According to the article below by Vena Jones-Cox from Cin. Ohio, to be a successful investor, you don't have to own the most properties, or have done the most deals, or even make the most money.
Read below...
Nine Characteristics of Successful Real Estate Investors
In my 20+ years in the real estate business, I bet I've met 10,000 investors at all levels of knowledge and experience. Some have become amazingly successful, while others have lost steam or experienced dramatic failures. In this time, I've noticed that there are certain characteristics that come with real estate investing success. As a matter of fact, that I have come to believe that I can predict with fair accuracy whether a particular investor will be successful. All I have to do is find out a little about their attitudes and actions, and I'll know what their chances of becoming successful are.
Before I outline the specific characteristics that I've found in successful investors, I’d like to define what I mean by "successful investor". A successful investor is NOT the person who owns the most properties or does the most deals, or who has the most zeros in his net worth. A successful investor is simply a person who knows what he wants - financially, personally, and in terms of what he wants to contribute to the world - and uses real estate investing as a way to get those things. For a successful real estate investor, real estate is a means to an end, not an end unto itself. A successful real estate investor works to become as financially secure as is necessary for his peace of mind and who is happy and comfortable with his investment activities.
Successful investors I've known include high school dropouts and PhDs, men and women of all races and backgrounds, people born into poverty and people born with trust funds, guys who started investing at 19 and those who started in their 70's, part-timers and full timers. There is no single predictor of success, but there are things that I've found that all successful investor have in common. Here are a few.
1. Successful investors have a plan - and work it.
It's simple enough to put pen to paper and figure out how to become financially independent in 2 or five or ten years. It's another thing altogether to wake up each morning and do the things you need to do to reach this goal. Somehow, your real life always seems to get in the way of your long-term goals. Successful investors battle this tendency to get caught "in the thick of thin things" by creating not just a list of goals, but a daily plan for getting there.
2. Successful investors network.
Real estate investing must be the only profession in the country that has no accepted curriculum of formal training. Since your success as a real estate entrepreneur relies in no small part on your ability to get reliable information and advice when you need it, and since your local community college doesn't teach courses on important topics like how to evict a non-paying tenant, the only answer is for you to find a mentor who can teach you the ropes.
Choose a mentor who is knowledgeable, motivating, accessible, and is known for high ethical and business standards. Don't abuse your mentor by constantly asking for information that you could get from a simple trip to the library. And don't forget to thank your mentor by taking him to lunch, giving him gift certificates to his favorite restaurant, and, of course, letting him in on good leads when you find them.
Where do you find mentors? Try your local non-profit real estate investment or landlording association. It's full of people who are there to share.
3. Successful Investors Cull Their Herds.
When I was a little kid, I read an article about chicken farmers. This article mentioned that when the new chicks hatched, the farmer killed the weak, undersized, and deformed chicks before they had a chance to grow up. I was, of course, horrified, and immediately began making plans to open an orphanage for runt chickens. Unfortunately, my home in the suburbs and my insensitive parents conspired to keep my project in the planning stages to this day.
Most real estate investors look at selling their "dud" properties with the same horror with which I view the wholesale slaughter of slightly imperfect baby chicks. They will keep a property year after year despite the fact that it loses money, doesn't fit the owner's goals, is a huge management hassle or is in a neighborhood that has become a warzone. Successful investors review their portfolios at least once a year, and aggressively get rid of their loser properties before they can damage the profits from their winners.
4. Successful Investors Protect Their Assets.
What's the use of building a huge real estate portfolio if a single lawsuit could wipe it all out? Why bother to achieve financial independence if the bulk of your estate will end up in the hands of the government? And why is it that the average real estate investor does absolutely nothing to reduce their #1 yearly expense - taxes?
Arranging your affairs to protect your assets from creditors, plaintiffs, and the taxman is tedious, complicated, and time consuming. Yet every successful real estate investor takes the time to do it, thus assuring that their hard-earned money stay theirs.
5. Successful investors have a code of ethics.
We tend to think of our investment activities in terms of bricks and cash. In fact, the real estate business is about PEOPLE. Without sellers, renters, contractors, agents, and so on, you would have no real estate business. And since your business activites affect so many other people, I think it's important to decide how you are going to treat the people you come into contact with each day.
Since there is no formal code of ethics for real estate investors, it's up to each of us to decide how we'll behave toward customers, tenants, sellers, workers etc. Instead of using as a measure, "what can I get away with?", or "what allows me to sleep at night?", perhaps the proper question is, "what’s FAIR?". Take the time to think about your activities and how they affect people that you come into contact with.
6. Successful Investors Involve Their Families.
In ten years, I have yet to meet a truly successful investor who did not have the support of his (or her) significant other. Because your real estate activities generally involve spending (or promising to pay back) tens of thousands of dollars at a time, and since your business will take time away from your family, I think it's very important to sit down with everyone who's old enough to feed themselves and explain what you're doing, and why, and that you'd really like to have their help or at least their understanding. If you have a spouse who's reluctant to allow you to take out a second mortgage on your home in order to invest in the deal of a lifetime, try sending him or her to a beginner's seminar on investment. Some of your significant other’s very natural fears may be overcome by an understanding of what you're doing.
