
All About JoyceC

Joyce Cobretti
About Me: 

I am from the midwest and have lived here all my life. I have been on DG site for the past 6 months and find a lot of interesting people. I also love the information I receive from this website. Hope to find several investors and keep up with all the people I have communicated with on here.

I would like investors to contact me and I hope we can create winning deals together. I am starting a list and have a few but would like a lot more. Good luck to everyone.

Real estate, meeting people and looking at the night sky.

Topics I've Participated In

Owner financing proposal midwest_invest77 years 4 weeks ago
DON'T Be RUTHLESS and GREEDY reinvestor42318 years 1 week ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 5 weeks ago
DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 30 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

Trying to get into RE investing full-time.
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Need help in new york

Hi Joyce,
I got Deans books and i'm almost finish reading "profit from re right now ",the thing is i don't know where to start ,i saw a propertiy that has been boarded up and overgrown shurbs .I don't know how to find the owner to make an offer ,the location is fine with nice home to me it seems that could be an ok deal .kindly let me know your idea about this i would really appreciate your imput .
Peter the great (peter madden )

where to find owner

Have you tried at your local courthouse? Take the address of the property to the assessor's office and see if they can help you, if they can't ask which office would be able to help you out. Let me know how it goes.

Were he do business

QuickBuyHouseGuy's picture

Thanks for the response Joyce. We purchase notes in any county or state. All we need it the exact address of where the mortgage payment is being sent (there could be many for each bank name).Are you a Realtor?

where you do business

I am not a realtor I invest in RE but I am looking to invest in Des Moines and St. Louis. I am also looking to build up cash so I can do other RE deals.

Hi, hope to network with you

Hi, hope to network with you on this site. If your an invesetor, you might also want to join **** , its free and like this site allows you to network and find local RE investors. Its free, good luck and speak to you soon!

Aloha & Mahalo! Welcome

JJD's picture

Aloha & Mahalo!

Welcome Gifts For You!
download files, leave comments and Enjoy

Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


Please Help ME!!

Trump Jr.'s picture

I am a driven person that have seen the world. I purchase this book to better my future. Therefore; I am so ready to know the next step Dean has for me to do, should I Post ads, check the website, and tell my network of friends, or post up signs around town. My question is: When I do this should I be doing more to generate more buyers, contacting sellers, and realtor groups at the same time. Help! The book gives me awsome tips instead of Detail steps, if I would like to do "No money down"?

Looking to work with investors in the midwest (Minnesota )

Hi Joyce,

Read your bio im also from the midwest (Minnesota ) where you from ? have you done any deals ? if so have you done any Rent to own deals ? im in the process of two as we speak wooohooo Eye-wink got any suggestions ?

God Bless!!
