
All About Valuni

Valuni's picture
S.F. Bay Area
About Me: 

I'm originally from Sta. Monica, Ca. but I've lived in the S.F. Bay Area for the last 20+ yrs; moved here from Austin TX where I lived for 8 yrs; however, I grew up in Mexico City my grandparents... I became a civil engineer while a single mom to be able to earn an income to support myself and my son; but my heart has always been in Real Estate; just didn't know where to start, or how to do it...
Then, last summer, after watching Dean's infomercial, I bought his book- I was so inspired by the stories of his students! so, I thought that I could learn how to become a Real Estate Investor too... and here I am today, enrolled in the Success Academy, studying the lessons, learning every day from everyone on this forum, and most importantly, taking action! I'm hoping to one day be able to mentor other people, like many of his students do. I do believe that everything Dean teaches does work, and I will not stop trying until I achieve success.

Real Estate, Travel, Gardening & Landscaping, Reading, Scrapbooking :)

Topics I've Participated In

Hello Everyone! Michstan1927 years 3 days ago
Why Do 96% Drop Out/Quit? reinvestor42627 years 4 weeks ago
DG site INSTRUCTIONS-how to use this site reinvestor421527 years 7 weeks ago
#1 Thing You Need to KNOW reinvestor42967 years 7 weeks ago
#2 You NEED to do reinvestor42637 years 7 weeks ago

Basic Info

civil engineer
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Aloha & Mahalo!


I was wondering could u help me to which program or book to buy first,because I am a new member

thanks Greg,

Valuni's picture

I appreciate you visiting my guestbook and your well wishes!
I will definitely contact you!



Indiana-Joe's picture

I just wanted to stop by your guestpage and wish you good luck and continued success with real estate investing. The real estate jouney can be an adventure each day, but will be rewarding for those that continue to push forward. I look forward to reading about continued progress and your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Thank you Joe

Valuni's picture

for your words of encouragement; you will be hearing about my deals soon. I strive for success!


smurfy's picture

Thanks for stopping by my guestbook Smiling I haven't been on for a day or two, but I'm back in full force! There's lots to do, no? Smiling Take care, and good luck to you as well Smiling

Hey Keith!

Valuni's picture


Looking forward to doing some deals together in the near future!


Valuni's picture

Yes, there is lots to do, and we'll keep working hard until we get there, and then... some more!

Thank you, Valarie!

thishousebuyer's picture

For signing my guestbook. I almost forget they are there sometimes. lol... how are you? I hope the RE business is treating you well. Take care!

Hi Lady

steve guy's picture

Thank you for droppin by my profile and for your kind words. Yea I talk "purty" good but need to get my walking up to speed. Course Im 64 and dont walk too fast anymore, like Tim Coney's old man walk. Smiling But Im getting there.

I hope you have been able to move those 2 props you mentioned in your bio. Good strategies here...I guess you are a motivated seller Smiling, but seriously, owning non productive RE is very stressful.

I hope your REI is goin great...and with a eng degree the numbers should be a snap for you. Keep us updated on your progress.


Valuni's picture

enjoed reading your post here in my guestbook!
REI is hard work, but we'll get there-let's keep pushin'

Hello Valerie! Thank you

Hello Valerie!

Thank you very much for your welcome. It's really sweet and I appreciate it. You're going to be amazing in REI and I wish you all the best and success in the world Smiling

Hi Valerie

MxChica's picture

What did you find out about the loan source, and
How was the Academy for you!

Wish you well, and let me know if I can help!

Hi Valerie

Awaterloo's picture

Thank you very much for dropping a note on my guest book. I want to say that you were one of the very first people that EVER responded to one of my posts after I first joined. I really appreciated it.

Thanks so much!
Alex Smiling


Valuni's picture

thank you for signing in my guestbook! I am really impressed by the action that you have taken since you started here-I know that we will hear great success stories from you very soon!
We are all in this together!


rvanpelt's picture

Best of luck to you in your pursuit of the dream. I expect it to be a wild ride, but I'm hanging on.(:)>

Any sound Advice?

I am a rookie student that ordered Deans two books for $19.95 just last night. Long story short, I have a friend at work that has given me the opportunity to sell his house if I can lock-in a buyer. His house has been sitting on the real estate market for 7 months and counting. How do I do this seeing that I have only been a member for a little over 24 hours? I didn't get rush delivery on the books so it looks like I have to wait, right?

Hi Val,

SouthsideJohnny's picture

Hope you are doing well and I'm glad to have you stop by my guestbook.

I'd like to let you know that your words of encouragemant and motivation are VERY much appreciated and WELCOMED! I'm really excited about amping up my efforts recently and hopefully the "BIG 1" is just around the corner!

Oh and BTW, my dad was a civil engineer (surveying/construction) who never graduated high school, but taught himself trig, etc. Thought that was interesting when reading your bio.

See you later; here and on the other side (5th St).

To your success,


R U INTRESTED in investing in cleveland??? I can help!!!

I am a cleveland realtor... so if u or anyone else out there wantts to do realestate in cleveland let me know... i am creating alot of wholesale deals but dont have cash or credit right now to do rehab so i am getting some good deals... to hand of to other investors.. if u r a rehabber or buy and hold kind of person and intrested in investing in cleveland ohio let me know maybe i can help...

