Speaking and feeling happy can be hit and miss. One day you’re up, the next you’re down. But what if your focus is down more than up? What if you are more negative than you’d like – what if you are being overcome by it?
Get Dean's New Book "30 DAYS TO REAL ESTATE CASH" Right Now
Don’t suppose it’s purely a bad habit — negative or stressful life events have a tendency to stay with everyone longer than happy ones. It’s normal to spend time working through some events, when something went wrong, to learn from it. However, if negative thoughts are casting a shadow over a big part (or all of) your life, there are skills you can learn to stop them in their tracks.
One is to verbally and mentally take control of them - countering them. If you think ‘I’m worthless’ then say out loud ‘I am valuable and unique’…remember a situation where you felt valued, assured and calm. Bring that feeling to the front of your mind. There are quite a few other techniques, but today's Weekly Wisdom shares something else you can do to find a sense of joy and it works like a magnet in a bucket of nails…
"You get what you think about whether you want it or not"
A Course In Miracles..
Hi Dean!
I enjoy your weekly wisdom. I am not into real estate but I like learning from other successful people. This video blog is so true! WE are and get what we think... Thank you for sharing this. You are spot on and I see you share the same values and work ethic as others who are caring and successful. People are drawn to you because you are positive, caring, help others, are successful in your business and want to share the wisdom. I am grateful to you for that.
We can help a lonely neighbor with a "hello - how are you?"
We can help by volunteering for Local Organizations like Red Cross, Homeless shelters, local food Pantry... There is so much we can do!
Have a great day!
Thanks Dean
Another great blog. You really seem to know when we need a kick in the pants to bring us back to reality. I have been going thru some of that negativety with my husband who has been off and on sick for the past year and not able to work when he is which understanably causes him alot of stress about money. He has become very negative and I am constantly trying to remind him of the good things in his life and to be more positive and look to the future. I am going to have him watch this blog!
Visit a Veteran
Another great post, Dean. I think we are all guilty of feeling sorry for ourselves, focusing on the negative rather than the positive. I was on the way to a Doctor's appointment at the V.A. and found myself complaining to myself about having to walk so far from the parking lot to the reception center... that is until I saw a fellow Vet in a wheelchair who had no legs. Cleared my attitude up right quick!
Message Is So Appropriate
Your message is so appropriate for this time of year - actually all year. Helping those less fortunate is a responsibility for those of us that are more fortunate. Just giving money is not enough. Real involvement is necessary. It really opens up our hearts.
Nbay: apparently you did not hear the message from Dean. Listen again.
Good Advise
Hi Dean, If I may dare to say, I believe that faith/ religion has been my answer to most of my problems, I respect all around me or atleast I try to respect but most of all GRATITUDE is what relieves me of my stress. If you are truly grateful for your life and friends and family, grateful with passion, everything is welcomed even the bad because it gives you an opportunity to prove to yourself and those around you that through faith and gratitude no matter the outcome there are opportunities to make a difference and be an example of sreingth and leadership. Thanks for all you do Dean, I can hear your passion in your voice, God Bless.
Thanks for your natural wisdom!
Thank you for your "real-life" wisdom and your heart-felt messages. It's nice to listen to someone that does not always have an agenda for sharing with others, such as an item they are trying to sell.
Thanks again and still looking forward to making my first deal!!
Hi Dean, Thanks for all the
Hi Dean,
Thanks for all the great advice and good infomation. I have noticed most of your programs cost lots of money and you are incouraging people to take action and take these courses. It seems like people with money have no problem, but for someone like me and many others who are trying to build up, its too chalenging to start. can these programs be more affordable for average joe to use?
Dean...so true, so true...
I never say anything negative about my situation EVER! People complain all the time. Seriously what does that get them but more negativity. I never give out any of my personal crap...no one has a clue the things my husband and I have persevered. Some day we will write a book! I love Joel he just has a way of making everything so simple and good. Just this past Sunday his sermon was on what you feed your mind...Garbage in garbage out. You have the ability to choose what you listen to and watch on TV...that's why God created the remote control. LOL
Thank You Dean
My wife and I just watched your video message. Awesome advice Dean.Every year no matter what's happening in our business we load up our truck with everything from diapers to Turkeys and take it down to the Food Bank and the local Gospel Mission for Christmas. This year we also intend to go out and help cook a breakfast for anyone in need.You are so right with idea of helping those less fortunate than us as a means to combat negativity, no matter where we are in life. Thanks again for such a heartfelt message.
