
All About bamagirl6730

bamagirl6730's picture
Jennifer (Jen) Gray
Montgomery, Alabama
About Me: 

(OFFICIAL FREEDOM DATE: 12/16/2011) whooohooo!! lol

Hey I'm Jen! I'm a 33 yr old single mom of an incredible 16 yr. old son. Background is accounting both in construction and manufacturing fields. In 2008 I saw Dean's infomercial while I was in the hospital. No pen or paper, so I plugged the # into my phone. When I got home I ordered the book. It came, I barely broke the first few chapters and didn't finish it. In late 2009 I saw Dean again. Ordered the 2 pkg book deal he was offering. They came, and this time I read both plus the unfinished 1st. Couple months later I got a call from the Success Academy. Although I was seriously robbing Peter to pay Paul, I joined on a gut decision and act of faith. I knew it was what I was suppose to do. What I had to do! Some how, some way, I would make it work! It took me about 7 mo to do a deal (I had alot of 'junk' to get through and get over myself. I had some growing to do). Since then I haven't looked back! It was the start of a life that would be forever changed. That's why in my signature on posts I have "Revised Product of DG" because I am. Dean gave me hope. He provided me with the tools, the knowledge, the hope that if I'd do the work I could have the results. So I trusted him! Because of RE I bought my life back! I AM free! YOU CAN TOO!

**UPDATE** IS FREE!!! (FREEDOM DATE: 12/16/2011)

Striving for change, looking to make a difference and impact! To have others actually be better off because of a difference I have made. Always leaving it better than I found it! Smiling

Living by: Make & Accept NO Excuses, If it's to be, it's up to me! I Am Responsible!
Five P's: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance!!!

"Don't be denied! The world can't stop someone who want be denied!" _Matt Larson

Best wishes and blessings to you! May you have insurmountable success and fortune!

Revised Product of DG,
bama girl!!!

Freedom Isn't Free!

Fight to freedom journey:

REI, Anytime spent with my son, working out - "Train Like A Freak", and running. I love the outdoors, fishing, sporting clays and hunting. Plus I have an addiction to adrenaline! lol (skydiving, motorcycles, etc.) Oh, and love UFC & College Football! Roll Tide!

Topics I've Participated In

Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 2 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 43 weeks ago
DON'T Be RUTHLESS and GREEDY reinvestor42317 years 50 weeks ago
KEB'S later years keb644618 years 14 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 15 weeks ago

Basic Info

I'm FREE!!!
Have Child(ren)
Some Post Graduate


hey Jennifer

darrellf334's picture

Jennifer I'm in Alabama {montgomery} welcome to the DEAN FAMILY. What type or real estate are you interested in? What part of ALABAMA are you in ? You can PM me and we'll start from there! What I do is buy tax sale homes ,remodel them and rent them out or sell them! Just depends on the mood the world is in!LOL!! If I Can help let me know. Maybe we can work on a deal together!! Good Luck!!See you in the rich neighorhood! Cause I'm already in one!!!

hey Jennifer

darrellf334's picture

hey Jennifer Hope everything is going good for you!Here is some properties listed! see if you see something you can use! I would target investors! You know Attention Investors!!Hope I have helped you in some small way!

hey Jennifer, good luck with

SpencersInvesting's picture

hey Jennifer, good luck with your REI and hope you have success and accomplish all of your goals!!

Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example on my profile page.

hi Jennifer...

missgee64's picture

just thought I would send you a quick message to say hello and tell you how inspired I am by your postings--I am also from Alabama (Montgomery also)...and I KNEW I had to send you a message (anyone who loves UFC & Bama Football can't go wrong in my book!! ROLL TIDE!!) Keep posting and I hope to chat with you one day soon!! Take care and God Bless!!

Dancing With The Stars & REI

Well, I don't live in Alabama so my heart belongs to the SF Giants & The Stanford Cardinals Smiling, however, I had to leave you a message just to tell after reading the thread on "placing bandit signs", that I love your personality. If you think you are crazy for going to bed and waking up thinking about strategies for real estate, call me crazy too Smiling, but I think you are a bit crazier for jumping out of an airplane, whew. Good Luck in REI.

Oh I Forgot To Mention

You can't go wrong with a famous name like Baby, I mean Jennifer Gray. She did win the Dancing With The Stars Competition,,,,,So Shoot For The Stars With REI. Smiling

Just to Hi

I just joined DG so your post on his site. like to net work with local investors I live in Alabaster south of B'ham. no deals yet but working on it.

