I am a Southern girl who moved to California in June 2002. The weather here is awesome, but the cost of housing is outrageous! I was in business for myself for 20+ years, but am now working for a national company selling cars. I am a widow whose three daughters are now all moved and on their own. I have no retirement plan AT ALL and that time is looming on my very near horizon.
I was born to be an entrepreneur. All my life I have always been open to new ideas as to where I could make big money. My dream is to be able to live or travel anywhere in the world that I choose and still have money coming in. Enough to enjoy doing what I want to do without having to budget. Enough to help my family enjoy their lives and not be living with the stress of living from paycheck to paycheck.
Like most of us, I have tried SO many different things. I have purchased or bought into so many programs and worked my tail off, but somehow they just didn't follow thru with the promises. I truly feel that this one is different! I have enough previous experience with RE to understand the techniques that are being explained and to see that they REALLY CAN work!
2-5-2013 Need to update this a little. I left my job in February 2012-one year ago. Now I do RE full time. It is so much fun! Don't get me wrong! It is a tremendous amount of work and frustration but it is never the same thing twice. I am relocating back to SC in the next month or so because I feel that the opportunity for my investing will be much better there. Don't EVER quit!!! If something isn't working, tweak it!
Mar 15, 2013 Left Los Angeles for Myrtle Beach, SC
Mar 20, 2013 Arrived in Myrtle Beach. Let my new life begin!
Wish They ALL Could Be California!!!!!
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