Joined: 2008-11-16
Points: 234

Donna Wilson
About Me:
Hello DG family,
I am a full time investor. I currently specialize in short sales. I love helping the homeowners that are facing foreclosure. This to me is very rewarding. The homeowners are very thankful when their property is sold. We also acquire commercial properties.
Good Day Donna
Glad to see another Missourian on hear.
Sounds like it could be a great deal.
What is the community like you are looking at? Is it growing?
First get one of dean’s contracts and secure the property, make sure you have covered yourself. With Earnest money applied after 30-60 days and prior to a satisfactory property inspection. You can build in a profit margin of 2-10% pending on what the sellers is willing to take and what the future buyer will be willing to spend. Then you will sign the contract over to the new purchaser and they will pay for the earnest money. And you will get your % at the closing table.
I would be interested in learning more about the property when you get it secured with a contract from the present owner.