Hi Dean, I am amazed at the composure your organization has, to allow some of the negative coments made about this weeks Blog. it shows lots of character on behalf of you and your company. By the time I get to the weekly wisdom there are to many comments to read, I look at information on Real Estate every day some times 6 to 8 hours per day and do not remember seeing another company like yours letting thier members getting away with it. GOOD JOB!! EDGAR
Timely eZine topic this week
Timely eZine topic this week from OMdaily;
had to share this... thanks for the blog
today Dean:)
Very tmly for me personally, from tm to tm i experience negative energy releasing from
me in challenging situations. This is infrequent
for me, however, very disappointing when it does happen. It always takes me by surprise, when I act from negativity, believing I've overcome that paradigm. If I don't keep up my meditation, and Yoga practice, I find the
negative energy around me tends to internalize,
and accumulate. As well, my streaming thoughts
begin to transition over to the negative.
In today's climate positivity is particularly
crucial. I'm seeing the 99% movement gets
it. I believe this movement will realize longevity and success, for the reason the majority of those involved, embrace a spiritual paradigm of none violence and positivity.
[Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them and fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating and upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts.
While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood and your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions, and judgments for a single day. From sunup to sundown, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer and try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness and make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.
As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Endeavor always to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence.]
As a matter of fact
Hi Dean,
Thanks for sharing that message with us. As a matter of fact I just hung up the phone after talking to a refugee from Iran who arrived in Idaho this summer. He is a 29 yr old, and I have so much respect for him. Just this weekend both his mother and sister were able to reunite with him here. They were all forced to leave their home country Iran, as they were suffering under heavy persecutions, simply because they are Bahá'ís.
They have absolutely no possessions (except for 2 beds and some chairs). So this afternoon my husband and I are going to bring over a dining room table, and some other stuff that we don't really need.
You are absolutely right. There are always people that are far worse off than us. We really have no excuse to be negative. After all, the world is but one country, and mankind are its citizens.
Much appreciation for all you do.
Tax Liens.
Hey Dean:
What are your thoughts on Tax Lien certificates ? For somebody with very little money to invest, I simply cannot think of any better place to invest their money these days that yields a higher return.
Any thoughts ?
Excellent message Dean!
Having friends like you is what keep us motivated. I really appreciate what you do by giving towards breast cancer awareness. We have to believe that Hope is the last thing we can lose. About 5-6 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, today my brother called me and we can say that she is cancer FREE! My brother is a doctor back at home, and today she ran several testing and everything came out perfect! we always think that the worst thing could happen, but we kept our hopes and now we can celebrate. It is bad how breast cancer takes away a lot our people, and we appreciate what you do by giving money to several foundations. We all need to follow the good examples and you are one of them.
On Positivity
Mindset is, in short, the result of what influences us. Therefore it is inevitable that we will be influenced by just about anything that surrounds us. It is just as it is, without judgment. From there on we need to set our own boundaries aka filters to what we will take and allow to become part of us, what is valuable information, or what is just simply the truth. We are well advised to train our mind to always seek out opportunities for anything that will add to our positive development to be/become the best version of ourselves. This may sound like a lot of work and may also sound bold, but it is not. All it is, is a mindset that is just trained and used all the time, like a muscle. To be able to do that one has to make the conscious choice to live in the present. It’s as Charlie Chaplin said: “Smile, and the world smiles with you.” - If that isn’t time well used and influence to whish for….!
Debbie Downer
Thanks for the blog on this beautiful Monday morning. It's always always good to know there's always someone out there who is still positive in life.
Hello Dean
What you said in your weekly wisdom #154 is so true,and realize where your coming from but if one is having a hard time taking care of themselves and living from pay check to pay check it makes it hard to help someone else when your struggling yourself. In order to lead by example, one must first take care of their self. Other wise it would be easy to loose focus on your own goal.
Dean, You are such a kind and caring person,
You must be one of Joel Osteen's brothers ! Ha!! I love listening to him, when i do catch him on tv...always so positive, just like you, so motivating, just like you
havn't heard of Anthony Robbins, but will check him out ...Thanks again, was so bummed this past weekend, missed the inner circle event!!!
( Got the flu bug nite before my flight and couldn't get myself to the airport...was soo looking forward to all that positive fuel for thought, and also being in the company of "masters"... told myself that there was a reason it happened this way, but...I don't know...that old saying is convenient, but am not sure how true it is....nuff said about that
You are so right , you can always look to the left or to the right and easily find someone is in a worse situation than yourself, we are all so blessed, and I am so thankful for so many things
Going to an old folks home to cheer up some of the old people who never have any visitors is a great idea, or somehow being a kindly ear to a child who is in an abusive situation at home...recycling, to help save our earth
Have a beautiful day xo Angie
another AWESOME BLOG !!! WHEN YOU SUGGEST SPENDING TIME WITH less fortunate...that MOTIVATES me to work harder and smarter to achieve my goals because i KNOW the more i achieve the more i can GIVE....AS YOU DO !!! the more you and others achieve and give to us and TEACH US as you have ....about real estate AND LIFES LESSONS ..the MORE i want to excell and give myself....thanks for all you do and share with us.we r def listening and taking action.the ones who truly LISTEN to you and KNOW YOU .....KNOW you have a heart as big as the world and KNOW you want and strive to help EVERYONE you come in contact with EVERY DAY.I APPRECIATE YOU DEAN AND ALL YOU DO...to make this world a better place than when you came into it !!!......
