
All About Mark K

Mark K's picture
Mark K
Western NY
About Me: 

I was a machinist for 13 years until the company shut down and moved to it's parent company in Ohio. I didn't like the fact that somebody else controlled my income and dictated when & where I should work so I swore off employers for good.

I am involved in a distributed computing effort called Folding @ Home where users combine their computer's idle processing time to help advance knowledge on diseases like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's and others.
See Folding @ Home for more info.
Click Here if you're interested in seeing my current stats in the project.

And last, but not least, Focus On Happiness!

internet marketing, inspiring others, woodworking, fitness, real estate & computer tech/repair

Topics I've Participated In

Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 5 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago
Investor Profile Form reinvestor42447 years 14 weeks ago
Locking Up Deals/Assigning reinvestor42437 years 38 weeks ago
DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 30 weeks ago

Basic Info

Internet Marketing, Wood Craftsman
Some College

Sites I Visit


Thanks for the links

jade_east's picture

I went directly to that PDF and downloaded it; thought I had it before, but the waves of lightning storms coming through the mountains then must have zipped it. BTW, just hung a triptych for my solo show at the college with the title and theme "Thinking Without the Box" ---
mixed media and recycled materials.
Love your tag line.

Glad I could help!

Mark K's picture

Had to look-up triptych, didn't realize that's what they're called. If you took any pictures of it I'd be interested at looking at them, sounds pretty creative. I'm artistically aware but chicken-scratch challenged. I have a Compucarve (can't post link apparently cause people think it's spam) but haven't used it in a while. Good luck in your real estate endeavors!

Wow, haven't seen triptych

Wow, haven't seen triptych posted anywhere else here and certainly didn't expect to find it on DG.com! LOL!

Well...I guess I know a little something about em anyway...it's how I got my screename, afterall. Eye-wink

Happy Sunday Morning Mark

joeyharp_2001's picture

Hey Mark, I need to get your e-mail address. The DG office has me confused as to where we can type it on the site: In responding to classified or on these PM comment boards; I've got to get you my e-mail address and pass you a quick phone number to my Partner Mark Van Dyke who has the info for you... SO.. You can try to pass me a phone number for you and I'll have Mark Van Dyke get in touch with you. OR: go to my FACEBOOK: Joseph Reesha and request to be a friend OR go to the DeanGraziosiGroup FaceBook page and we can connect there! That is the most active point within the system anyway and we can exchange accordingly. Thanks and if your not too busy, lets try to do so today, SUNDAY Joseph with a Smile

Home Inspection

Deans program is all about not using your own money in any such part of doing real estate. How would I get a home inspection without using my own money? Thanks!

Hey Mark

reinvestor42's picture

Just stopped in to say hey and thanks for the nice job you did organizing/indexing the 30day quick cash formula.

Best wishes on your REI journey,



Mark K's picture

Thanks Mike, I appreciate the kind words.
The list was a group effort. If it wasn't for Alaskaren creating the list in the first place I would have never thought of it.

May the RE gods bless you with 1001 closings. Eye-wink

Hi Mark

Valuni's picture

I keep bumping into you throughout the threads in the forum, so I thought I'd stop by and sign in your guestbook to wish you great success on your rei journey!
Getting the foundation laid out for your rei takes time and perserverance, but once the first deal comes through, the others will follow!
Wishing you blessings as well,

Hi Mark!

Cocoon's picture

Thought I'd sign in your guestbook too! You are a DG . com treasure. Thanks for always being helpful to everyone! Happy investing!



JoshV's picture

I would love to network with you. I'm also apart of the Success Academy and joined in July of 2011. I done in Brooklyn and hope we can exchange experiences and information. PM me your info and let's keep on pushing for that first deal.



Mark K's picture

Did you mean Mark or are you on the wrong profile? lol.
Anyway, thanks for the invite, pm sent.


kim mellies's picture

After reading some of your journals I'm impressed. For it's just been recently that I've started using deangraziosi.com for one of my resources. But now I can't seem to stay away.

I look forward to talking with you sometime. And if you get a chance check me out on dg.com or facebook.

Can you please email me a co wholesaling or JV partner agreement

Hi Mark,
I am currently doing a co-wholesaling or jv partner agreement with somebody to sell my wholesale deal under contract. Please email me sample forms of your agreements?
Sincerely, Rosepal, rosalindbuysell@****

Can you please email me a co wholesaling or JV partner agreement

Hi Mark,
I am currently doing a co-wholesaling or jv partner agreement with somebody to sell my wholesale deal under contract. Please email me sample forms of your agreements?
Sincerely, Rosepal, rosalindbuysell@****