
All About jbischoff

I live in Petoskey , Michigan it is a beautiful area , its awesome for its beauty
About Me: 

Well Iam a very can do person an always thinking young an never have time to get old . The younger I get ( yes younger ) the more opportunities I see in life to do . I love to help others an I love to continue to grow in knowledge an wisdom . I love to donate my time to worhty causes . Ilove to travel an meet new people an learn new things . I have spent alot of money an time different Real Estate programs an Ieve learned something from each one but I feel Deans is by far the best yet an Iam happy to be with all of you . I like Realestate Investing . Iam trying to do foreclosures at this time an either flip or hold an work my ways up to bigger Appartment Buildings Iam not scared to try any thing , Iam a Handyman an can do most anything from Landscaping to plumbing , electrical , remodling an building , ect. I have great passion for life an Realestate an I love the Almighty God an His Son Chirst Jesus an I wish the best to all of you an all ways looking for partners . This is one of my main sites I visit out of six .I am single an never Married an I have no children( been helping everyone else all these years, now its my turn) . I wish YOU ALL AN AWESOME DAY !!!!!!!!!! Pslams 1:1-3 , 83:18 an Proverbs 1:1-7 just to name a few !!!!!!!!!!an I want to be financially free

I love the out doors an I like warm areas to live , love to travel , meet new people an learn an teach people the Word of God the Bible an as we all know actions speak louder than words , so we must set an example for others an be honest in all we do an I love to donate my time to worth while things .

Topics I've Participated In

Letter to Cash Buyers reinvestor42567 years 4 weeks ago
Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 5 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago
#1 Thing You Need to KNOW reinvestor42967 years 7 weeks ago
#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42637 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
In High School

Sites I Visit


Hello James

Valuni's picture

Thank you for visiting my site; I also wish you great success on your rei journey; I'm sure that being a handyman is a great asset for this business.
Lots of angels on this site!




Thanks for being willing to brainstorm with me here on this...

It will be hysterical if the answer turns out to be something really obvious...

Talk soon.



reinvestor42's picture

Carol Stinson's Real Wholesaling


Hi James !

brit-chic's picture

Thanks for stopping by my page. Hope your Thanksgiving is happy and peaceful. I wish you much success in your rei business.


jcwp's picture

Hi James, I dont see any message here?
Please reply back if i can help

Welcome aboard

jdilley09's picture

Welcome you to the DG family.
Good luck.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thank you for your recent comments on my post. I appreciate your feedback. Good luck with real estate investing and i look forward to reading about your future deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


NickandGen's picture

I thought I would read a lil bit about you! How awesome it is to read that there are others out here that care to do worth while things, rather than waste their time doing silly stuff. You don't see that too often! Smiling

I love that spunk you have! Keep it! No matter how young we become (yes YOUNGER!) there is always room to grow and improve and most importantly work on self! Eye-wink -hope you don't mind..but I had to!

Just wanted to say hi and look forward to possibly working with you! Eye-wink

Take care and stay blessed!


Ps: I have an aunt that lives in Michigan!!! I bet it's beautiful there!!!!!!! I so miss the snow!!!!!!! (I lived in NY once)

Making a Good Conmment on your Profile!

Hi Jbischoff! Nick and Gen has referred me to you! You have alot going for yourself! I admire that in a man! I'm planning on tackling Assignment of Contracts as a start. Any advise, please send a message. Thank you. By the way, I'm a Born-Again Christian too!

Hey James !!!!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

Just wanted to say hi to fellow handyman!!!! Been awhile since we talked. Just got back to posting more and glad to communicate again !! Keep the momentum rolling !!!!

Hey James !!!!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

Just wanted to say hi to fellow handyman!!!! Been awhile since we talked. Just got back to posting more and glad to communicate again !! Keep the momentum rolling !!!!

hello!! :-)welcome DG family.

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Add us to your buyer and sellers list asap.
Earn points and rewards asap.
God bless you always.

Check out my website.