Hey Gloria + All other Bama go'ers

bamagirl6730's picture

Hope you are doing great! Wholesaling/birddogging? Let me know....I may be interested.

Send PM to exchange contact info.

Thanks and have a great day!

Nothing like tax season

willowme's picture

To help us keep our eyes on the prize of NEVER HAVING TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER ONE AGAIN! lol This will be my 8th.

I work as an admin for an accounting firm. sigh Nuf said. By 2015 I WILL have enough passive income to replace mine and my husbands JOB. (I keep telling myself that and actually believe it now. How cool is that!)

Keep the faith. You will get through March 15th and then April 15th. But what are your REI goals for this time? I think mine will be something like have 2 deals done by EDGE. Don't know how yet but I'm working on it. Eye-wink


Best wishes on doing real estate till you can fire your boss. Race you there!!!


bamagirl6730's picture

You're on! lol

Thank you and best wishes to you as well!

May much success and prosperity be yours!



Jen, enjoy your thread. bookmarked and follow daily. How close are you to Marshall County, ala.

Hi Jennifer!

Jonlubin's picture

I'm Jon and am new to the "Family"...but I wanted you to know that it was great to read through your stream to see the progress and the determination! I made the conscious decision to join the gang and to do it no-holds barred here in the Birmingham Area. I am trying to build my "team" and find some buyers...but I have already found a couple of great we will see how it goes.

I wanted to let you know that I actually have Family and friends in the construction industry and we own Cherry Marble Group down there (Granite, Marble, ETC...). Let me know if you need any leads or help in that area and I would be glad to help! Know alot of the better sub-contractors in the area having been on the associates committee @ the GMHBA back a couple of years before selling out of the business and moving up here.

Anyway...sorry to go so long...but I just wanted to say hello and let you know that if it's ok...I'll pop in and bother you from time to time as I am just getting started and enjoy learning from everyone.

In is one of my favorite quotes of all time..."We miss 100% of the shots we don't take!" - Wayne Gretsky

Thanks for the encouragement!!!


Jennifer, thank you so much

Jennifer, thank you so much for your posts. Just starting off here and tried to go to the site you mentioned once. I couldn't find any such URL. Can you give me the exact address? I'm looking into grants and you mentioned that in one of your reponses to someone a little bit ago.

Another Jennifer...

jade_east's picture

...just wanted to say hello. Have been enjoying your comments --- and admiring your fire!

Your comment to DG blog

Richlee's picture

I viewed you comment to Dean's blog this morning. I appreciate and agree to your philosophy of giving back to others. I have been in the construction business for over three decades. Wow, that's scary when I write it.
Anyway, over the years I have accumulated many forms and templates that helped me streamline my construction business.
The best one I developed was an excel document that is a tool for assessing whether or not a property will work for me. In addition to the regular items that accompany the sale of a property, this spreadsheet has a cost for repair area to plug in the costs for repair or remodeling.

The cost part of the spreadsheet, flows into that line item on the general analysis sheet. If this would be of help to you, or any member of the DG family that is following your post, I will gladly send it along.

If you think there are other things I may have that would be helpful, let me know.

Good luck on your new adventure.

Hi Jen

Valuni's picture

I just noticed that I had not signed in your guestbook even though we've been 'DG pals' for a while now...
so here I am, wishing you even greater success on your rei and motherhood journeys.

On our way to the top!


bamagirl6730's picture

Thank you for showing some 'luv' lol.

Appreciate the great encourangement!

May much be success be yours! Wishing your cup runneth over!

btw: hoping you'll be able to join in on the DG cruise!!! Going to be a blast, but if your schedule prevents.....I know I'll see you at the EDGE.

"on our way to the top" = NO DOUBT!! Plenty of room at the top! Let's do the dang thing! Smiling


Your namesake in remake?

jade_east's picture

Hi, Jen~~~
I know people are fascinated by the Jennifer Gray /Dirty Dancing thing; now my neighborhood - Lake Lure - is hoping for a remake of the movie here.

"A mountain town is lacing up its dancing shoes. A remake of an old classic movie, could bring Hollywood back to Lake Lure. Its been almost 25 years since Dirty Dancing made its silver screen debut. The blockbuster hit was partially filmed in Lake Lure in 1987. The production company Lionsgate, recently announced it will remake the film, but hasn't specified if they'll return to the area. Rutherford County Tourism is promoting the area to different agencies, with hopes the movie makers will choose Lake Lure once again."

