his first deal!" Thanks again for your help.

Hi Steve and Veronica

ecazdi's picture

Just to say hi to both of you.
I am new in DG family, just finished the book and eager to start my first deal!
I am in Imperial Vallley County:
Brawley, Calexico and El Centro, California are the main cities here.
If you need somone in this area, please let me know, maybe we can team up.
All success for you guys!


steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for stopping by our home page. If we need anyone in that area I will let you know. One of my best friends from the Marines lived in El Centro,Ca.

I was close to working for Indio PD before I got the job up North here.


Getting Started

bao_min's picture

Hi Steve and Veronica. I am new to real estate and have yet to complete my first deal. I paid for the initial workshop event a month or so ago, but was financially unable to buy into the inner circle offered to me at that time.

Since then, I have bought the books, and found both buyers and sellers, but just have not managed to put any deals together. So I'm thinking about enlisting the help of the academy to help me through my first few deals -- which they seem to pretty much guarantee as long as I follow the program steps.

Just wanted to ask if you both recommend paying for the extra help from the coaches, and how that all works.

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.




steve and veronica's picture

Thank you Gina for stopping by. I will send you a PM.


Churches :- )

ermatingerj's picture

Hi Steve & Veronica. Just reading some of your posts and noticed you attend Bayside Church in Granite Bay, CA. We attend Bayside Church in Safety Harbor, FL. Haha - just thought that was cool. Blessings to you both! : )


steve and veronica's picture

That is cool Lois. I do not know if you have heard of Pastor Ray Johnston he is our sr Pastor. Our music leader is the one and only Lincoln Brewster.

We have an awsome church.


stopped to say hi

eashmt's picture

Saw that you had lived in Indiana we also moved to Montana from In 1990. We are staying with my mom in In for a month and want to do real estate while here.There are some good deals and would love to partner if it worked out. We also are in love with Jesus Christ!

Hi from IN

LoriTrent's picture

I just saw that you buy in IN, wanted to touch base. I'm in IN and am just getting started. Smiling

Lori Trent


steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for stopping by. If you would like to work a deal in Indiana let me know I am always looking to buy in the Fountain county area of Indiana. Send me a PM and tell me how you would like to partner on some deals.



steve and veronica's picture

I see you live in Elkhart county. We lived in Elkhart for 12 years. We do hope to buy some property up in Elkhart county in the next year or so. I hope the work has picked up some in that area. During the 90s it was a great area to find a job. I do miss that area. I think they have the best county fair there.

You take care Lori


Steve and Veronica

Valuni's picture

I just noticed that I had not signed in your guestbook!
It has been great sharing some posts with you for the last year or so, and reading about your deals and progress; oh yes, and watching your video last year!
I hope we can meet at the Edge 2012!
wishing you continued success,

House just sold

eashmt's picture

WAY TO GO Steve and Veronica!! Thank GOD

WE are back home and looking for deals .

Have a house to sell and tital comp.
missed disclosing that there was now leagle document-able right of way.So are in proses of making it wright with them. In Montana law you can't be denied a right of way. Might be a long haul!
Any advice might help on this.

Anyway this is not why I started to write-Blessing on more deals.
Ora and Irene

Ora and Irene

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks for the kind words on our sale.

I do not know what to tell you about your deal. I have not had to deal with that issue.

Do you belong to the academy? If so that would be a good topic for the coaches.


Steve and Veronica

Picture of one home


jackk09's picture