Bandit Signs - Phone Ringing Off Hook!

Bandit Signs - Phone Ringing Off Hook!

I placed 35 bandit signs last week and my phone hasn't stopped ringing!

1 call from a hungry handyman.
1 call from a house cleaer
and 1 call every hour on the hour from Code Enforcements automated voice blast letting me know I need to come into their office to be removed from their database... very polite... even told me to have a "code compliant day"!



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Those calls can be

Those calls can be frustrating but you never know whos who.. i tell the handymen to bring me deals and I'll pay them or possibly give them first shot at repairs same with the cleaning companies. These people normally know other investors they may also get you a potential buyer. I do this all the time.

keep those signs out the right calls will come!


Michael Del Prete
[email protected]

Dear Florida

One thing I do in the areas that they are a "little picky" about my signs is put my signs right outside the city limits. Put them on the main streets going in and out of town but right outside the city boundaries. That way they don't get snippy with you ignoring their warnings and your signs will stay up longer and be more effective.

Good luck!



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As it goes

I guess no one ever told you there'd be days like these!


P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.

Bandit signs

I agree with Micheal and Kareng. I love my aka Bandit signs. They have been working out great for me. When I first placed my first bandit sign I put out like 18. In the entrance and exit of wallmart, schools, shopping centers. I week later I was left with only 1 which I place right next to a pole at an intersection close to my school. That sign **MUST SELL FAST 3 Beds/ 2 baths $85k xxx-xxx-xxxx** has been bringing tons of calls each day lol. It has been out there for more than 4 weeks and I plan one leaving it out there for like 8 more weeks lol..

Sometimes I feel happy and at the same time overwhelmed with keeping up with the calls. So what I do I try to return back the calls because you never know who your dealing with. (The person might be CEO of wells fargo lol)
Miami, FL

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Miami Florida

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They work well

I put out 14 about 1 month ago and got over 250 calls in a week and took the sings up and only lost 2 from being pulled up. you need to make sure you keep track of where they found your sign ( if you are not doing this now )at so you will know next time what signs worked the best and what signs did not pull any leads. The city may call or not but you should be using magic jack or Google voice or something like that, they are untraceable and you dont want the city to know its your signs or you can get a fine, but if you make a deal of the lead then its worth it.

Hope this helps some


I was working for them now i work for me !

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee


All areas of the country arent the same, check your cities sign laws, it will tell you what they will allow.Log into your city or towns website.Life is a blast huh, Jim



Congrats floridainvestor!

you are already doing more than most people will ever do! To succeed you need to take action, and you are doing just that. Keep putting out your bandit signs as Karen suggested, and get a googlevoice phone number to put on your signs, it's free!



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