i just had a thought on a way for students to be INVOLVED in a deal and LEARN how it is done to negotiate and find the sellers or buyers for that matter MAGIC BUTTONS !! ....3 WAY CALLING ...if you have that then this is a perfect way to join in on a deal CONVERSATION !! i was just talking on fb to lane and it just hit me that he could be on a call just to hear me NEGOTIATE or cold call a seller.IF you have 3 way calling .He immediately mentioned the legality of it and said we would need to get the callers permission... soooooo THINKING A LITTLE DIFFERENT I thought we could say lane is my partner and he needs to be involved in all my deals so he is in on the call as a listener!!!.this is not recorded so it really doesnt matter but .......if any student can find a MENTOR or someone to do this with ....i believe it is a GREAT way to learn.
NOW i am not saying this is in replacement of a blog ...because a blog by dean doing this is an AWESOME IDEA LANE !!!! hope it happens
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or do you think this would be a good learning tool ?? i used to be shy and stay home from school when i had an essay to do in frnt of class and be scared to call anyone on the phone but as you do this over and over u become in the ENVIRONMENT.You become CONFIDENT !! You become a CALLING MACHINE !!
listen ...if you cant talk to someone and or ask them questions on the phone then you cant make a deal.This task ....you r not born with ,,,,but it is LEARNED and u can learn it by DOING IT ....OVER AND OVER ..
pick up that phone....find a mentor and get on a three way call !!
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Jay this is a wonderful idea! I whole heartedly approve. I'd be happy to have anyone listen to my calls.
Blessings & Favor,
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
what a great way to think outside the box. You da man!!!
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
there r many students that i hear ,,,,,i dont no what to say,,,,,,what if they ask me this ?? what if i dont know the answer? what if ,,,,what if.....
so now they can find a mentor and listen in on a real live call.i am sure many would mentor someone with a call a week or maybe more?? depending on how much time you have.i know i am going to do it for lane soooo who knows how many can benefit from this ...i hope we can help MANY !!!!
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thanks bill !!! just trying to do anything to get many to take ACTION and my outside the box seems to be really kicken lately so i need to use it or lose it !!!
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This is a great way for students to learn and listen to the Q&A that is handled on a phone call. What I do is let them listen to my call and the other person is aware that the other person is on the phone call. Or I have also been asked to talk to an agent or the seller or a buyer that they are trying to work with. It does help.
I have also had conference calls so others can be on the call and ask questions and get the help they need.
What a learning experience it does become.
Great thinking!
BMW Investment Properties LLC
Excellent!! Way to help others...it is true ..by helping others and Teaching...you become the student sometimes and also through repetition of teaching you are instilling a HABIT into your own mind! !! The more you teach or share then the more experience you r gaining yourself.thanks for sharing laura! !
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I personally LOVE this idea
I've always been one that learns best by "doing" - and this is a great way to be able to hear what you read/learn play out. I have soaked in as much info as I can, and continue to keep learning and trying to find my niche to get in this game. I've found properties, had them call me, and I've still not found the "right" deal, or have an offer I've submitted accepted.
I would love the opportunity to listen in on some calls to get an idea of the best way to "flow" and find those "magic buttons" Dean talks about, so that I can be as Business Savy as the pros!!
Anyone who's willing to let me listen in on their calls, please let me know.
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
Cool . Am going to try this out with lane ...then if no one steps up to help u then let me know and I will do my best to get u in on one....who knows lane may pick this up fast and then start helping others.after listening in on a few I am SURE he will be a natural .Its great to have more than one mind when trying to CREATE DEALS.
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Sounds good to me Jay!! I appreciate the follow up and look forward to hearing more on how I can participate on some of this
I eager to learn and hear how you "Pro's" do this. 
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
Great idea, what would also be good, is once you have the call recorded.If you could post it on this site like we do conference calls, where you can come and hit replay and we all could listen and learn.
Not sure if that is possible, but just a thought. Thanks for helping everyone out.
Take care
Curtis Fillers
yes that would be a good teaching tool!! good idea.will bring these ideas to the brainstorm session !!!!
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I have done these 3 way calls several times over the past 2 years. It is a great way to teach someone who is having problems talking to a prospective seller.
Yes, make it into an mp3 and post it here to the website. I love that idea, and I think it would be helpful to see what it's like to talk to sellers.
