Speaking and feeling happy can be hit and miss. One day you’re up, the next you’re down. But what if your focus is down more than up? What if you are more negative than you’d like – what if you are being overcome by it?
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Don’t suppose it’s purely a bad habit — negative or stressful life events have a tendency to stay with everyone longer than happy ones. It’s normal to spend time working through some events, when something went wrong, to learn from it. However, if negative thoughts are casting a shadow over a big part (or all of) your life, there are skills you can learn to stop them in their tracks.
One is to verbally and mentally take control of them - countering them. If you think ‘I’m worthless’ then say out loud ‘I am valuable and unique’…remember a situation where you felt valued, assured and calm. Bring that feeling to the front of your mind. There are quite a few other techniques, but today's Weekly Wisdom shares something else you can do to find a sense of joy and it works like a magnet in a bucket of nails…
Stress Free
Another good video, what is needed to relieve folks of their stress ....solution: Investors need to work together in their local areas to get the changes folks want. The DC area is a unique area. You need money to get the ball rolling. In DC if you want to be in real estate you can do well with the right contacts. But if you don't have the contacts if get very stressful, fellow investors should be able to assist in funding just to get the ball rolling. What are our thoughts. and are do you invest in the nations capital?
Suggestions To Relieve Stresses of Life Respond to Weekly Wisdom
Hey Dean and DG Family,
I have been a member of this site since January and haven't completed a not one deal yet. However, I'm still hopeful. Many negative things have happened one being my family and I geeting evicted back in June a month after giving birth to my second child. However I'm still hopeful. It's crazy how God works things out. I talked to my brother just before viewing this video and he told me almost the same things. Affirm the positive because your words, thoughts and actions affect the NOW of life. Then you have to visualize those things you affirm because you can give a lot of lip service but if you don't have a vision, how do you move towards believing that thing will come to being?
TIP: Give away some of those things that bring stress to your life. A lot of times I feel stressed because of all the clothes I have to wash or how many toys I have to clean up after my daughter plays with them. Relieve your stress by blessing some one else. A lot of times our strees can turn into another persons relief. Maybe you don't have a lot of pants, but you have too many shirts. Give some of your extras to someone who doesn't have any at all. And you may find that your answer is in giving. By giving, you may find someone who can help you out with your situation. **Giving always gives back!
I really appreciate your insights on negativity becoming destructive. During your comments you asked for suggestions about what individuals might do to combat and reverse negativity. I recommend reading the book THERE'S A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and strive, to the best of one's abilities, to practice some of the principles.
For example, Dr.Dyer writes, "This fascinating world of invisible energy is becoming more and more scientifically verifiable. We refer to these particles of unseen energy as Pheromones and we see that in nature, even trees emit these invisible-to-the-ey-excretions....when Dutch elm disease has attacked one elm tee in a neighborhood it sends out a warning signal via these pheromones to all the other trees in the vicinity. They then emit their own built-in defense mechanisms to fight off the invasive germs of the Dutch elm disease.
Similarly, animals and people have Pheromones of invisible energy that are emitted in moments of fear and its opposite, love. Well documented studies show that animals entering a room where other animals have been slaughtered react with spasms of apprehension and fear. So too, when humans are in a room where torture has taken place, they feel the painful and cruel energy. The Pheronomes of fear are in the atmosphere and they impact the energy field of the environment to such an extent that it affects anyone who enters that space. The opposite is also true. In places where spiritual consciousness and unconditional love are practiced, Pheronomes of grace, beauty, and tenderness are emitted and remain in the environment."
Thanks for sharing,
I think this is a great idea for people to do. Sometimes we need to look at and talk to other people who have crazier things going on to make us realize that things are not as bad as we think.
A negative mind state can only attract negative things and outcomes. Positive mind state will attract positive things and outcomes. The Law of Attraction is greater than the Law of Gravity.
What the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes. So if you look at something and see negative and hear negative thats what it is. Look at the same thing positive and speak positive and thats what it is.
If you think you can or you think you can't either way your right. "You become what you think about most of the time." Noepolian Hill.
Thank you for a beautiful
Thank you for a beautiful message. It hits home to me and I'm sure, to many people. You touched on many points which leaves alot of room for thought. You are so right..we all have stresses..I have my own fair share. I try to focus my energy on POSITIVE thoughts. I think its important to become aware of the patterns of how we all think. When I watch movies, I go for the comedies. I like movies that make me laugh. Laughter is truley the best medicine. When you feel good, it makes you thankful for what you have and it can also be contagious. : ) God Bless..
Thank you!
