I am currently in the United States Army Reserves and wanting the financial security that I've always thought about! Provide a bigger and better life for me and my future wife and later on down the road.......my kids! I only hope....no I WILL be as successful as I have dreamt of being but the motivation, determination and persistence thrives within me everyday to get one step closer and further towards my goals in REI and life for that matter, and as I see here on DG.com it happens everyday. I know if they can I know I can. In a quote somewhere where Dean posted ask yourself these questions...
Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?! -James Allen.
So the biggest key to my success is me in this American Dream....What's your American Dream? You make the call......
Hey The Yung GUn
Help me figure this Real estate out. I am a driven person who has been around and don't want to be let down this time.
What was your first step and how did you make your first deal with no money down.