Hi I love you all and wish you all the very best, thanks for all the wonderful comments, much appreciated beyond words, sincerely, Jim


Hi John and Julie we need to get some deals done together, sincerely, Jim


as always thanks Mike sincerely, Jim

Hello James

I have been trying to get into real estate for years. Bought two properties in 2004 in CT, and it has been a nightmare since day one (bad area, a lot of evictions and repairs) I have lost a lot of money in the 6 units property. I want to move on now, but need advice and guidance on where to buy.
I work full time in NYC (commute 4 hours every day to work), my baby will be 3 in September 2014 and was diagnosed with autism last year. He needs my help, but I do not have much free time to be with him, and I need to change that now.
I have been feeling so guilty for not being around more for my baby that I took a 7 months leave of absence from work to spend more time with my baby and get him involved in more programs to help him with his delays/autism. I need more free time, and I feel the only way of getting this time is by trying to get into real estate. I would love not to go back to work and become a full time real estate investor to support my family, but I am scared of making more mistakes in real estate and selecting the wrong area to invest again. I have bought many real estate books, attended many real estate seminars, paid for personal coaching with no results, but I still believe in real estateā€¦.. It is my only hope now to spend more time with my baby. Hope to find honest and sincere people in this site willing to help me with their experience and advice.

Hey James!

Hey James, I saw your comment on one of our forums and am SO glad you enjoyed the livecast. I can see your passion, shoot I can almost FEEL it through the computer screen. Don't you love when people tell you that you CAN'T do something and you think to yourself HA! Watch me! That's the best feeling ever. As for the upcoming LIVE training with Matt, it sure is still available.

Check out this site and learn a little more!


Partner at the Edge?

Hello James,

I am planning to go to the Edge but would like to get the "You and a Guest" rate to help save $... Would you be willing to partner up if you haven't already registered?



by to say hello. thx for all your contributions.


aaron-n-suzy's picture

Just stopping by thanks for interacting on my post.



Hi Paul sorry I missed the opportunity to go with you, if that changes please get back and if you know any one else would like to do that let me know, your awesome!!!!! Sincerely, Jim

any time

Hi Aaron love you all, lets make thing happen, sincerely, Jim


Hi Walt thanks, do you know any DGers in Texas around Houston that buy properties as well as ugly homes in that area, many thanks to you to, sincerely, Jim


Hi Missed this one to but will get there, love this business!!!!!, sincerely, Jim


Hi Mike thanks so much, really enjoy all your comments and thanks for sending that property opportunity in lower michigan some time back, much appreciated, run across any more and you want to share let me know and Ill split it with you 50/50 and Ill do all the work, sincerely, Jim ( love your feed back, much success)


Hi John and Julie still at it, would love to work with you two if you have room for me.Need to find a good REI club down in your area, nothing up here, lost alot of businesses in that down turn, may not come back, will see.May be back down in that area soon.Hope to get to the Edge this year,always looking to the bright side of things and never giving up.You two are really doing awesome!!!!!! Sincerely, Jim ( know anyone who buys ugly homes in the Houston TX area????)


Hi Jay your doing so well, love to see your progress and watch you GROW!!!!!! Much success, sincerely , Jim ( oh know anyone who buys ugly homes in the Houston Tx area)

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

hi james

just wanted to stop in and thank you for being such a great guy.i saw you are also a christian,how cool is that?my dad is a baptist minister.the higher things are probly the only things that stuck growin up. ( my poor dad ha ) always taught me to work hard respect others and keep your nose clean and all would be well. he got the most of that right but i believe he missed out on alot of things because he was so strict on not taking risks etc. to some degree thats wise.on the other end of that its almost impossible to get anywhere in life without some risk.i was always the blacksheep. i was a good kid but messed up cause my ma passed when i was 12, i been alittle screwed up ever since,but i know god needed her more than i did i guess. still rough sometimes, i wonder how i would have turned out had she not gone home.i sure miss her.i know shes cheerin me on tho so somehow shes always with me. just wanted to say say thanks for being there.i still need to email u lol. sorry ill do that soon. take care buddy.

no black sheep

For get the pain and being a black sheep, you were born for greatness and you can do this, sincerely, Jim

no black sheep

For get the pain and being a black sheep, you were born for greatness and you can do this, sincerely, Jim