
All About in.vestor

in.vestor's picture
About Me: 

I started an Auto Body Shop business when I was only 17 years old. I grew my business to be one of the largest Exotic car shops in Atlanta,Ga. I developed lung problems and was advised by Dr. to quit, or die before I was 30. A real no brainer. I had already made many additions to my shop myself and figured construction would fit me pretty well with my lung problems. Construction was great and so was the money. While owning a construction business was no easy job I took on more businesses and started dealing loose Diamonds to my Construction clients. I made more money than I could count at the time and invested all my extra money into diamonds. 1990 rolled around and there was a tremendous drop in the Diamond Industry due to the par-ti in Africa and all the talk of blood diamonds here in the states. We were also in another economic slump. (I call it the 10 year curse)Construction was still paying my bills but barely. I was up late one night watching the info commercials. This guy came on talking about how to make money in the Real Estate business with no money and no experience. This sounded like something that I new I could do. After all I have been a salesman all my life and started companies with only an idea and the will to succeed. This man was Carlton Sheets and I bought his program for $275 or close to it. After purchasing this program his Advisor contacted me and offered the mentoring course for around $2500. Which I very quickly responded with NO Thanks. I read everything in this book twice and could not wait before I could do my first deal. There were 27 proven concepts on how to buy property with no money down. I started doing the techniques and failed many times. I shelved the program. I took an online course in Note Brokering and after learning that I tried my hand at that as well. Still no luck. I just could not get all the pieces to fit right. I was very annoyed that with all this knowledge I still could not get my first deal with no money down. I saw another info commercial on a Robert Kirosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad and bought his book. After reading his velocity it was all starting to make sense to me now. It took me 3 years of learning along with running a business which gave me very little time to concentrate on RE. Everybody around me made fun of me trying to buy property with no money down. I was not a quitter and I was determined to succeed at this. I was at a bad time in my life, going through a divorce and moving out of my house into an apartment or roommate situation. I found a roommate that lived in a house. The rent was unusually high for what he was offering. I called him anyway and made an appointment to come by and see the room. When I go there it was a new house of only 3 years. The guy was in the military and was not going to be around for at least 7 months. He had tried to sell the house but could not get what he owed on it. I took the room and found out what he owed and made a deal to purchase the house. I bought the house on Contract and got the OWNER to refinance. We pulled $25,000 extra which we split down the middle. That was part of the Note that I wrote. Needless to say I had done my first no money down deal and made $12,500 and was the proud owner of 3 year old house in a great neighborhood. From that time on my confidence was on the moon. I made my second deal the following month and cleared $30,000. I was making more money than in short time than I had ever made in construction. By the end of my first year I had made over $500,000. I started an Investment firm and started taking in Investors. OPM was great. But there was a down side to this. We were borrowing money on houses and reselling them at a profit. We had accumulated over 5 million in RE over several years. This all sounds great doesn’t it? We kept buying properties at 50% under FMV and held them until we could either sale or rent, lease purchase anything that made the payments. We had a huge inventory of $500 thousand dollar houses just sitting collecting dust. 2007 is here and you can finish the story. The money well dried up fast and real estate was in the toilet.
But let me go back a year or so. I was always interested in new ideas about how to buy RE. I saw Dean on an info commercial one night and ordered his Think a Little Differently course for I think it was $39 at the time. When I received it I flipped through it and saw that it was just another Carlton Sheets rip off. All the ideas were pretty much the same with different wording. So another waste of money. (Don’t go anywhere, the story gets better)
With the RE market in the trash I was desperately trying to figure out what I was going to do since I had sold off all my construction tools and equipment. Things were looking pretty bleak about then, oh but it was fixing to get a whole lot better (not)
I was riding my motorcycle up in the mountains and going around a blind curve when a truck met me head on in my lane. I took evasive action and swerved off the road and hit a 5ft in diameter tree. I woke up about 45 minutes later with someone trying to remove my helmet. I was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with multiple fractures to all my ribs, collar bone, severe trauma to the head and multiple contusions all over my body. I was lucky that day that I had massive amounts of leather clothing on or I probably would have been killed. Oh and the truck that ran me off the road never stopped.
I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and was released because my insurance ran out because of non- payment. I was completely incapacitated for weeks after returning home. With no money, no future, couldn’t pay rent, I needed some real R&R. I sold everything I had and packed a small car with my personal belongings and headed to Florida. Now understand that I look like Frankenstein’s monster and could barely drive much less walk. (Now you’re probably thinking where is my family? My Dad died 3 months after my wreck from cancer. The rest of my family could never understand how someone could buy property with no money down that was honest or not a con game. This kept us apart for many years just because they could never understand) I made it to Florida after about 19 hrs. I was only going 600 miles. I rented a room on the beach in Florida and started my long journey of trying to recover. While watching late night TV I saw another one of Dean’s commercials and ordered his book. You’re probably thinking, why on earth would I order his book when I had already learned all this years ago. Well remember I told you I took a good blow to my temple. I had loss some short time memory as well as collective memory. Some days I was doing good to remember my name. On top of this and all my other problems, I had a small pinhole in my scull that leaked. This made it almost impossible to read and to focus on small print even with glasses.(I’m sparing you all the gory details of brain fluids) It took me about a month to read his book. Things started to come back to me slowly and still gave me headaches trying to concentrate on what I needed to learn all over again.(bid, write contract, earnest money or was that bid, earnest money, contract, you get the picture) Because many of the things that Dean teaches were just like the deals that I had already learned and put into action in my previous days, my memory was slowly coming back. His book was my angel at the time. (my brain was mush with absoultly no recall of any kind for many months)My books and RE tools were all locked up in storage 600 miles away. That’s why when I saw Deans commercial I knew I could read his book and refresh my memory. It has taken me 2.5 years to get my strength, walking abilities, speech and my brain back to somewhat normal. ( who’s really all that normal anyhow)I am back in the RE business and have already made my first deal and waiting on closing. I landed a deal on a beach house that I broke up and sold off units to net $75,000 at close. No money down deal and the property listed for $647,000. I used a technique that I designed and implemented myself. It pretty much guarantees to never lose a deal. (98%) nothing is ever 100%. A RE agent sent me the property and at first I wasn’t even interested. I did my homework and made my offer which was refused. I then put my technique into action. A deal he couldn’t refuse. The seller now wants me to find more properties that he can partner with me own with him picking up the tab. An investor for life. In writing this I hope all that read my story understand that no matter how hard things can be you can always be the victor if you have determination to win. As Charlie would say winning. I thank Dean for his book to help restore my memory for all that was lost. I am willing to help anyone that needs help as long as they put the effort into it. Remember I have not taken his course just read his book and my techniques even though they may be different the end result is what counts. I am not here to teach you my tricks, I bought his book so it allowed me access this site and I have really enjoyed the member’s comments and have made suggestions to those I thought I could help. When I was going strong in RE my nick name was the FIXER because I could solve just about any RE problem that was worthy of fixing.I welcome new buyers anytime. I buy Beach Frt. Homes along the coast from Myrtle Beach,S.C around to PCB,Florida.Stop by and say Hi.I welcome new challenges at anytime.Bring them on!!!

