Marketing to Buyers and Sellers

Any realtors out there willing to share marketing techniques?

I'll be selling a couple of houses FSBO (or lease option if that doesn't work) in the next couple of months. Would you realtors (or successful FSBOs) be willing to share some secrets?

where to advertise
Craiglist (or other free places to post)
newspaper (examples of great ads, what info to include in ad)
open houses (what you have found most effective) length of open house, time of day, ambiance, free food?
how much personal attention do you give attendees
mls wording
where to put up signs
what colors/images (for signs) work best
less or more info best?


Attention all fellow investors!!!

IT WORKED! and Worked Great!!

I do REO's and FSBO's like most of you may know. Those two just happen to be my niche'.

Well I ran an ad to get sellers to me and here is what I said:

Having trouble renting or selling your home?

Has you Real Estate Agents listing expired and you are still holding a house?

Anxious to sell and move on but need the tax breaks for a few more years?


We ARE NOT REAL ESTATE Agents. We help homeowners sell their home and retain the benefits for 1-3 more years using our Proven Method of Lease Options.

Importance of Motivation

I wanted to state this again. I do not know if this can be stressed enough. Motivation is one of the most important parts of this entire business. If the seller is not motivated you do not have much.

Find the motivation, work the motivation and always, always look for the motivation of a seller.

Here is a quote we use in one of our sessions.
All motivated sellers come with a house but not all houses come with a motivated seller.

Talk to the Neighbors

A little used way of finding more properties is to talk to the neighbors.

When you travel to a property that you plan to view or scout out. Stop. Get out and talk to the neighbors. An idea to add to this would be to go 10 houses in each direction of the property you are looking at.

Knock on the door of the neighbors and let them know that you might be interested in purchasing the house you were there to look at. Let them also know that you invest in real estate and ask them if they know of anyone that needs to get out of their house. Hand the neighbor your card and move on.

Properties on Internet

You can find properties on the internet from different areas. Some are better than others:

- Ebay - People really do buy properties from ebay.


- - A website that can connect you to just about any newspapers website throughout the entire United States.


Looking for Properties

Driving areas can be a great way to find properties not found in the papers or with Realtors. You may also find some of the houses are motivated because of vacancies, overgrown grass, need of repairs and forgotten about properties.

Here is an idea on driving areas:

- Take different routes to work.
- Map your area and do a section of the area per day. For example do the south east portion of the area one day and the south west portion of the area on the next day.

Questions to ask the Sellers

When talking directly with the seller of property you should ask several questions to find the true motivation level of the seller. Here is a list that you may look at to improve your knowledge of the sellers motivation:

- Tell me about the property?
(You can keep the seller talking and gain a lot of report with this question)
- Why are you selling?

Using Newspaper to Find Sellers

Many new investors will use the newspaper to find sellers.

When looking into the newspapers or any other investment method always keep in mind that you want to use your time on the most motivated sellers.

If you are having difficulty finding sellers that are motivated in the newspaper this method may not be the most effective way of finding sellers.

While working in the newspaper you can identify motivated comments to help understand if the seller is motivated. Once you notice the motivated statements you can also grade the ad.

Google ADWORDS - A Marketing Topic

I signed up for Google AdWords on Monday as with an ad that was targeted to advertise my bird-dogging and wholesaling services.

They let you sign u and place ad and pay post-pay after ad has reach 50.00 credit limit.

hose are the ads that appear on the right side of the page every time you use Google or you Gmail. Well I have gotten a ton of hits from it on my website and lots of great leads and properties to look at. I think this is a good way to help star doing business totally online. Because it seems to be working for me.

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