
I have to admit, I've been a little distracted with some non RE business that has cut way too much into my RE time. How ironic is it that the past 2 weekly wisdoms have been about time and time management. I go back to full bore tomorrow.

I have been reading threads and doing some RE stuff so the whole time hasn't been a waste. I had some quiet time alone in my house the other day so I was able to listen to a DVD from Dean that I got from one of the seminars I went to a few months back. I thought it was just a dvd version of 2 of the books I have already read but there was another DVD with "Empowering conversations" on it. I listened to the whole thing while doing some mindless lure biz stuff so it was a true "MULTITASKING" effort. It was very informative and got me thinking again about pushing for some local biz. I have not been having much success getting houses for the local buyers on my list and it's been frustrating. I'm getting more leads from out of state investors so my thought is "Why stay local?"
Speaking of which, if there is anybody looking for 3 homes in Pensacola, FL that are already rented with tenants that want to stay on even with new ownership, please pm me for details. These are all good deals under contract and can be bought separately or together.
I had a frustrating episode last Thurs. with my PSL REIA group. I missed the Jan. meeting due to illness and apparently, they informed everybody that they had a new meeting site. When I got the notice online of the Feb meeting, the notice still had the old meeting place listed so I went there. (It was a 90 mile trip for me.) When I got there (about an hour early) the desk clerk told me what room they were supposed to be in and what time they were supposed to be starting. So I sat and sat and sat. This meeting usually starts with a 30 min networking session and I was getting a little concerned because 5 minutes before the meeting time, I was still the only one there. I tried calling the 2 leaders of the group but got both voicemails. 10 minutes into what should have been the meeting, I went back to the desk again and asked "ARE YOU SURE about the meeting tonight? Another desk clerk then informed me that the meeting had been moved to another location and they hadn't heard from anybody where it was. I was this side of furious! I attempted once again to call the leaders with no success. I went to the only other place I knew of where the meeting might have been but no luck. So I ate some dinner and hit the road back home. 195 miles for nothing! When I got home I went online only to find that I had not been on one of my screennames for 2 days and the notice about the change in location was in the emails I never got. I could have kicked myself. To add insult to injury, on my way home, I passed the meeting place!!!! And I didn't even go home the usual way and I passed right in front of it. Talk about bad luck!! So at least I will have the right location for the next meeting.

So that's my story and I'm sticking with it Smiling
Once again, anyone looking for some rental properties in Pensacola, FL please pm me.

Till next time...