
So my phone work from my mobile office the other day may have paid off already. My CO partner has a buyer in MI looking for 15 props. One of my contacts has a seller with 30+ homes in MI to sell. (I smell money, honey!)We'll just have to wait and see. I learned from my first out of state transaction not to get overly excited until we are at the closing table and all the paperwork is signed and paid for.

Went up to Orlando today to check out some potential props. Not overly enthusiastic about what I found. I passed a County Property Appraiser checking out what looked like a vacant house so I engaged him in some friendly conversation. I played slightly stupid and asked questions I knew he couldn't answer but his responses gave me some better insight into the condition of the neighborhood. It's going in the wrong direction and the appraiser's office is lowering the values on the houses to try to stimulate buying. The value range now is so cheap that there is almost no room for an assignment fee greater than a birddog fee. I'm seeing a better return from my out of state time so I will put this on my back burner for now.

I ordered a book on Lease options and subject tos tonight and now just need to wait until it gets here.

That's the update on REI stuff. A lot of other stuff also happening but I don't want to bore anybody Eye-wink

I listened to this week's weekly wisdom this morning and recommend anyone reading this to do the same if you haven't already done so. It's about making better use of your time. It tied very well into my Monday blog.

Till next time...