I am a very motivated person with a never quit attitude that when I put my mind to something it gets done PERIOD!! I love helping people as I am a full time firefighter and I love being part of a team. My wife (Cherise) and I have a 1 year old daughter whom we love and adore. I will always put my family first and have a HUGE entrepreneurs mindset. Lets get this done!!!
I am doing this to make money and provide for my family, yes I want to be a millionaire by 25, that has been a goal since I started my other businesses when I was 19. Yes, I have bigger goals like invest in huge commercial apartment complexes and condo properties, yes I want to become a billionaire one day, BUT... I want to be one that is not snoby, keeps his money to himself, or tips 10%. I want to see a single mom who is walking to work because she cannot afford a car and go buy her one. I want to maybe buy out a loan for someone in trouble, I want to leave a $500 tip for someone that seems like they have a great head on their shoulder to help out, I want to sponser kids that are hungry, I want to volunteer my time to help others at a food bank or give a missionary their entire operating cost for a year... Point is just go out and make a difference no matter how small or large it is!
Hey Matt
Nice to see you joining the DG family. I am from the Springs and am also getting started. Can't wait to hear about your success!!