Thanks for stopping by

Mark K's picture

and the kind words of encouragement.
I can feel it in the air that everything's building up and, like you said, when that first deal goes through, the dam will break.
Can't wait for that to happen!
BTW, I keep bumping into your replies too, we really have to stop meeting like this, it can only lead to trouble. lol jk


Valuni's picture

it will happen before you know it... you've been working hard at it- the trick is to not give up, ever!

regarding bumping into each other - 'great minds think alike!'; it can only lead to success! Eye-wink

Hey Valerie

Were you looking for buyers or sellers in PA?


Hi Valerie!
I have been a fan of Dean for over a year. I have read his 30 day book. To be very honest, I am terrified to make the first move. All the the information offered is so overwhelming. That beeing said I am looking for a mentor. Please contact me if you are interested. I live in the East Bay.



kim mellies's picture

Valerie, hey my name is Kim. I just finished reading your profile on and I’m impressed a civil engineer. I look forward to reading about continued progress and your future real estate deals. And like me continue to surround yourself with others that have similar goals and ambitions. This is the greatest bunch of people you will ever meet. Later,


Chasing The Dream's picture

Glad your following my journal. Keep following the journal and check out the woman club. Dean's site is amazing and we can all help each other.
Carpet Didm :0) Stacey

So much Support

lingdustin's picture

I am totally new, and thanks for all the support in DG site it's very awesome. someone PM me do you know anything about Legalshield?

Hi Ling and Dustin

Valuni's picture

Congratualtions for joining this site! There are so many great investors here that motivate me and help me become a better investor too! I try to help new investors as much as I can, but ultimately everyone has to help him/her self to achieve success!

(I don't believe I know Legalshield)

Wishing you both success!


Valuni's picture

Welcome to this site!
I know what you mean when you say it's overwhelming-I felt the same way when I started, but the more action you take, the more comfortable you will feel being a re investor.
Dean said in one of his blogs 'if you talk the rei lingo often, before you know it, you will be doing it without even thinking about it', and it is very true!
If you can, I recommend you read Dean's book 'Profit from Real Estate Right Now'-that was the one that inspired me to take action!
wishing you success,

Hi Kim!

Valuni's picture

thank you for your kind words... I became a civil engineer when I was a single mom as a way to find a job that would provide a decent income; I've always been a determined person, and I like to set goals for myself and accomplish them.
This is an amazing site! The good energy is so inspiring! I could not have accomplished what I have in rei so far without everyone's support here!
Wishing you much success as well!


Valuni's picture

one of my most inspiring women on this site!
You and Joe are simply amazing! I met Joe at the Edge 12; I look forward to meeting you soon as well!
I have been meaning to join the women's club-will be there soon!!
thanks for signing my guestbook!

San Fran

mikesparadigm's picture

Wow my mom would be glad to be back in san francisco. Just surfing alittle tonight getting my barrings on this site. Only been at it six weeks.
I cant figure out all the icons and points the top users get. Is it a participation thing and then you earn them. Well I'm from southern calif and part of the family is up there. Hope to have my first deal under way in 90 days.


Milwaukee-Steve's picture

I just wanted to come over and sign your Guestbook and tell you thanks for helping me. If you ever have time in your day PM me your# I will love to call and talk to you.


1.Hey Valerie my name is Kieran and I am brand new here. I just finish reading my book and I have a ? for you.
when a seller is signing a lease option . What are some of the terms I should put in my contract contingency that would protect me just in case the deal doesn't go as plan .

2.DO i put the same contingency that you are about to explain to me from (Agreement to Lease with Option to Purchase)and add the same contingency in Bid Dog and Double Closing or is it different and if so, what are they?


danibanani's picture

I noticed you are in the same area as I am. If you have any advice to give on which areas are good to start in or a real estate agent that might be helpful I am all ears.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Danielle in the Bay

Hello Valerie

aaron-n-suzy's picture

Just wanted to stop by your Guestbook and say hi,we are planning on going to the edge 2014 and look forward to meeting you.



Thanks for visiting my page and I appreciate your positive comments. I don't have any other choice than to give rei all I got.
You're such a wonderful person

Best of luck in your investing

favorite quote for today "You're are never too old and too young to start investing."- Wendy Patton

Thank you I learn alot on your site

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

God bless you

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap.
Keep learning the DG family business.

Edge 2014

ManuelH707's picture

Hi Valerie, It was nice meeting you at the Edge Smiling

- Manuel

love your about me Valerie

insidernotes's picture

love your about me section and you absolutely can by sharing as i have noticed on the recent post hope all is going great with you and i will be in contact if i need advice .....

Hey Val

aaron-n-suzy's picture

Thanks for stopping by I always appreciate your thoughts. Im getting things going again and would enjoy talking soon.



all the best this year my friend......

Just Visiting once again 2/25/16

Hi Valerie, I see it's been a while since I've been into my D.G. site. Just wondering how things are going out in the San Francisco area? Drop me a quick note when time allows thanks !
Phil L.