
All About Cheluranut

Northern Ca ( Humboldt County)
About Me: 

I am simply tired of struggling to make all ends meet. As a single parent of 4 children and one grandchild, I feel as if I am always in quicksand and I am determined to make things better, not only for me but for my family as well. I have been interested in Real Estate for many years and I am finally going to jump in. I have run two other businesses and have been lucky enough to always work for myself, I have been able to have my kids with me instead of using childcare. All of my kids have been home schooled and I have instilled in them the drive to do the best they can in everything they do. Life has not been easy but each step is a step forward down the path of life. I will make this program work, each step is set up for you. All you need to do is follow the steps that Dean has put before you. I have two places I am looking at now. One will be our new home. 40 Acres for us to roam and train our hound pups on. When I get done with this first deal I will join Deans learning program to help me get to where I want faster. I wish everyone out there the best in all they do. We will never get to where we want to be unless we move forward and try new things!

"I will only fail if I do nothing to Succeed!"
Peace to all

I am a mom who loves to spend time with my kids, We love to camp and be outside. Currently raising and training 3 coon hound pups and looking to close my first 2 deals, one of which will be our new home.

Topics I've Participated In

The Fear of beggining. Noane3814 years 16 weeks ago
lease option ncphi26914 years 30 weeks ago
Michelles Journal of Hope and Freedom Cheluranut214 years 41 weeks ago
Finally an offer Accepted! First one. richlacelle10041014 years 41 weeks ago
California Real Estate CNMLA6014 years 42 weeks ago

Basic Info

Own a housecleaning bus, and Learning to buy and sell properties.
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


your post

Just wanted to say way to go keep it up
there is no limit to what you can do if you set your mind to it


Chasing The Dream's picture

Welcome to the DG family. Remeber when you face different "difficulties" in your life. Think about a positive thing and it will help you get through it.

Just like Carrie Underwood's song says "sometimes that mountain you been just a grain of sand...."

Good Luck
Carpe Diem
Stacey :0)

dropping by to say hello and

SpencersInvesting's picture

dropping by to say hello and welcome to the Dean family !! Good luck investing!

Aloha & Mahalo Michelle!

JJD's picture


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