Not sure if that is possible, but just a thought. Thanks for helping everyone out.
Take care
Curtis Fillers
Coooool......yes what a perfect way to learn..by listening...THEN DOING.....I believe by listening to some of the obstacles that come up in the conversations and hearing how to make it a win/win situation is invaluable.The most important part in my opinion is for them to master the ways to find the MAGIC BUTTONS....when u find these then at this point you are armed with the knowledge to take this conversation to a new level ......and decide what strategy you may want to use.....for example....the seller let's you know he/she has the mortgage pd off.This info takes you to the next question for the seller....R U WILLING TO OWNER FINANCE? ??? Hearing this only reinforces what we have already learned but now seeing or listening to it live....is great.
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This would be such a awsome way to learn. I would love to lesten to those conversations. I am sure it would give me so much confidence when talking to some one, that fact that I know what to say how to say it and when to say it because I have heard it work before.
if any of you are online in the next 1.5 hrs then send me an email and we can do a call . i am calling a few sellers from my local paper....one is a mobile home for sale...this is an opportunity to listen in on getting the sellers MAGIC BUTTONS !! SORRY FOR THE SHORT NOTICE but thought i could catch you.if not we can do one later ...lane or anyone else too...only have a short time so contact me with your phone #
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Sent you a PM Jay
I hope to hear from you
I would love to do this I think its what I need to get better results from my calls with sellers:)
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
WOW What can I say. Thank you so much Jay for taking the time and letting me listen in on the calls. I learned so much just from the 3 you did.
One of the major problems I have with calling sellers is getting a price and I loved how you were able to get them to name a price. Even though at first they were unwilling to give you one you keep going and were able to get one from them. You are right you just have to ask differently and present it differently. Especially with cash which is a huge motivator. They do have a number in there head you just have to get it out of them.
Thank you so much for letting me be on your calls. I am looking forward to the next time!
Another thing I learned is knowing your areas, whats for sale, whats going on and having the ability to let them know your serious is great too. Overcoming there objections was awesome. I loved how you were able to show the one caller you have already been there and looked at the house.
Driving your neighborhoods is worth it:)
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
this is a great leaarning experience for the caller and listener.....as after the call both can explain what they learned from different sellers comments and ways to negotiate around different obstacles.i wanted to show makeba what to say when sellers didnt want to give us the BOTTOM dollar.the seller would say"i dont want to say a bottom price and then i would word it different just to get the answer and WHAMMMMO !!! they would give a price ....then we could work on getting their MAGIC BUTTONS !! cooooool experience.!!
i think makeba learned some new ways to negotiate !!!
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Any chance of a transcript soon? or was this not recorded?
Mark K.
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to tell others how to do it is great, but to actually let others listen in to your live calls and hear how you negotiate: priceless!!!
what an awesome guy you are!
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Did not record this one.
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This is what this site is all about.........just doing my part and giving back
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This has been exactly the kind of solution I've been looking for. I'm trying to get out there and make a lot of calls, but It's difficult to know sometimes how to say and how to word things so that you don't offend anyone and get your message across. If anyone wouldn't mind having me listen in I'd be totally down for that and would really really appreciate it. I think this is a great idea!
Please let me know if anyone would be willing to let me listen in.
Thanks guys!
Yes luis........pm me with your email and phone and we can set up a time.
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If you want in on a live call with a seller then pm me now.got a little while to make a few! !!!
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That was a really great experience and helped me understand how better to tackle giving someone a call and what to look for.
I see a lot of times that people list properties for really ridiculous prices like 50% above FMV. I'd like to see how one would handle that scenario to try and see if you can get properties like this to be potential deals.
Also, I'd like to see maybe more upper middle class to high class phone calls, as I wonder if the way one would tackle say a mobile home would be different from how one tackles a 2000 sq ft home. It'd be interesting to see the difference between the two.
Thanks so much Jay for the opportunity, and I look forward to getting to do it again.
Give me a call when you are free this weekend! I'm working on some great deals! I still want to do a 3 way call with you though! Just leave me a voicemail. You know my number.
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
I'ld love to be on one of these calls, but I have to do it anytime after 4pm AZ time as my work schedule changed this week. I'ld also like to get on a call, where you present to deal to an end buyer or where you add a cash buyer or tenant buyer to your lists. What do you think?