
All About pdmoua

pdmoua's picture
Fresno, CA
About Me: 

1. Student. Always learning everything that I can. I always want to get my ducks in line.

2. Military Veteran. Came home from Afghanistan 6/1/2010 and finished up 7 years of service with the miltary and said it's time to take care of me.

3. Have 11 siblings + 1 (ME) = 12 (6 boys and 6 girls) - Yes only 1 mom & 1 dad. I thank God I have what I have and not less. I was welcomed home with a lovely niece when I came home from Afghanistan. Laughing out loud

So 12 + Mom + Dad + Niece = 15
There are ups and downs to every family. I happy to have mine.

4. Tired of being broke.

5. Have no hope of relying on Social Security in 40 years when I turn 65 (IF there is any left).

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

My Pets Are My Kids
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Looks like im the first to sign your guestbook and welcome you to the DG site haha!! Theres plenty of info., and help here so dig in and enjoy the ride..>>Mike<<


AndyS's picture

Just wanted to say welcome to the DG family and Thank You for your service. Glad to hear of another successfully returning soldier Smiling
15 members IS a big family but your family is even bigger when you include all the DG members Smiling If you need help, just ask.

Best of luck on your RE career.

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS

Thank you. :D

pdmoua's picture

I will ask if I have any questions. Thank you.

Northern California

ajcaroline's picture

Hello, my name is Caroline and I'm a new investor around here. I came across your profile looking for clubs to join and I was wondering if you could help me with some tips...? I am totally new and I'm really excited to get started but I'm not sure how to begin, that's why I'm talking to people who have been on here for a while.

So hope you're doing great!
Happy New Year and hope to hear from you soon,
take care,

-Caroline Jones