Now that I have all my time back I get to stop and reflect on my life. Oddly enough, I keep remembering some of the mean and hurtful things people used to say to me in high school. I guess I blocked them out until recently. Here is one of them.
**Remember, people with goals expect to be believed, and when their not, they let time prove them right.**
I started setting goals for myself when I was in junior high school. I had to set goals because it seemed like I was never good at anything. What was weird though was the fact that I could be horrible at something and then a year later be one of the best in my area. All because I set a goal and then I treated that goal like it was gold. I would walk, talk, think, and act as if that goal when already a fore gone conclusion. Unfortunately, this made people mad. People don't like other people to get ahead of them.
My freshman year in high school I decided to go out for football. I was the smallest player in the entire school, weighing in at 115 pounds. Being the smallest kid, I got picked on alot. I got hurt within the first 3 weeks with a season ending knee injury. I decided that football just wasn't for me. I started lifting weights because I wanted to prove myself. I found out there was a powerlifting meet every year in a nearby town and all the best athletes competed in. The competition was extremely tough. I decided that I was going to enter that competition my senior year. I told everyone not only was I going to enter that competition, but I was going to win my weight class and set a new meet record. Finally, some guy with a smart mouth walked up to me and said, "Matt I am getting tired of always hearing about your SILLY DREAMS OF GLORY! YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT ANYTHING SO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" Now keep in mind when I set that goal I was a weakling. In fact one day in the weight room I was working out with my 3 best friends and we were doing deadlifts. They didn't like working out with me because they always had to take all the weights off the bar when it was my turn to lift which caused extra work-this was my junior year and I was still saying I was going to win the powerlifting meet. I always visualized my success, so in my mind I had already won. Fast forward one year. I read my goal everyday. I worked out hard. I expected to win. The day of the competition there was a major dilema. My best friend and I were the exact same weight which was 165 pounds which meant we would have to compete against each other. The problem was he was the defending powerlifting champion at that weightclass AND I COULD NOW BEAT HIM! I decided to let him enter that weightclass and I would bump up a class to the hardest class in the competition which was 181 pounds. So I competed against guys that were 20 pounds bigger than me which is a massive advantage. Going into the final lift which was the deadlift there were 3 of us that were neck and neck for the title. Remember the deadlift was the lift that just 1 year earlier my friends were making fun of me for not being able to lift much. An opposing coach walked upto me and said "son how much are you going to deadlift?" I said, "Well over 400 pounds if I want" Now that would have been a new meet record at that weight class because the current record was 378 pounds. This guy blew a gasket at me because he thought I was being cocky and disrespecting him and my friend had to jump in and defend me. Long story short- I set a new meet record in the deadlift at 441 pounds and collected my gold medal. When I lifted it, I picked it up like the weights were helium balloons. People in the crowd were shocked! The whole place went dead quiet. That record still holds today. All because I had a "silly dream of glory." The most important thing to remember is this: Just because you can't do something today doesn't mean you won't be able to do it tomorrow. Set goals and WIN!!! Get it done!
p.s. I wore my gold medal to school for a week so all the people that had made fun of me could see it and I made the front page of the newspaper!
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
This is an awesome story that reminds us all that our dreams are within reach if we are willing to go the distance no matter others are saying. If you can dream it, you can turn it into reality! Don't strive just to exist, getting by just doesn't cut it! We are here on this earth for a reason and its certainly not to give into mediocrity or quit because someone who has never walked the path tells us its impossible! This is a great story that should motivate and inspire to follow our dreams and see them to completion.
You rock cbrpower!
Bill G.
Never Give Up, Never Surrender!
Just call me Justine is something I have taken to saying over the years because Justine was my grandmothers name and my whole life I have heard, 'Your just like your grandmother!' it's usually expressed with a groan of frustration or exasperation. The reason would be my grandma was forever doing something everyone else considered impossible, silly or just plain dig-batty. All I can say is the woman single handley accomplished everything she said she was going to do!
One of my favorite stories to tell is when she bought a piece of property after her second divorce. She built a barn, and her house only to discover the electric company wouldn't run the power lines out to her house unless she put the telephone poles in herself!