If you decide you want to try investing in some lake homes around here and see if the namesake cache works any magic, just let me know Smiling Lots of high-end second homes on the market; not so many starters though.

Jennifer E


down4this's picture

he Jen

my name is Darwin and I was reading one of your older post and you talked about flax options could you explane that or tell were i find out about it.

Thanks in advanes
Darwin (the new kid on the block)

Hi Jen

closingdeals's picture

Dropping in to say hi. I hope ur getting allot of deals in the pipeline & much success to you my friend....



Mossyoak's picture

Good luck on your investing. I have been amazed at all the material available at the site. I used the amortization tables this past week.

Hey I hope you can set me

gwizee's picture

Hey I hope you can set me straight....I placed an ad that says "I buy Houses" ok owners are responding with great urgency.. I have even negoiated deals that were unbelievable! but when its time to sign the contract (which I have a 30 day to maket or walk free and clear claus) I don't know if i'm to sign as the buyer or not.?..should I have an agent represent me? when the owner started talking about earnest money and closing cost , I paniced and told him I'm not really a buyer I just find buyers...This was a Two house deal for $11,000..well he said he will let me know in two weeks 9f he wanted to do somthing like that..(scared him off i think). Just ordered Dean's book but until it gets here can you give me the steps...Are they 1. Make a buyers list 2. get a real estate agent to work with me 3.find deals ???? ? when I do get a deal and sign a contract I have no clue how to sign a contract agreeing to pay earnest money , closing cost when I'm trying to do the "no Money down method.. please help my phone is ringing and I'm missing out on money


cantstopme's picture

Hi Jen,

I have been really liking your posts and you said something that I would really like to use as my "quote" after my name when I post. It really makes me think every day. I work for my parents, and my Father has been really depressed about business. I told him what you had wrote, "Don't you get it? You're fighting a fixed fight. God already has laid out the path for you to win." This might not sound good when you first read this, but keep reading on. I have 4 children and I have always told them that I'm awesome- goofing around of course, but I mean it too. My oldest told me that I shouldn't brag because it's not nice: ) Then I asked her if she thought she was awesome and she said "no." I then said, "What? Are you saying God messed up? Do you think he made a mistake? He created you, and me, which makes us really awesome! And your post about fighting a fixed fight just fits right in. Thank You!



islandgirl46's picture

Hi Jen. I sent you a message on FB before changing my password on this site. Please check it out.


Amer Brdjanin's picture

is it still possible to wholesale properties?


Amer Brdjanin's picture

is it still possible to wholesale properties?

Hi Jen! You got me going!

Hi Jennifer. I love what you say in your profile page here. I read another one of your posts and you truly inspired me. This is the first posting I'm doing since I joined the DG group here. So thanks for your encouraging words and spirit!


Chasing The Dream's picture

Just stopping by your DG guest page to say hello. Looking forward to hearing more about your insight, stories, progress and future real estate deals. Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey

Re: Your Freedom Success

MxChica's picture

How Inspiring! Great to know.

happy freedom anniversayy

Just wanted to say Happy Anniversary on 12-16-12, so fantastic and amazing. And I know you are going great guns and teaching. Always giving back and rocking the real estate world.


Merry Christmas Jenn

Donna Doo's picture

Wishing a you a happy HOliday!

Happy New Year!


You met Dean Graziosi?


Happy New Year!!

missgee64's picture

Hi again Jen--just wanted to show you some love and wish you a very happy and blessed new year. Currently I an in Pennsylvania taking care of my oldest daughter who is very ill (diabetes) but I have plans to return to Alabama in the near future (I can't stay away TOO long) and I hope to possibly work with you on a couple of deals in 2013, if you aren't too busy. Keep an eye out for some good ones for me to fix and hold ok? God Bless You and...ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

Wow,..I'm new to this just Today

Hi Jen,
I read your article and I'm happy for you and this is my first time in this DG REI online. I hope that I'm in the right place to start here but here what happen. Last week, I found the books that be in the basement for 5 years and it belong to my wife. So something urge me to that books so I grabbed and start reading it. It amazed me that I need to get it started and I am struggling now. I hope I'll find my way out of this struggling living.



Getting started

pbrowni25's picture

I'm in Pa. and have not yet started.
Maybe you can point me in the right direction??


info on forms and templates

Hi Richlee hope your doing very well in your investing and having much success.Please send me what you have on the forms and templates, working very hard to succeed in this, wishing much prosperity, sincerely, Jim

Hello family

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Im honored to be apart of your team
Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.

God bless always
Great info on your site


all the best my friend...