
All About investorinmissouri

investorinmissouri's picture
Makeba Hart
Independence, MO
About Me: 

I have been investing in real estate since 2009. The first year I completely failed and never even closed my first deal until after I got training from deans Programs. I have an amazing partner Dominic and together in 2010 we started our company.

This has been an amazing journey and I love being a part of Dean's family. As of today we have close over 20 deals and counting!! I look forward to that number being in the hundred for 2014. I have attended 3 edge events and this year will be my 4th!!! Woo HOO!!

My Market is in Kansas City but we have connected with many people across the country. I will go where ever my buyers take me and where I can provide OUTSTANDING service for them and there investment portfolio's.

I look forward to meeting with you all and have an AMAZING 2014

Reading, Investing, and Improving life of anyone I can including my self.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Blank bandit signs are expensive thishousebuyer258 years 16 weeks ago
DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 27 weeks ago
From This Day Forward-Kareng's Journal kareng10808 years 32 weeks ago
My First Investment and Thanks everyone! John Trivett278 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


Hi Seen You online

are you interested in a bird dog to find you properties in Mo Ks and any where else was wondering just getting in this business.



Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome

JJD's picture

Aloha & Mahalo!

Welcome Gifts For You!
download files, leave comments and Enjoy

Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!



investorinmissouri's picture

Actually I never knew about this section until just now. I never saw this LOL. Yes absolutly I would love to partner on deals and any information shared would be awesome.


Tim3's picture

how are ya! I'm actually looking to partner with someone on some deals when you say that you do deals...are you personally funding? and what do you look for

Thank you :)

investorinmissouri's picture

Hi there and thank you. I just saw this today. I never knew about this part of the site LOL.

what i have done so far

investorinmissouri's picture

Currently this is what I have done.

I have submitted a total of 52 offers. one accepted by a seller waiting on the bank to approve. Another accepted due to close soon. This one I am planing to wholesale to another investor.

I am not funding any properties just funding my marketing which is ink, paper, sharpies, poster boards, my computer, my car, and my awesome go getter attitude Smiling

I have done alot of work so far. Writing ads, putting up signs, flyers, handing out business cards, attending meetings, posting on forums, researching properties,viewing properties, searching for properties, backgrounds, talking with buyers and sellers, going through ads, reading books, doing my training, along with so many other elements.

Action all the way Smiling what kind of partnership are you looking for? What have you done so far? I currently have an amazing partner as well. But I am always looking to partner on any deal that can be worked.

Live in Independence, MO too!

donna47's picture

Hi Makeba,
Let me know if you want a local partner to close on some deals. I have been in RE for 3 years, full time 1 1/2.

Good Luck with the amazing journey you are taking!


hi makeba

Jay Sthilaire's picture

great job !! good luck to you and your partner and family.knowledge+action = results as dean says and you guys r proving that !!
success to you

Bird Dog in KC!

My name is Carl and I am very interested in the KC market please email me.


real estate club

It is in the St Louis MO area It is at 12777 Olive blvd. that is in the county at the intersetion off Fee Fee Rd and Olive.It is the only one that I can find in the St louis area Dean streasses this as part of your power team so I am going,

Help Each Other

maybe we can still help each other now and then with different properties I don;t know what kind and price of property you are looking for but if find something good in the kc area i can swing it your way.right now iam getting ready to close on a home i flipped and are talking to some people about some multi family units wish me luck i am studing up about this. part of RE.


What made it click for you guys? Help...

sroberts9's picture

Hi my name is Susan Roberts and I was reading your post about how you and your husband made this happen. I've been reading, searching, on how to make this happen I read stories about folks who were just like me - confused on exactly what to do - broke, bad credit or no credit. I just wondered what clicked for you guys? How did you do your 1st assignment? Do you have completed forms that maybe you can share with me? I've been told to do it creatively - without going to closing? I have no money, no experience in repairs, I don't even own a home of my own. My husband and I used my retirement to pay off our debts so we are "thank God" debt free and I want to do assignments but, I am not sure exactly how to do them without going to closing and I don't want to turn down a deal because I don't know how to do it. Can you please help? You've done so well with all your ribbons here it shows you finally got it and its working for you guys. Any help would be appreciated. I've searched these forums and still have not found a solid answer and I know everyone is busy making money and don't really have time to help out even if they wanted too. But, any help is appreciated. Thank you

With out going to closing

investorinmissouri's picture

The only assignment I have done with out going to closing was very unusual.

My buyers had cash. It was a probate. It was done with a lawyer who I sent the contracts to and my buyers paid my assignment fee directly. I got half up front and the other half we got the day they received their warranty deed. They had to go record it at the recorder of deeds office at the court house.

