
All About LaCorte Assets

LaCorte Assets's picture
Near Allentown, PA
About Me: 

3/12...I am diligently working every day to get a deal done. I am quite optimistic!

Obviously, I went to a Dean event...yes, Buying Summit in Vegas! It was awesome! Didn't buy, but surely one day I will. Met tons of amazing people and took away tons of inspiration and ideas. Working on some offers right now. Thanks to all who have inspired me.

Update 9-15-11: Moving along slowly...would like to be a little closer to completing my first deal. However, I am moving in the right direction. I'm attending the Insiders Edge workshop on Sept. 23,24,25, 2011.

old news: Right now I am hungry for details...would consider any communications for advice.

Considering assignments & lease options to $$.

Thank you.

making money, helping less fortunate people, yard work, driving cross country,

Topics I've Participated In

Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 2 weeks ago
Locking Up Deals/Assigning reinvestor42437 years 35 weeks ago
Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 1 week ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 2 weeks ago

Basic Info

Business owner, Entrepreneur
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


I know of an REO that I'm dying to....

LaCorte Assets's picture

assign or lease option as my First deal... is anyone willing to partner?

thanks in advance.



How are you? I do assignment deal. What type of deals do you do?


I'm a Newbie

LaCorte Assets's picture

I don't do any deals yet....hoping to get my feet wet within the next couple of weeks. I'm still reading Dean's books. Just nervous about my first steps. I did get a call from a local agent whom I will speak to today to see if he's interested in being a team member. After that, I think i'll be making up some bandit signs to build my lists.

Thanks for any insight you might provide.




LaCorte Assets's picture

I'm so new at this! I was perusing Craiglist and found a buyer looking for $900/month lease option ranch house. I searched Craigslist but nothing showed for the criteria....whate are my other options right now???Should I call a realtor??? Greg Murphy are you out there anywhere and can help!!

Help, anyone!!

Thank you!


Welcome aboard Linda

I am right in there with you and trying to get my first deal. I have been a member here for quite some time but was working and now retired since dec 2010. My intention is to secure my future with REI. Faced with many challenges and my own obstacles to overcome, I am determined to make this work. Spend as much time on the DG site as you can as there is a wealth of info to absorb. Its a wonderful group of people.


Indiana-Joe's picture

It was a pleasure meeting you in PA. I really enjoyed the city and even the early snowstorm. Keep up the good work and keep doing at least one thing each day to move you a step closer to your real estate goals. You can do it! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

you still there

keb64's picture

I was just checking in to see how you are doing. They were talking about you and wondering if you were still fighting the battle? If I can help just yell..Keith