Dean, you are so right. To keep negativity at bay, I give thanks every day. My thankful list is very long and growing. The scriptures tell us that ,"as a man thinketh,so is he". If you think that everything around is in the toilet, then you are in that toilet.
Great blog Dean
Being Negative
Dean, I love your weekly videos. They put a smile on my face, just like all the books, DVD's and CD's I have from Joel Osteen. My husband and I faithfully support his ministry.
On being negative, I remember my grandma and my mom always saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," and even though it can be really hard sometimes, it's a good rule to follow.
One more quick thing, we have a friend who is truly an inspiration. A couple of years ago my husband and I were struggling with our business not doing very well, and we had just been out bid on the house of our dreams, when we decided to drop in on our friend. During that visit we found out he had recently lost the love of his life to heart disease and his only son had died in an accident. But, because of his strong faith in God, not only was he managing to cope with his loss he was still finding the strength to help others. He made several trips to New Orleans and Missouri to help habitat for humanity as well as spending time working in the local soup kitchen. Suddenly our problems didn't seem so important anymore, and we decided to stop worrying about the things we couldn't change and start focusing on the ones we could.
Just think, if everyone did that, what a different world we would live in. Everyone have a Blessed week and remember to keep the faith.
Humbling but true
Dean your right, to experience what someone else who is less fortunate than you is humbling.
The trick is how to come back to your world and deal with the reality that you are faced with.
Example, you’re two weeks from pay day with no money and on pay day most of your money will go to pay bills and leave you again almost in the same boat, plus your house could be foreclosed on soon.
I personally believe the answer is only a mind shift away. One ounce of courage away from talking to someone who can help you get that one deal done which would help relieve the hemorrhaging.
When I say mind shift, I mean it’s like walking in a dark room you know the light is there but you keep trying to feel your way around to you find the light switch and then the world becomes brighter.
I venture to say that a lot of people here that have not done any deals yet like me have bought all of your courses are looking for the light switch. And when the light goes on these people will be able to reach back and help others and show by example that you can make it out of misfortune to success.
You do have some good examples of people who have made it.
What are some of my solutions? Courage coaches, focus coaches, (not setup to make a profit from people, but philanthropically to help.)
Idea academies places where the average man can share grass root ideas that can exactly help save the economy and the world, they can be sponsored by philanthropic organizations. These organizations will have enough juice to get these ideas submitted to decision and policy makers who care.
I could go on but reality calls and I’m studying how do get my first deal done so I can eat next week and not loose my house.
God bless you Dean you do provide value some time we all can’t afford it : )
I frown on Negativity
Hi Dean,
I understand where you are coming from because I here negativity from my family and friends all the time, and I try to remind them of all the things that they should be thankful for, and that if they can't find anything, I let them now that GOD allowed them to see another day and that they are still breathing. I try to avoid negative people as much as I can.
I frown on Negativity
Hi Dean,
I understand where you are coming from because I here negativity from my family and friends all the time, and I try to remind them of all the things that they should be thankful for, and that if they can't find anything, I let them now that GOD allowed them to see another day and that they are still breathing. I try to avoid negative people as much as I can.
Banks closing, war, unemployment, wall street exposed, all of this took years to create under the Bush Republican erra and only a fool or a republican would sit back and try to blame the current administration.
Here's yet ANOTHER reason to enforce more requirements BEFORE allowing a DG MEMBERSHIP
The Website Rules shoud be enforced!
Your blog today was just what we needed.
Thank you Dean for caring enough about all of us to keep writing and sending your video blogs. My wife and I aren't usually down at the same time. But today for some reason we were both not as positive as we usually are - and there you were with just what we needed.
We have a note on our refrigerator that we would like to share with the DG family - I reads --
Thanks again Dean for all that you do for us.
Negative vs Positive
Hi Dean, "Stress is self induced". Perception is reality, so you are exactly right it comes in all levels.....people need to work on what level of being and staying positve they want to be...You are level 1 ! Keep up the inspiration! thanks and have a great week!