AndyS's blog


I have to admit, I've been a little distracted with some non RE business that has cut way too much into my RE time. How ironic is it that the past 2 weekly wisdoms have been about time and time management. I go back to full bore tomorrow.


Still waiting to hear about a new 15 prop. deal. The anticipation is high and a little distracting. But I go on...

Tonight I had a meeting with a potential seller that I had to postpone since Jan. I was sick, then they were sick then I was better and their kid had strep... you get the picture. Anyway, I went to the house tonight and just as I thought, it will probably just be a practice exercise. But... practice makes perfect.


So my phone work from my mobile office the other day may have paid off already. My CO partner has a buyer in MI looking for 15 props. One of my contacts has a seller with 30+ homes in MI to sell. (I smell money, honey!)We'll just have to wait and see. I learned from my first out of state transaction not to get overly excited until we are at the closing table and all the paperwork is signed and paid for.


Today was a great example of taking advantage of time that could have been wasted. Had to take girlfriend to "The Mall" in Lakeland today to meet up with her employment counselor. The place is an hour away from my house. She needed to be there about 2 hours before the meeting which left me "stranded" at the mall ( my least favorite place) with nothing to do. WRONG!!!!


So I'm trying to get back to blogging more often. With such a tight schedule, who knows how long this will last?

Anyway, the schneid has been lifted. Our first sale to MM has closed and my check arrived in the mail today. It will really come in handy paying off some of the RE expenses on my CC. I still need either a big sale or a few more smaller sales to get me out of debt so I'm still plugging away.
I've become part of another network with buy and hold investors so I have other people to offer props to. I've also been getting more props from other DGers to try to move which I've already started doing. Hopefully I'll have 3 quickly if all goes well.


I know, I have been bad about blogging lately. I've been doing so much non RE stuff as well as RE stuff that it's been hard to stop long enough to update everyone. I would fill you all in but if you read my previous inputs, it's been more of the same.
There is big news however. If you haven't done so, you can see what's transpired at:

I'll have to leave it there for now as it's late and I need to sleep. I was in the car to Miami again yesterday and didn't return until about 2 am today. I'm tired!!!!

Till next time...

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