
All About JGAyala

JGAyala's picture
Jose G. Ayala
Central Florida - Orlando area
About Me: 

Professional Real Estate Investor. My first investment property was back in April 1999 after studying Carleton Sheets Home Study program. After 30 days I bought my home with a down payment of $10.00. After that, I never bothered again to pursue any other investment until recently, when my income and work suddenly change due to illness. Now is "CARPE DIEM" for me, cant let go a day without productivity.

Ham Radio Operator, Outdoors activities, Reading, eBay seller,

Topics I've Participated In

Hillbilly Real Estate Investing!... JUST DO IT! bandit11549 years 28 weeks ago
Seeking Florida Folks. Dan_Auito11110 years 3 weeks ago
Have The Buyers Lined Up!! TheYungGun3210 years 5 weeks ago
Getting Started JMart681010 years 14 weeks ago
South Florida Investor starts matchmaking sunny_hall310 years 45 weeks ago

Basic Info

Former Professor of Theology,
Have Child(ren)
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Ref.: Welcome Aboard

JGAyala's picture


Thanks so much! Looking forward to learn here and share experiences as well.

Ref.: Deans Book

JGAyala's picture

Hello To All!

I was out of this site and RE all together due to health issues... Now I am back.. However, I started to read the books again and wonder if these books "Profit From R.E. Now" and "Be A R.E. Millionaire" received any update since 2009... Any info would be greatly appreciate it!

florida investor

Hi there JGAyala, I am also in Florida, based in Okeechobee, about two hours away. Dean's latest book that has come out is "30 days to real estate cash" and its absolutely awesome! so have you done any deals in your area yet?

Florida Investor

JGAyala's picture

Hello Sunny Hall!

Actually not yet. Although my very first R.E. purchase was my home back in April 1999, I was a Carleton Sheets student then and it work to the "tee". Since that was my intention then, I put away all his books. I saw Dean on one of his infomercial back in 2009/2010. I was taken by his demeanor, bought the books and spark again my desire to get involve. Unfortunately, I got "paralysis analysis"!!! Now I am back...How about you? I am in Casselberry city/Seminole County.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Florida Wholesaler

jennandcharlie's picture


I am in Winter Springs/ Seminole County. Would love to see talk and see what you are looking for. Inbox me.

Jenn & Charlie