Thanks Dean for reminding us that life has it's up and downs but we should be thinking about our blessings. We all complain but we are blessed to have the things that we DO HAVE! We should focus on those things, whatever they are.
I am reading your new book and hope to put that in action soon. We did buy a home 2 yrs. ago that was Foreclosed / Bank Owned and it is our vacation home!! We love it!! I am blessed that we could get it for such a great price and thanks to you Dean, I felt you gave me the push!
We were ready to give up more then a few times.
I am now ready to get into this FULL SPEED AHEAD!! Thanks for all your great blogs. EWN
Great Video
Hey Dean this was so inspiring to me which fired up a situation that went on in a previous marriage of mine.Your comment about you are what you think.Well I had a sister in law that was visiting doctors constantly saying that she was losing her eye sight the doctors could find absolutely nothing wrong with her eyes and the doctors said that it was all in her mind.She tricked her mind in believing this that she actually did lose her eyesight and afterwards went to the doctors and they still insisted that nothing was wrong.So i guess what I am trying to say is if you believe that you will never make it then your mind will be convinced at some point and leave you in that state.So folks don't think negatively or you may always be negative.Think positive and your mind will follow at some point and you will be successful.
I really enjoyed this! Thank you. I am a new user to your site. I just ordered your books and look forward to moving forward making something from this. Keep up the great blogs!
Negativity Cure Assignment
I took your suggestion and visited a friend that was in the hospital. He had 1/2 a lung removed. I stood over his bed and talked to he and his wife for few minutes today.
I left the hospital, sat in my car and a tear rolled down my face. I've got it good.... I didn't how good...
Thanks for the wake up call.
Positive vs Negative
I've always tried to take this approach. I do understand what you're saying, as many of us have had the hardship of the economy sneak up on us, literally clobber us and try to squeeze us dry.
I was really tested when my Friend was called to fix a destroyed water-pump for a house. This couple had fallen on hard times and both deal with disabilities. One lost his job due to a recent disability. They lost the land they were leasing to buy, and need this house to solve their financial quandary, and find a place to live. This house was destroyed by the Caretaker who lived there for free for 8 years, after he was recently asked to leave. I decided to come along last minute.
Initially I wasn't even invited. I saw first hand how they stressed out about how they were going to afford new woodwork, and paint for the house, and fix the sink, cabinets,appliances, etc. It was almost a 2 hour drive. All the way home I was silent. I knew I barely have finances for myself much less someone else.
I found a way to help. I stepped way out of my comfort zone. I got home, bounced my idea off my friend, and called a Church leader, set up an appointment and presented my idea. The Church Leader supported my idea and asked me to speak at each of his Church Services. --Oh Really!!! --I was shaking in my boots! Not too mention the fact that I NEVER go to Church 3X in one week!!! And I went there on NO Sleep, since I work a 10 hr. overnight shift until 8:00am.
Thus I formed a local Volunteer Group to Fix and Paint Houses. I solicited all of the supplies through the Church Members and local Businesses. I even got a local group wanting to partner with us. I had people run home after the Service and bring me full bags of unopened supplies. We even had a brand new Sears Washer and Dryer donated, as theirs (the couple's) was stolen also. Boy was that hard for me to give away,as my Washer & Dryer are 20 years old. Our intentions are always being tested. We fixed this house, (our first house), 3 weeks later! We are now in business for more. It goes to show, where there is a will there's a way!
Maybe this is the reinforcement of my leadership and organizing skills that I needed in order to plunge ahead and find a way with financial endeavors. The Universe works in mysterious ways and always gifts back to us in ways we do not expect. Now I need to utilize my new found Self Confidence toward my own Financial Health and stability. -Plus, now to find out, this may even become my first Assignment Deal!!
In Positive vs. Negative I was told a long time ago by a Spiritual Leader that Goodness and Pureness of Heart always wins out over evil! It is always so true! -Yet not always so obvious. So it is when we forget this,is when we get in trouble.
Thank-you very much for the blog.It brought back what my mom and my grand-mother always said.You think that you have problems there's other people that has it worst then you.What I do is to call my kids up and talk to them or I will go over and see them and my grand-children and it makes me fell a whole lot better.And I just forget I even had a problem at all.That does really help me.