I love placing new families in their first new home and helping people with their RE problems.My nick name is the "fixer"

Topics I've Participated In

CONTRACTS - Editable Anitarny738 years 30 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 44 weeks ago
Co-Wholesaling works! $5K for bringing in a buyer and being a liason Zion Properties5513 years 15 weeks ago
Building a buyers list markvol11813 years 24 weeks ago
New investor rental opportunity jimmyjam89713 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Real Estate Investor
Have Child(ren)
In High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


where do you invest?

Is there any certain area you are interested in?

Wow Chris, I just read your

chanchai's picture

Wow Chris,
I just read your story which is very touch and inspiring.
I am brand new to real estate investment so I think your story is moving me to make it through. Thank you fro sharing.
I am interested in investing in Florida, maybe you can help me. Please let me know.


in.vestor's picture

How long have you been in RE?
What course are you taking?
What are you having issues with?
Let me know the answers to these questions and I'll do what I can for you.


On 08/10/2011 you had a post on the topic of "How to train your agent" in the 30 days QCF - table of contents. You made a couple references to notes on this post. Could you explain these notes to me? I have no clue about anything in the real estate industry and just recently finished reading one of Dean's books but notes were not mentioned in it. Also, I did get an opportunity to read your story. Wow! What a life. It's amazing and inspiring to here of people going through tough times and yet having that enduring spirit about them. I hope all is getting much better for you. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care!