I do not recommend this. I was my first assignment. After it was all said and done when I talked to my coach about it we should have gone to a title company or had the attourney provide the title insurance. There was no insurance on the title which means that if there is a lien or any encumbrances on the property it passes to my buyer. Thankfully there was nothing more than back taxes owed which we knew ahead of time because I did my own search prior to making the deal. But you should always close with title insurance so you are covered.

submitting offers

When you submitted your offers, Were you asked for an EMD? Were those offers dealing with a real estate agent for the seller? I have located several good deals, but unable to submit an offer because I do not have any funds or credit for EMD. Most buyers want you to have it under contract and they take it from there, but if you don't have EMD you can't get it under contract and you are back to square one.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


investorinmissouri's picture

I have a partner that helps me with the EM. But we also line up our buyer and according to the state issued contracts here in MO we have 10 days to get the EM to them unless otherwise stated in the contract. This is when I have my end buyer give us a NON refundable deposit in the amount of the EM. That deposit is given to the title company but make sure you put that it goes to you in your contract with them. Otherwise the title company will hold it for the second transaction.

Another way to get EM is if you partner up with one of your buyers and search for homes for them but you let them know that once you find a home the contract is accepted they will be the one putting up the funds for the EM. This is only if you have had a relationship with your buyer and they know the kind of deals you do and trust you.

Makeba & Donna

Brashier.Investments.KCMO's picture

Hello Makeba & Donna,

I also stay within the greater Kansas City area, and I thought I would make a connection with you both. Furthermore, I purchased Dean's book about two years ago, but the after result ended in ignoring the book due to college demands. Recently, I purchased his last two books, and I plan on reading them to get stated; however, I wanted to make my first connection in our local area. Maybe we could do business sometimes, learn from each other, and/or share different perspectives (hopefully, real soon). Eye-wink

Hi Makeba

Valuni's picture

Just wanted to sign in your guestbook and be on the top before you become the next millionaire and have your profile flooding with posts from everyone seeking advice from you!

Wishing you great success,

Going Great Guns already

Wow Makeba
Thought I would stop in and say hi, how did you and Dominic get together? I am very impressed by all you have done so far with marketing and forming your business. Looking forward to many more deals in the future.


our meeting

investorinmissouri's picture

Actually Dominic and I met in a wierd way. He was my guild leader on a game we played for 2 years LOL. That is how we met:)

Hey Val:) :)

investorinmissouri's picture

YAY you signed my guest book.

you will be the next millionaire with me:) Smiling I look forward to seeing you at the top along side all of us. We are all in this together:)

Reply to your Online request. for Bird Dogs

LaCorte Assets's picture


If you have opportunities in Eastern Pennsylvania...let's chat!



kim mellies's picture

Makeba, hey my name is Kim. I just finished reading your profile on I look forward to reading about continued progress and your future real estate deals. And like me continue to surround yourself with others that have similar goals and ambitions. This is the greatest bunch of people you will ever meet.


investorinmissouri's picture

Hey Kim, I am glad you feel the same. I am looking forward to getting to know you: )


kareng's picture

Hello, my friend!

I look forward to partnering with you on some future deals. Let's make this happen!


Hi Makeba

chad.bartlett's picture

I saw your website the other day. It looks great. It caught my eye because I used to live in Overland Park, KS and I've been looking at properties in the Johnson county area. I am flying into KC in the beginning of April before heading to AZ for the EDGE conference. It'd be nice to talk with another DGer.

Hi Makeba

closingdeals's picture

Dropping in to say hi. I had to start a new profile since my old one got lost Smiling I hope ur getting allot od deals in the pipeline & much success to you my friend....


investorinmissouri's picture

Oh man I wish I saw this a long time ago. Yes yes lets talk please send me a PM : )

Hugs to you John

investorinmissouri's picture

Hey John, hehe I just saw this. Yes I ham working on that pipeline I got it going:)


investorinmissouri's picture

Moving back the islands? What Islands LOL I wanna move back to Cali:) : )

So Sweet and Smart

Tina1's picture

Hi Makeba,

Even with 4 days at The EDGE, there's never enough time to talk and gather stories-- thank heavens for to get to know our sisters and brothers here.

Thank you for all you do, and for being you!

I look forward to reading up on how you went from focusing on REO's to "so much more".

Hi to Dominic, too Eye-wink

Thank you

investorinmissouri's picture

Oh Tina, I just now saw this. Thank you so much for the complement It means a lot to me and Dom:) You are so right there is never enough time.

Add me to your buyers and sellers list asap

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Keep up the good work god bless.

Join deans diamond syndication group.

hello from Ft. Leonard Wood

saelua's picture

I am investor here in the ft. Leonard Wood, Mo area. A lot of retired people here as am I. I was wondering if there might a possible partnership for the Mo state investor.
Thank you.