She didn't even blink! she got all us girls and we all set to digging post holes all the way from the main road to her house! That was about 2.5 miles! Everyone said a woman alone with nothing but a handful of daughters and a few granddaughters couldn't do it but she surly did! That was 1978 and grandma has since past on but her property is still there and in the family along with all those poles down the road not to mention a whole bunch of people who were never there while I was growing up!
Anyhow why I wrote that in reply to your wonderful post is when you have a can do attitude Nothing in this world can stop you! All you have to do is believe in yourself and be ready to work!
I am starting to get a lot of negativity from my family where going after my dream of making it using Deans program is concerned. I was glad to see your post because it reminded me of Grandma and myself and how no matter what this is what I want to do with my life and I'm a-gonna make it happen!
Just call me Justine! LOL!
Thanks for the inspiring post!
You can't save the world but you can offer a hand up to a few along your way.
I think this is by far one of the least exposed posted on DG which is why I am bumping it back up.
We all see the 'fruits' and overlook the battle. Sometimes we need to dig deeper and discover exactly what was it that Matt did, was it some special technique he used? Did he have some top secret classified information that only he was privy to? Did he have some special gift? Some how an unfair advantage? Was there a secret strategy he kept in his back pocket? NO, it all came down to his THOUGHTS, his MINDSET, his DETERMINATION, his ATTITUDE, his WORK ETHIC! Never giving in or giving up.
Take captive our thought, clarify our goals, our purpose, our desires. Change our thoughts and actions and we'll change our circumstances.
We can all learn so much from this man. I'd encourange all to dig up his old post. We CAN/WILL be where he is IF we do what he did. The choice is ours! Choose wisely....your life depends on it!
You get in life what you settle for. What you focus on grows (positive or negative)
"The world can't deny someone who want be denied!"_Matt Larson
Make it happen!
Matt that is an awesome story; and I am glad you could show them. You didn't let them keep you down and you overcame being smaller to working to get where you wanted to be. Awesome, just awesome, I will have to remember this when the naysayers (myself included) start telling me I can't. website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
bringing this one back up
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
What an inspirational story. The attitude and mindset is EVERYTHING!
I can't believe I have never seen this. I am so glad it has been resurrected.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Bumping some awesomeness!
Came searching for something I needed today........found it!
Thank you Lord for Dean, this site and this family!
I totally missed this great post the first and second time around!
What a great story! loved it! it is so inspirational to know that even Matt has had some struggles in life, and I can so relate to that! and the best part is to know that we can overcome all our obstacles and achieve whatever we set our minds to do, if we have the passion, the mindset, and the tenacity to do so!
Loved it! thank you Matt for sharing it with us,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Mindset and Discipline
Mike Free tools
Im not sure how I missed this post for like 2-3 yrs , glad I got too see it. It fits you well . Thanks for giving back Matt !!
Curtis Fillers
that is an awesome story Matt.
Thanks for sharing.
"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2
For every brick wall, for every failure, those who take action and face fear reach success over and over and gain character.
Thanks for sharing Matt, and thanks Jen for bringing it back!
Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book,, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176
this is one of my favorite threads. (thanks Matt
just dare you to set some 'big dreams'! Set for yourself 'silly dreams of glory'!
Then work with all your might at accomplishing those goals!
But you have to realize.....Don't be upset with the results you didn't get from the work you didn't do!
**Change our thoughts and actions and we'll change our circumstances.**
You are writing the story of your life. Don't let anyone else hold the pen!
God bless,
I still have those silly dreams of glory! Not all have made it to realization yet. Seem like when I hit one, or get close.....I up the bar to something harder, something more challenging. Majority I have hit or exceeded. Some I've fell short. But I know If I haven't WON it's NOT over! Not by a long shot!
Assess, adjust, attack again!
"Don't wish for easy, get better and hard becomes easy!" ML
Thanks did it again! Reboot successful!
Hi Matt the mind is a powerful tool, gift and blesssing and all we have to do is beleive and have the faith it will happen, you did that and look how the results rewarded you.I like those cockes and know it alls they make us better people, they dont want any one to suceed, Ieve been around them all my life and so have many others, lets live or realities and dreams and make our lives much better and show others its not being blow hearts but we have the faith we can do it.If we want to have faith and want to please God well we need to have faith, thanks Matt, Jim