2-no's , 1-yes not good fundamentals
Dean, you are on target as usual
the reward one feels afther helping others is a deeper than skin feeling. A spritual high you could say. Now grap that feeling and share with all you encounter. It will not be as easy as it sounds, for we would beleive ours is far worst and like nothing anyone has experienced.Like your driving on is to relieze first then a clearer picture of how futunete we areis present. Love your method to always open our eyes first Dean, then apprecceiate what we really do have. Thank U & Until
I too have been on a constant influx of things that could get me down and keep me down. I had a back injury at work, can't keep a job because of it if I even get hired, my family got thrown out of the little house we shared now we're living apart, which kills me every night I have to leave my little 6 yr old girl when she says "I wish we could have a big house and we could live together..like a family". So on and so on...My wife also had a cancer scare that may be back now, so broke can't get her the medical attention she needs. My house has so many issues plus no gas, water, electricity. Yet, through all this "negative" happenings, I have always told my family we may not have what we would love and I feel they deserve, NEVER forget someone always has it worse than we do. And to be grateful for what we do have. I utter those words daily, and I mean them daily. Our day will come I am sure of it. But for some, they never had the luxury of a roof, clothes, a vehicle, FOOD. I am without many things but I have my life, however poor, I have my family, I have the will to succeed, and most of all, my faith. Faith in myself, faith in my God. I'm broke, not broken. I still put my little contribution in the collection plate and teach my kids the reason why when they see that and look with question, why don't I use that to get them what they want? When I send what little I can to St. Jude's Children's Hospital I never thing I can use that to buy US something, go out to eat, go to the movies. Those poor families come to mind every day when I leave my family for the night, go home to darkness and want to turn on the light. I don't have it so bad after all.
my thoughts
I agree that thoughts are actions and our universe is whatb we make it> This is a great blog> Also Prayer helps. Even if you cant help someone physicaly you can pray< it matters not your perticular practice or denomination< just send light and love> Thats how i feel.
So important on this one!
Its so interesting to see how one event can spark so much inside to realize how much we think we have it bad compared to others. I'm really glad you shared this one Dean because its so important to never get negative and allow that to keep you from reaching your best and full potential. A good and wise former roommate shared with me the thought that if you think you have it bad, someone definitely has it worse. He also refrenced that to the book of Romans in the bible which really gives you a grasp and shows you just how important it is to be humble and appeciate what you have in life. Because lets be honest...if you don't appreciate your life and the things you have, you'll never really move forward and have the things you truly want out of life. And that was something key I learned from the book, The Secret. Thanks again Dean for another awesome weekly wisdom blog and I will find the time myself to spend it with someone who may have it worse than I do and share the love with that person. Take care and I look foward to hearing from you soon!
Blog # 153
Hi Dean,
I seem to be listening to these blogs backwards. However, I am getting the message. You are right, as usual. A few months ago, my sister used to drive me and my son to church. I know she does not like going for various reasons of her own. I was praying one day for a solution. Mind you, the church is 55 minutes away if you walk. It came to me that if God were to come down and ask me how is it that I am not in church, and I said "My sister could not give me a lift so I could not go, how would that look." I could not make my sister be responsible for my attending church or not. So I told my son we are going to walk to and from church. At first it was difficult, then it got easier. It even caused me to lose some weight!!! Then a good samaritan saw us and told me that whenever he or his wife is in church, look for them and they would give us a ride back home. Then he told me about a vehicle that is being sold at a decent price and in good condition. Listening to this blog opened by eyes a bit. I am now going to buy a CD player to listen to your tape, so I can proceed to reading your books and get started. I still need to put together a proper team I can trust. Then I'll be good to go. Keep being positive and encouraging us. It is working, even in small increments.
Till I read next Weekly Wisdom.
We Find What We Look For
Dean, your blog reminds me of a story about two men in a prison cell, looking through the same bars. One saw mud, the other saw stars.
The whole of the stuff of life is around and within us. When we feel depressed, we are inclined to see evidence of depression. When we feel fulfilled and satisfied, we are more likely to smell, see, hear, taste, and touch what is delightful in life.
We help to create our reality. The stuff we gather to form our creation will account for what we produce.
I learned this memory gem in primary school:
Life is what you make it
So make it good and true
And if you say it's gloomy
'Tis not the world
'Tis you.
THANK YOU DEAN,for sharing that with us because some people don't know how to change there situation or surroundings from the negativity,i got pass that when u talked about it earlier in one of the blogs,like u said you got to think a little different.thanks again
Great topic
Dear Dean:
I love listening to your blogs. You are very sincere in what you talk about and it shows. I am determined to make this the best year for me so far,positivity is always the was to go.
The Bigger Picture
This is so true...thank you. What I have also found out about myself is that I can be a strong and positive motivator, but when I open my mouth when I am feeling the brunt of negativity..i can be a major force in continue negativity. I am learning when I feel negativity is not the time to speak immediately, but however to take the time to assure my words and attitude are right for the efforts and goals that I have set forth for me and my family and do not assist in bringing someone who I care about down if they don't deserve that.
Peace to you and your loved ones over this holiday season.