Today I got an awesome call I was not expecting on my latest deal that funded today, not the title company calling to say come pick up your check, not the buyer saying your check is at closing but the most unexpected call from my seller!! He says, "Kathy I just wanted to thank you for all you did and all your work, my wife and I really appreciate it and now I can retire that's all I ever wanted since I am 66, one less worry and you made that happen thank you so much and God Bless you"!
What an amazing feeling that was for me, I was humbled. He had a property that he helped build with is contractor friend some 13 yrs ago but never got to finish and due to loosing his job he never saw his dream come true, those were his words. The city was threatening foreclosure for unpaid taxes on his commercial property, he called my bandit sign in august, but he wouldnt take my offer he still had one apartment unit he was completing floor tile on he said he would need some time to think about it and would be in touch, I felt this deal slipping away as I had lost my commercial buyer's interest due to seller dragging his feet on showing rent rolls.
This little business center had 4 units in it two were store fronts and two were apts. I knew that I should pull back a bit and let him come to me. Two months went by and I was looking at my unaccepted offers and saw his name again so I called to ask how things were going. We met and I offered him 8,000.00 more for a total of 60,000.00 He agreed right away! I locked it on contract!
I knew it was worth it since our Central appraisal district was showing appraisal at 290k Sold Comps were 205k and now he was generating income with all units rented he was netting 1960.00 a month after untilities and maintenance. I took a leap of faith that the Sold comps would be close to that. Since I had lost my only commercial buyer, I advertised it everywhere and got calls galore!! I had it sold in two days but my buyer's HML fell through. I advertized it right away AGAIN using only 5 bandit signs; I make my own and I ran out of posterboard I planned to get more materials the next day. A week later I had a new interested buyer who followed through! Needless to say, I had many interested callers and interviewed them on the spot and many who were what I like to refer to as Snakes, gotta watch out for them, I think I can smell them coming now a mile away! lol This experience has deffinetly made me stronger and wiser with more--SO much more to learn!
Easiest 10,000 I've ever made!
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13
Kathy from the Sun City
PUSH= Persever Until Something Happens--Dean Graziosi
Posted on: Sat, 03/09/2013 - 23:14
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
KatCanDO says it all
Way to GO Kathy!
Mike Free tools
Thank you Mike for picking up my post...I will re-phrase my title on post so that I can serve its purpose!
This offer was dead in my little compostition book I labe "Sellers" I go over it and touch base with all my unexcepted deals, never say never, this made a seller/buyer/wholesaler VERY happy, Smiling from CHEEK to CHEECK!
"If it is to be, it is up to me"--William Johnson
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Congrats! Gets easier and easier!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Nice, Kathy from the Sun City! You reminded of a point that Michael Mangham drove home in one of his post, which is to follow-up. If you had thrown that sellers info in the trash as a dead deal, you'd be $10K short. Good job!! Keep working that system.
Good job with your follow up. I always check back with a seller once I have given them a offer for their property. Way to go with locking the deal and geting it closed.
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
Thanks Ron & J
Yes follow up, follow up, follow up! I believe because I have seen, life teaches us so much. My husband, likes to say 'just ask, the worst that can happen is they will say no--big deal'
---NOW think of the BEST that can happen
"If it is to be, it is up to me"--William Johnson
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Congratulations Kathy!!! website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
This offer was dead in my little compostition book I labe "Sellers" I go over it and touch base with all my unexcepted deals, never say never, this made a seller/buyer/wholesaler VERY happy, Smiling from CHEEK to CHEECK!
"If it is to be, it is up to me"--William Johnson
Mike Free tools
do the happy dance, and make noise so that Admin will give you your well deserved diamond!!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I am loving it and i will continue to just do it!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
At least it will get easier from the perspective of talking with the prospective sellers and getting over the fear of Making an Offer, nothing bad can happen from making an offer on a deal!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Hey Kathy,
I would like to know how did you maket this commercial property? I have a deal that I'm marketing myself but don't have too many ideas on where to market this deal. It's a commercial property located in a residential area. I've put ads on craigslist about a week ago but got no calls.
P.S. Great job on your deal
Reynold Orozco
Kathy, in deed an awesome story, and very encouraging when you thing you are losing the deal, and love the part where they thank you !!
Just awesome, that's why I come here everyday , to get a dose of this positivity !!
Limitless belief = Limitless possibilities
I used Dean's famous, Bandit signing! I posted just a few before I ran out of them and the next day I had calls,calls on it!! When the first buyer's financing fell through. I threw out more signs about total 12 or so at major traffic areas. Craigslist does not have the same affect as the banditsigns do!! I got my second buyer just days later, I did not have him on my buyer's list so I talke with him on the phone and by the way he answered the questions I could tell he was serious. I met him at the property and he liked it and I assigned it right then and there, I had the assignment of contract ready! We met at a sandwich shop down the street and talked some more! I've added him permanently to my Buyer's list with his Criteria, I will be finding him some more deals!!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Yes, I loved the Thank You from my seller too, It was nice and felt really good to know I had truley helped out someone!
"I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Awesome job on your 2nd one!! What a great feeling; helping someone out and getting paid to boot....Bet you weren't even thinking of the payday when your seller told you that!!
On to the next!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Thank you, yes quite an amazing feeling it was!! What a perspective it gives me on working a deal to try to see how you can really help out that seller first and then everything else falls into place, not all deals work out this amazing but this one was special
Let's "PUSH" it to the next one!!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
Have started in earnest on my path to wholesaling and your post was so inspirational. Am learning by leaps and bounds and hearing about your wonderful success is so inspiring. A friend of mine gave me a cd on real estate investing and the young man talked about "following up". I thought it was a great idea and what he said was even better, "when a seller says no, it means maybe, but not now, get back in touch with me at a later point". Circumstances change and if people are not ready to sell now, they may be later on, and the fact that you took the time to check back with them gives you "brownie points" in their book. So when they do get ready to sell, guess what, you get the call! Wonderful, wonderful, I'm so happy for you. I like your perservering post. High Five!!!!!!!!!!
It's 3 a.m. and I was going to shut down the computer but your post caught my eye and I just couldn't do it. I can now have happy dreams of what the future has in store for me, too. I love this business because we have the opportunity to make every deal a WIN< WIN, WIN for all. You are running your business in a professional way and reaping the rewards. Thanks for sharing, Kathy Semper Fi. D-LO
Congrats Kathy! Patience does pay off
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Yes, all the knowledge and books and Cd's prove positive on the great "advantage" (as Dean says) we have to Succeed. I know what I must do but sometimes over thinking a situation can burn out the fire of my desires at times, so without too much thinking of what could go wrong I just PUSH and do it! Kinda like the Nike commercial, that's why they are making millions with their famous "Just Do It" is SO TRUE! It took me a while to see the bigger picture of how I could really help someone and truly that is what you are doing
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
I'm glad I was able to give you Hope but I sense you are here because you know what you want to accomplish and you will succeed, from your bio I can tell that you will do it too!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC
You are one of the reasons for me to have persevered this far because when I saw your video and everything you were going through, I figured if this determined lady can do it then so can I and failure was not an option. I battle daily demons from within that, if I let them, can kill my drive and spirit easily but I visualize your hurdles and my 'Why' and that picked me up many days when I am feeling like I just wanted to quit!
"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia
Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC