Good morning everyone! a copy and paste from my last journal post since sometimes journals get overlooked.
"Been forever since posted in there! Guess just comes a time when what started as an accountability tool....becomes NOT needed after awhile! LOL
Just an update and sharing a bit of excitement.....**UPDATED** Official Freedom Date: 12/16/2011!!! Walking away from the JOB! - o.k. running from it - bbhhahahaah!
a job = it comes a point when it's actually costing you money. lol Get out there and replace your job! Buy your life back! Break free from bondage! Live your life on your terms!
Keep pressing forward, you CAN do anything you make your mind up to do. BUT you have to put the work behind it! You will have to make some changes (mostly with yourself), you will have challenges and obstacles to overcome, you will have to make sacrifices, you will get beat up quite a bit, will will have scrapes, bruises and bloody battle wounds, you will get knocked down....BUT you will hit huge milestones, you will have huge victories, you will overcome, you will pick up momentum, you will have people that once blew you off, calling to try and get 20 min of your time, you will make more in your business than you ever could in your J.O.B. (just over broke - lol)! IF you don't quit! REMEMBER: Doing whatever it takes does not come with terms and conditions.
Owe everything to my Lord and Savior! He is my strength. Everything I am, everything I will be, all the impacts I will make, lives that will be forever changed because I lived.....all because of Him and FOR His Glory!
Without a doubt huge gratitude and my life forever changed because of Dean.
Debt of gratitude and a life of service to the two that made the biggest impacts on me: Dean and Matt. Thank you so much which doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what overflows from my heart!
Thank you to sooo many I am reluctant to name names in that I may unintentionally omit someone. But Thank You to Dean, Matt L., Success Academy, Carol S., Rina, Joe & Stacey, Randy V., Greg M., Jay S., Bill P., Jim K., Michael M., Karen G., Curtis F., Jan M., John G., Tammy R., Valerie R., Linda M., Elix B., Steve G., and Shaun O. Some of you guys were that I followed every spoke word and some I've had direct contact/networking. All have been wind beneath my wings! All have changed my life! Always such great encouragers, amazing insights, and wisdom. What an amazing group of WINNERS!
To new lives, to new beginnings! This is ONLY the first step. About to catch 2nd gear - lol!! I haven't even gotten started good yet!! haha!
MAKE it an amazing day!
It's your life, your choices, you choose how your tomorrow will be!
luven u!
I am so proud of you. You will never know how much you have inspired me to continue with REI. With a lot of hard work and total focus, you have set yourself free. What a Blessing!
GOD is really so GOOD!!!
I am so proud of you. You will never know how much you have inspired me to continue with REI. With a lot of hard work and total focus, you have set yourself free. What a Blessing!
GOD is really so GOOD!!!
Hey Lori,
Thank you so much for the kind words.
I am so blessed that I have in some small way been a little ray of sunshine to you in REI. But honestly, you DO have far more strength that I think you have yet to realize for yourself! I AM SOOO stinking proud of you! You have grown SOOO much! You are making HUGE leaps and bounds. What tells me that and confirms you WILL be a HUGE success is your determination and work ethic. You without question do exactly what you learn. You learn then implement! The knowledge gives you the direction the action gets you the results.
Don't forget to celebrate those obstacles you over come, the new levels that you reach. Remember you're moving one step closer to your goals!
Keep me posted on the progress! Keep kicken tail and taking names girl! You are no doubt a force to be reckoned with!
If I can serve you in any way, don't hesistate to reach out!
God bless,
Impressive! Looks like someone got down to business!
Even though I don't post anymore, I have been keeping an eye on you and your progress. You have done very well. I am very proud of you.
Life as you know is now ready to begin.
Welcome to the Club!
Matt Larson
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Even though I don't post anymore, I have been keeping an eye on you and your progress. You have done very well. I am very proud of you.
Life as you know is now ready to begin.
Welcome to the Club!
Matt Larson
lol! "got down to business" yeah, well you kept saying "Go Faster" so I just listened and was obedient! haha!
Thank you Matt I appreciate you far more than you know! You are so awesome! You have impacted and changed soooo many lives....and yes, you can go ahead and bump Jen to the top of the list for most impacted! LOL
You told me once "The world can't deny someone who want be denied" I trusted you and it just kind of stuck with me.
May blessings be returned to you 100 fold for the blessing you are to me!
To new beginnings!
God bless,
You go girl!!! You got me excited just reading how excited you
Freedom truly is awesome!! Enjoy it!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Jen, your post inspired me this morning when I was scared and logging on here wanting to be productive but not knowing how to start. Thank you so much.
Freedom truly is awesome!! Enjoy it!
