Marketing to Buyers and Sellers

Quick Tip on Multiple Ways to Market

When you look to do your marketing you may consider some of these ideas. These are ways you can market to find buyers and ways to find sellers. Enjoy.

1. Freebie Newspaper Ads
2. Minor Newspaper Ads
3. Newspaper Weekend Edition Ads
4. Real Estate Magazines
5. FSBO Magazines
6. Business Cards
7. Paper Signs
8. Bandit Signs
9. Door Hangers
10. Bulletin Boards
11. Handouts
12. Flyers
13. Real Estate Agents
14. Expired MLS Listings
15. Open Houses
16. Title Companies/Closing Agents
17. Accountants/CPA’s
18. Attorneys/Solicitors

Investment in Chicago Suburb

Hi everyone,

My name is Sharon.
Is there anyone out there interested in a sf home located in Evanston,IL, suburb of Chicago? I have a 2-bed,1-bath, newly remodeled bath,buy owner, for sale.Quiet location. If interested, please e-mail me at: [READ THE RULES NO POSTING CONTACT INFO TO THE WHOLE SITE. GIVE YOUR CONTACT INFO TO PEOPLE VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY]. P.S. Need a quick sale. Getting desperate. Thanks for reading this post.

Quick Tip on Getting People to Read Your Marketing Part I

When a person that needs to sell their house contacts us either through phone, email or in person they came to us through some type of marketing. One of the most common marketing methods is through letters or postcards (known as marketing through copy). When creating copy you want to keep three concepts in mind.

Quick Tip on Getting People to Read Your Marketing Part II

I recieved an email from another investor / coach that I think is very important to consider when creating marketing. This marketing could be sent to foreclosures or anyone selling property:

Here is the article:

Top 7 Steps To Writing Attention Getting(and Keeping) Copy

Quick Tip on Using Catch Phrases in Marketing

One of the objectives in marketing is to catch the attention of the Reader. When marketing there is often Catch Phrases that are attention grabbers. Here are a few:

By Owner
Owner Financing
EZ/No Bank Qualifying
EZ Monthly Payments
Low Down/Low Deposit
Great Starter Home
90% of Value
Rent to Own
Minor Fixer!

I hope this helps your marketing and good luck.

Quick Tip on Using Catch Phrases in Marketing

One of the objectives in marketing is to catch the attention of the Reader. When marketing there is often Catch Phrases that are attention grabbers. Here are a few:

By Owner
Owner Financing
EZ/No Bank Qualifying
EZ Monthly Payments
Low Down/Low Deposit
Great Starter Home
90% of Value
Rent to Own
Minor Fixer!

I hope this helps your maketing and good luck.

What is Better ?

I want to get started on my first real estate deal.
Im looking to purchase a property and rent it out for the time being and maybe sell it later after the market goes up, but not sure yet.

All I realy know is that I want to rent the property and have the rental income at least cover the PITI and if possible a positive cash flow.

Is it possible to rent out single family homes and still acheive this goal, or would I be better off purchasing a multi unit dwelling instead and if so where are some good places to look for multi dwelling units because it seems to be hard to find them.

An Intro To Contracts for FSBO

An Introduction to Contracts for FSBO Sellers

If you are selling your home for sale by owner, the contractual issues that arise may confuse you. Here is an introduction to contracts for FSBO sellers that should help.

An Introduction to Contracts for FSBO Sellers

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties to do something. In the contract, each party agrees to do something, known as "consideration", in exchange for the other party also taking some action.

Writing FSBO Marketing Material

When selling your home for sale by owner, you will be handling your own marketing. This leads us to writing FSBO marketing material for your home and how far you should go.

Writing FSBO Marketing Material

Marketing materials

Signs "WE BUY HOUSES" what company do you use? Also Car magnet signs, flyers, business cards etc....
Letters, where do you get your list to send to potential sellers? Thanks in advance. I ask because I may purchase a Marketing package. It's a how to marketing strategies that can dominate my market place. It costs $1k for the package and loaded with multiple ideas and information on who to use and what works best. A total system. Has anyone gone this rout and does Dean offer one as well? Thanks.


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