
All About floridainvestor407

Central Florida
About Me: 

I'm baaaack!

In early 2000 through roughly 2005 I was an active investor. I was regularly marketing to find motivated sellers and would have 1 - 2 new rehabs going on and wholesaling the "extras"...

As it happened to many folks... the downturn really hurt alot of people and it hurt me.

Financially, mentally, spiritually you name it.

A nasty divorce and subsequent financial struggle left me in "mid-life" crisis mode so to speak. And sent me in a downward spiral fast.

I had to regroup, figure things out and get my life back in order.

I lost focus of real estate investing and needing to figure out a way to fuel my families addiction to food! So I started a junk removal business that handled REO and Foreclosure Trashouts! I was almost ALWAYS the first guy into a hot new property AND getting paid to remove all of the items left inside prior to listing... Unfortunately, having lost focus of REI I wasn't ever able to figure out how to capitalize on this except for the money earned doing the junk removals.

But after sitting on the sidelines for far too long... I wanted back in.

I recently starting turning on my lead generating system and with every flip of the switch into the "ON" position I am becoming more motivated and see things happening.

I've made the mental switch and I am not looking back!

Now when people ask what I do I tell them I am I the real estate business.

If anyone is in my local area and would like to network or team up our resources definitely get in contact with me!

We're all in this together and we're all going to make it!

Topics I've Participated In

I need boots on the ground in Tampa floridainvestor407210 years 49 weeks ago
Code Violations - Liens floridainvestor407511 years 3 weeks ago
Looking for houses in South Florida AndyS611 years 5 weeks ago
Finding Vacant House cthill811 years 15 weeks ago
Wall street buyers hutchie1211 years 16 weeks ago

Basic Info


Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Glad to see you're getting

brett_s's picture

Glad to see you're getting back into it! I also wanted to say how AWESOME it is that you actually bought your daughter a pony for Christmas!!!

Great Job

I just read your profile post above and wanted to say Great Job on getting through all if the adversity in your life and getting back into real estate investing.


I have a person that needs property in FLA maybe you can help her. Let me know. Chris Adamo

Florida Investing

What area in FLorida are you investing in? Just Orlando? Any buyers looking to Miami and/or Broward? I am down in Miami and am getting started, but am building a buyers list in both Dade and Broward counties as well as getting properties under contract. Let me know if you have any interested in South Florida.

All the best!



NickandGen's picture

I just wanted to say hello real quick and that wow, I know we all go through things in life..but it is a great blessing to still have the courage and strength to move forward! Continue to do so!

Take care and stay blessed!

Real Estate Down Turn Look For Other Avenues

Glenn REI's picture

Read my story at www.pics4cash.net

That was an inspiration for me to.

Goes to show when you don't give up

on yourself.

Real Estate Down Turn Look For Other Avenues

Glenn REI's picture

Read my story at www.pics4cash.net

That was an inspiration for me to.

Goes to show when you don't give up

on yourself.