LOL! Yes, definately pretty stoked!!
Thank you so much Carol! You are and have been an amazing encourangement and example for me!
God bless and HAPPY Thanksgiving to you and your family!
May your cup runneth over!
We've all been there! You CAN do this. Don't get overwhelmed.
Study, take action, plug into and repeat! Keep it simple, follow Dean's techniques. You CAN have and do anything you set your mind to. If you get stuck on something, use the search engine to seek out the answer or post a forum topic and ask, you will find your answers.
One thing I have learned....When we want something bad enough, we WILL find a way to get it!
As the brilliance above (Carol Stinson) says "sometimes you have to drag fear with you"
Keep on keeping on.
God bless,
Very impressive! Looks like you are giving yourself the best early Christmas present... FREEDOM! Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good!
"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT
I hope you In Join Your Freedom..You Have come a long way..I Hope to Be right Behind You
I have GOT to make this RE work because I wouldn't be able to stand hearing the jeering laughs of others who say I can't do this or that RE doesn't work.
I love reading posts like this! I have no doubt you will reach your goals!
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
@ Shelia - Thank you!
Nicely done on the apt bldg.!!! GREAT JOB!
Freedom = Air!
lol Early Christmas present.....Oh yeah! Guess Santa does early deliveries since I was on the Nice list this year! hahaha! BTW: I hear you got your early package too!
@ conquesttsi89 - YES, No doubt you CAN do it!!! And YES, I have come a LLOONNGG way!
@ RENinja - Thank you! All I can say (nicely - lol) about the naysayers.....PROVE THEM WRONG! Let the 'junk'/ negative/ comments fuel you! It's easier for them to try and bring you down then for them to try to come up to your level! Keep pressing on!
@ masseur07 - my plan/purpose. To help/assist/impact as MANY people as possible! To leave it better than I found it!
Many blessings,
I'm hoping to be right behind you in my own RE career.
I need to make the change back to having choices again. RE success will do that!
Hope to see you at a DG event.
Continued success!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Yes, you paid the price, but FREEDOM is worth it, girl! You, me and everyone in the deep blue sea knows it!!!! And now it’s all on YOUR terms! Doesn’t it feel so goooood?!
Jen, there’s one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is NO WAY that I would be sitting here right now, waiting for tomorrow - 2:30pm to get here for the Property Inspection on my FIRST deal – without YOUR encouragement, motivation, selfless sharing of knowledge and gold nuggets , and the many, many moments of inspiration you have sent my way. I would have thrown in the towel again (almost did), if not for you and I just can’t thank you enough!
I am SO proud of you and what you have accomplished in such a short time since I’ve known you. If it were me, I would have quit the JOB LONG AGO! Something tells me I won’t be far behind you.
Good luck on your future “ventures”. I know you have a plan in place and if there’s a plan to execute, you’ll be one to do it!
Thanks for sharing, and I’ll still be watching, following, and copying you so, don’t stray too far!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Glad to hear your moving on up in the world, congrads on dropping the chains of the JOB, May your future be bright and profitable.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.....
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
@ Invest Des Moines - Thank you! and may much success be yours!
@ Andy - Thank you too! Oh yeah, I WILL be on the DG Cruise and at the Edge! So hope I'll see you there!
God bless,
Jen, there’s one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is NO WAY that I would be sitting here right now, waiting for tomorrow - 2:30pm to get here for the Property Inspection on my FIRST deal – without YOUR encouragement, motivation, selfless sharing of knowledge and gold nuggets , and the many, many moments of inspiration you have sent my way. I would have thrown in the towel again (almost did), if not for you and I just can’t thank you enough!
I am SO proud of you and what you have accomplished in such a short time since I’ve known you. If it were me, I would have quit the JOB LONG AGO! Something tells me I won’t be far behind you.
Good luck on your future “ventures”. I know you have a plan in place and if there’s a plan to execute, you’ll be one to do it!
Thanks for sharing, and I’ll still be watching, following, and copying you so, don’t stray too far!
I've known you could do it ALL along!
YEAH!!! SOOOO excited about the first one in sight! I am soooo very proud of you!
But can't take credit for was ALL you John. You've done the work. Will be YOUR VICTORY....YOUR WIN! Leaving the closing with check in hand of that first deal, is oh so sweet. In a split second the pride, accomplishment, self esteem and confidence all mixed with happiness and tears for following through, not giving up, keeping those promises to ourselves and others that WE COULD DO IT! Nope, John....that's all YOU my friend! You earn it!
It will click, you will pick up momentum, then you have the shift and Dean says "the wind to your back".
I believe in you John! The life you's waiting for you to TAKE IT! Make it happen!
If I can serve you in anyway, you know how to reach me!