7. Successful Investors Treat Everyone Better than They Expect to Be Treated.
What goes around comes around. If you think that your reputation as a buyer or landlord doesn't precede you, think again. When you go the extra mile to solve people's problems, both profit and success will follow.
8. Successful Investors Stay Educated.
Since I began investing in real estate full time in 1989, my state has passed a mandatory seller disclosure law. The federal government has made lead-based paint disclosures mandatory and expensive to ignore. Congress has changed the rules for capital gains taxes twice. HIV-positive people have become a "protected class" in terms of fair housing. My city has passed ordinances that say that I can be fined or jailed for renting to drug dealers. Mortgage money for high-risk borrowers has become cheap and easy to get. The Fair Credit Reporting Act has been revised to include landlords. Things change. Your business is affected. Stay on top of it.
9. Successful Investors Pass On What They've Learned.
Just as successful investors have mentors, successful investors become mentors. By passing on their knowledge to novices, they keep our industry alive, give others at chance a financial independence, and get a wonderful sense of their own accomplishments. Now that's what I call success.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Hi Valuni,
The 9 characterists outlined provides sound advise that every serious rela estate investor should strive to achieve.
Thanks for sharing.
Great article!! Wouldn't it be nice if everybody followed rules 5 & 7? It would definitely clean up the reputation of our industry!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
What a great article. These are great to take into our personal lives also. If everyone would follow these and do as outlined, the world would be a much better place.
I hear from students all the time about the challenges they are facing. This is a fantastic resource to everyone when the world has got you down and you need to be reminded of what’s really important.
Happy Holidays. Make the new year a successful one.
I LOVE this article on: Do You Want to Be A Succesful Investor. Words to live by - - thank you.
Happy Holidays. Best Wishes for a Happy,Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
I thought it was a great list too; but if there was something to add to it, I would say:
10. Once you become a successful investor, remember to give back to those less fortunate than yourself. Giving is a rewarding trait. There are so many charity organizations around that it's hard to pick just one.
Happy holidays Everyone!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I am glad you posted this. I know we have not completed as many deals as others here on this site but we do what works for us and we feel very successful. We do won't to do a lot more deals and I could do a lot more but working full time plus OT takes up a lot of my investing time. Hopefully I can do REI full time in the next 3 years or sooner.
Valerie you take care.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
I know exactly what you mean; working full-time and doing rei takes a lot of time, energy, and discipline... I can see you doing rei full-time not too far away from today; and you are inspiring many of us along the way.
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
10. Once you become a successful investor, remember to give back to those less fortunate than yourself. Giving is a rewarding trait. There are so many charity organizations around that it's hard to pick just one.
Happy holidays Everyone!
If only everyone would live by this + #10
Thanks Valerie
Mike Free tools
10. Once you become a successful investor, remember to give back to those less fortunate than yourself. Giving is a rewarding trait. There are so many charity organizations around that it's hard to pick just one.
Happy holidays Everyone!
If only everyone would live by this + #10
Thanks Valerie
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Hi Valerie you know all these wonderful rules or guide lines and #10 really tops it off.But as we grow and get more seasoned in investing its a real joy to help others and helping those in need is truely a rich and wonderful blessing and it truely is priceless when we do it with the right heart and never exspect any thing in return. We must truely have are core values to live buy and let us all be the best we can be and work together in this DG Famly and be the best darn realestate investors the world has ever seen. We have so much here to be thankful for and that is no empty words.Iam learning so much my self and lets all help each other to be successful in our realestate investing as well in the quality of our lives. I really want to help so many my self and I have to work to be successful so I can help others and there is no greater joy than living a good clean life and helping others to reach there healthy goals as well we can grow together and enjoy a wonderful life we all have dreamed of, isnt life really wonderful, you bet and we can make it even better, Jim
i remember this one being posted here wwwwaaaayyyyy back when sometime???
Killer advise you cant live without!
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. FFA MOTTO
Ben Franklin's Autobiography free audiobook download-
Thank you for the kind words. Hopefuly we will get to meet at the 2012 Edge event.
Take care Valerie.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Really very sound advise in this article, I must agree....Always give back and pass on help improve somebody else's life and share the rewards of life. Thanks for sharing...John H.
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
As someoone here who's had a lot of road blocks and obstacles in this endeavour for real estate success, I want to say thank you for posting this information. It's just a way to guage yourself and realize if you're really cut out for this. And it's a great way to motivate yourself to keep going!
So I would like to say thank you!
(And yes I agreee with all of the above statements too)
Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!
When opportunity knocks, will you answer?
Great post!
The beauty of this site is that there are so many of us here who live by these rules. What a wonderful way to bring us all together. I cannot believe what wonderful friends I have made here.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thanks for all this great insight on how the business works or should.
I agree. All I can say is WOW, thank you, Val!
10. Once you become a successful investor, remember to give back to those less fortunate than yourself. Giving is a rewarding trait. There are so many charity organizations around that it's hard to pick just one.
Happy holidays Everyone!
If only everyone would live by this + #10
Thanks Valerie
Thank you for posting.
"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2