God bless,
So proud of you and your achievements. You truly are an inspiration for us all. Continued success on your journey and hope to see you in person one day. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Real Estate Investor, if you would like the chance to work with me in the US East Coast, send me a PM (Private Message) anytime to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Wishing you abundance,
Ken Siew
Thank you very much Sandra! Appreciate that! You are always such a value add!
May much success be yours!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
God bless,
@ Andy - Thank you too! Oh yeah, I WILL be on the DG Cruise and at the Edge! So hope I'll see you there!
God bless,
My deal to pay for the cruise hasn't come in yet but I've been to almost everywhere the cruise is going. If you or someone wants to pay for me to go and to be their personal guide, I'm at your service

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
I am SOOO very proud and thrilled for you! You have worked so hard!!!
What an example you have shown your son! And THAT is probably the greatest reward for you of all.
You are amazing. And DEFINITELY you are one woman who will NEVER be denied.
We love you, Jen! You have earned everything you have gotten.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
We are very happy for you. we hope to hear more of your success stories.
I am sure we will be reading about you in one of Dean's new books.
God bless you in your new line of work.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Leap of Faith I can just tell GOD Loves you It SHOWS!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS !!!! you got what you deserve !!!....FREEDOM.......
hard work,study ,action and giving is just some of the ingredients you have used to bring you to this point.reading all you have contributed brings me to the conclusion that you have DEFINITELY developed your MINDSET !!!
way to go JEN !!!!! time to celebrate your accomplishments.
Click Here For homepage
need to sell ?
Need me to FINANCE a home ?
Hi Jen who said life was boring an your commitment an hard work has paid off, an your on your way to bluer skies an now you have the time to do what you want an when you want, love that freedom!!!!! an dont have to ask any one for it, Iam pumped an just got much younger( young anyway) an what a day this will be. See theres no failures if we dont QUIT, we are the ones who determine our out come, congradulation!!!!!!!, Jim
What an example you have shown your son! And THAT is probably the greatest reward for you of all.
You are amazing. And DEFINITELY you are one woman who will NEVER be denied.
We love you, Jen! You have earned everything you have gotten.
Thank you Karen (roomie - lol...can't wait!)
I appreciate all of your kind words of encourangement!
My! If he only truly knew how much he's my air. I will to the day I die implant in him how he CAN do anything he sets his mind to. That he is destined for greatness! That he will change the world! That he is blessed and favored! I tell him this EVERY single day. But I ALSO know that actions speak louder than worlds! I hope to be the example that will encourange him to dream BIG!
He's reading Dean's Totally Fulfilled right now. I will love and support him no matter what he chooses to do. But I do educate him that whatever his path, to choose based on facts and having all the data. ex: If he chooses to get a JOB it will not lead him to financial independence. If he wants to go to college it's for the knowledge/experience NOT to prepare him to go out and "get a good job" (yuck, felt dirty just saying those words - LOL)! Basically bottom line, I want him to have choices, to create the life he wants, I want him to realize God didn't put us on this earth to live in bondage and opt in the 40/40 plan (40 hrs wk for 40 yrs).
My bad Karen, got off on my soap box again. lol! I will try and control myself on the cruise! bbhhahahah!
luv u guys back!
I am sure we will be reading about you in one of Dean's new books.
God bless you in your new line of work.
Steve and Veronica
Thank you soooo much! You guys are so awesome! Can't wait to meet ya'll at the Edge!
Happy Thanksgiving!
God bless,
hard work,study ,action and giving is just some of the ingredients you have used to bring you to this point.reading all you have contributed brings me to the conclusion that you have DEFINITELY developed your MINDSET !!!
way to go JEN !!!!! time to celebrate your accomplishments.
Thank you Jay! You're so awesome!
"time to celebrate" - yeah, no doubt will do the 'happy dance', probably get mani/pedi (little deferred maint. - look like I've been kicking rocks - bhhahhaah) THEN take things UP notch!
Got quite a few big things happening. I in no way am slowing down, quite the opposite!! I already have a detailed schedules, plans, and check points to keep myself in target to hitting my next goals all while preparing for the next! Kind of like having your feet on the ground while reaching for the stars!
As Dean says "sometimes you have to break things to have a breakthrough"! leaving the JOB was something I planned/prepared for, now must break it!!
Appreciate you!
God bless,
Girl, you are just awesome!!!
you have been, are, and always will be a great source of inspiration for me and everyone around you!
Just a word of wisdom from one mom to another
... never tell your son that he is 'special'; when I said it to my son he said it made him sound like he was retarded-LOL!!! So.. keep using the word 'GREATNESS' and nothing less!
Blessings always,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: