The Fear of beggining.

The Fear of beggining.

I am a new member to the Dg Family, and I must say that I love the way this system works and is set up. I just finished reading Dean's book, Profit From Real Estate Now! And I must say that it is some of the most enlightening, and motivational material that I have ever read. I spent 7 years in the army, and three tours in Iraq for OIF, and learned to be acustomed to fear over there. But one thing I learned about fear over there is, that it can make you or break you. Wether its bullets being fired at you, or bills, the only thing that can change your situation is action. I am terrified of starting this process, and failing terribly, but I believe it is possible, so I have to take action, because the instructions where given to me, and my situation is not going to change by itself. Another thing that I learned about fear is sharing the load, or as we would sayin in the army "having your buddy's back", I like this system because we can share this load together, I believe at the beggining we all share simular fears, but if we "buddy-up" and face them together we can accomplish things that might have been too hard to face alone. On a daily basis our experiences in this process are going to differ, and that can be used as a strength to achieve more than one person. If there is anybody out there just beggining or "terrified" like I am but still taking action like I am, send me a message, and we can take this journey together, and share techniques as we learn and face these fears together. There is no such thing as courage without fear!!!!


I am in the same boat

I know exactly how you feel. I have read Dean's books and have been doing some things but am afraid to make that real first big plunge to get a house under contract whether it be to assign or to resell.

I have found some good deals I believe haven't really done alot to get one under contract. I think I let one get away from me because I should've asked him if he would wait to get a realtor and see if he would've given me 30 - 60 days to sell it for him. But being brand new it didn't occur to me when he told me he was getting a realtor to ask.

Anyway I think we are all feeling fear for the first deal. I think if we could just do one than that fear would go away.

So I would love to join you and work together and maybe we can get each other to get that first deal.


First of all I would Like to thank you for your service to our Country,and welcome to the Dean Graziosi family.Dean is the real deal he has all the tools and know how he has all our backs. Glad to have you aboard Sir.


Getting started

Hello all, I am writing for the first time on this website. I have not gotten any of Dean's materials but am planning to soon.

I read the previous comments about the fear of getting started. I understand that but have not had much luck. I had a partner once but we could not get any deals going here in Southeast Iowa. The people we talked to did not understand what we were trying to do and did not want to get involved. I have read many books and materials from other investors and learned a lot about techniqes about how to buy real estate. I also took a course at a University to learn more about the business but have had no luck in finding anyone who will do business.

The only thing these people understand is getting money in their pockets and then possibly they will let their properties go. I need someone that will either work with me or who can be a money partner. Is there anyone?

No Fear

It goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Thanks for your service to our country. You guys and girls over there are truly the heroes of this country.

Keep a positive attitude. If you do, those around you will feed off of it. Kick naysayers and negative people to the curb. Quickly!

Anyone wanting to get into this read either of the following:



When one sets out to take Rome, TAKE ROME!

Greatness courts failure.


I really believe we all have it to some extent, But the big thing is what we do with it. That was one of he reason I joined the sucess acamady. I really don;t know were I would be today without them, they really help me overcome a lot of obstacles including FEAR>



To Fear or Not to Fear - That is the question.

Fear is huge no matter what we face in this is human nature. The unknown prompts fear in us all, no matter how old we are. The object of fear just changes with age and experience.

A child may be afraid of the dark - then an adult turns the light on and discusses the difference between dark and light... after the child thinks about it - the child then becomes comfortable with something that once was so unnerving.

A pre-teen/teenager - faces the fear of change and of not "fitting in". Once they comfy in an adult and realize that change is natural and everyone goes thru "the change" then they realize it is okay to be themselves and seek out their own interest and dreams. The “change” is less feared and even the young adult often embraces...THE POSSIBLILITIES.

An Adult - fear of career choice, marriage, to have children, etc. Each one of us often seek advice from others when facing these fears.

Now take a look at all of us here at DG wanting to start something NEW - keyword there is something NEW. Everything NEW presents something unknown. We have already stated that the unknown prompts fear. You have gone your whole life overcoming fear after fear...and you know what? You made it! Sometimes you stumbled and other times you exceeded instantly.
In this situation you will do the will stumble at times and others you will exceed your expectations.

Dean and his staff are here to assist me, you and anyone else willing to take the first step to conquering our fears. Just like the child's parents helped explain light vs. dark to conquer the child's fear. Just like the discussion and guidance from a confidant to the teen assisted them in facing the fear of blossoming into adulthood. DG and his staff, just like anyone in your life that has assisted you to brainstorm, support and cheered you on through a fearful moment in your life…the same applies now.

In the past you conquered - and I promise you that if you listen and take action such as you have in past situations - you will conquer now.

The great thing about this new "change" in your life is that you are actually going to put your knowledge and labor into something that profits you and your family instead of profiting the company, CEO and other superiors where you are only a robotic employee.

Good Luck! Hold your head up and walk tall...even in the unknown shadows of the the valley will end and the sunshine will be beaming in your backdoor.

Dizzydrln (Lisa)

PS - I am new too - just read the book on Saturday and I have been spending the week getting my thoughts and game plan together. I am there with you in the valley - but we will travel it together and make it to the sunshine soon.

Up Date

Hi All, I have joined the acadamy, I completed my first course yesterday,It seems pretty helpful, even though it so far isn't what I expected. Other than that, I have managed to conquer my fear and just jump into the water, I really have no money to start much, but I've begun building a buyers list, an I've got in touch with a few agents and talked to them about what I am going to be looking for. I was driving around, and started noticing bandit signs up advertising homes for rent and sell, and I got the idea that those people advertising were probably the type of people interested in deals I could bring them, and I was right. Just those little steps and seeing how responsive the agents, and buyers were gave me a major confidense boost, I plan on starting to run some ghost ads also within the next few weeks, what do you think would be the cheapest way to accomplish this?


Thank you very much for that push Lisa. I needed it. I as well joined the success academy last thursday and so far its going great. But that FEAR is still lurking in my mind. Thanks again.

Noane and JCperales

Noane and Jcperales,

Noane - I actually ran a couple of ghost Ads on Craigslist this Friday and this weekend (which is free as you know). I have had some bits and I have one investor already lined up and I am now looking for him a property just from those couple of ghost ads on Craigslist. I also created last night some flyers to hang up at local grocery stores, laundry mats, etc hoping for some retail buyers as well. The cost of those flyers which was self created on the pc - also relatively free. Going to go hang them today - I created 15 - so 15 stops today is my goal.

JC - I am a true week into this as of this past Saturday and I am somewhat past the fear since reading and reading. I still have a million questions but at least now I know I can call the support line for quick help. The fear also lifted alittle when I started talking with my realtor friend ---now he is excited and he is totally on board - being the first part of my POWER TEAM.
He also sent me contact info for two loan officers yesterday - which I am going to be contacting later today.

Good luck you two - keep me posted on your journey the ups and downs - hopefully, we can learn from each other and suport each other along the way.

Dizzydrln (Lisa)

Noane, As a fellow vet, I


As a fellow vet, I too would like to thank you for all you've done for us

Also, if there is any advice you need always fell free to contact me. I'd be honored to help you


Glad to see you joined the Acamady, Like I said early i just can't say enough about them. You will really be surprise at how much they will help out if you use them. I owe all my success to them. I just had to do the foot work and stay positive. Good Luck, and if I can ever be of any help let me know.






Anxious to start in North Dakota My theme song Travis McCoy (ft[1]. Bruno Mars) - Billionaire -

frozen with fear

I am hoping to make a change for the sake of finacial freedom, security, and most important time with my mother. My mother is suffering from short term memory loss, soon to be diagnosed she is only 70yrs old. My mom is getting lost, forgetting where she lives, and I am terrified that she will hurt herself while my demanding job keeps me away. I have to leave my home at 11am and am not back til 11pm . My job requires 2 hr commute, I have to travel due to my job being relocated. (Merge) pray for us.

I have to say with no money down, low credit score, I cant get a loan due to non activity, non sufficient credit.

I suffered an injury thru work years ago causing 15% disability this caused a domino effect that of which I will spare you from.
My point is I have never been the same so I hesitate, and I am frozen with fear.

As I listened to DG cds it was like he was talking directly to me and reading my life. the worst part I have ADD and concentration is almost impossible. Gosh I know I sound pathetic and im sorry, but DG family your all I have and I cant fail.

where do i start. i purchased the foreclosure alert and cant even find where it is on my computor or how to find it on DG website. they are charging me 29.99 pr mo. and cant even access it. god pls help.



Me too

I'm at a stage with this fear of calling people and coming across like I don't know what I'm doing (because I don't quite yet!). We all face the fear, but overcoming the fear is what will get you success, just as your post states.

You CAN do it, and you will love the academy! Welcome to the DG family, and thank you for sharing your story and serving our country!

Hi Linda

Do you still have the confirmation email they sent you when you signed up for the Foreclosure Finder? It has a link in it that takes you to the Finder.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Hello, I just finished Dean's book profit from real estate, but I still have the fear of getting started. I talked with the success academy but was unable to come up with the funds. I'm trying so hard to push myself to make things happen but have been unable to. I just started reading another one of Dean's books Be a real estate millionaire. I'm hoping that being armed with the knowledge of these books and all the encouraging feedback from this site will give the drive that I need.



What are you afraid of??? Making money???

Don't look in the mirror and say "what if???" or "I should have when I had the chance"

you cant finish if u dont start

my story is a long one but i will cut it short.
I bought a home in 2004 sub prime loan went into forclosure and got swindled out of my home. With only a few months before i get kicked out of what i once called home i was up late one night and i saw deans infomercial. As we all know its not like the other R.E. investment shows any way i bought be a real estate millionare and was thinking out of the box. so i was 3yrs into this house and about to loose all i invested in it but i found away thinking way outside the box so outside everyone said i was crazy my wife and brother were looking for apartments and said im wasting my time. Well here is what i did I found a wholesaler who was selling the home im in now for less than it was worth it apraised at 550,000 he wanted 480,000 i gave him a check for 2,000 witch he never cashed becouse i had no money in account and he knew this i closed on house for 535,000 and 0 out of pocket he gave me my empty check back along with a check for 3,000. my mortgage was 3,390 a month a beutiful 2 family house bigger than the one i was going to get kicked out of(I moved before any one knew i was loosing the house and spared my family the hum,uliation of getting evicted) my wife and brother and a few friends werer all shocked that i did it but were concerned that i was paying too much but my plan was not finished its feb 2008 in a new home and everyone is scared i used the 3,000 and what we could gather up about 2,500 every month and paid mortgage for about 6 months then we stoped paying and used the money that would have gone to mortgage and start paying off some debt and fixing up the house alittle. At this point evryone is saying were back in the same boat i told you it would never work back in forclosure again but they had a little more faith in me this time from what i have proven so far. I negotiated a loan mod got 114k cut off my purches price now my loan amount is 421,000 and i pay 1609.09 a month 1,100 rent from my brother upstairs and 600 from sis inlaw in basement so i now pay my mortgage and have 90 bucks left over every month but i live rent free mortgage free. so when i look back and see where i am now and where i was 2 yrs ago i realy cant complain thanks Dean for every thing now im in it for cash profit all i can say is look out here i come.

All this happend because i started and took action.
Taking action is 90% of the battle the rest just happens as you keep acting on what you want.


Rafael Morel
M&N investment.

My thought of the day...........

If I do not Believe in Myself Who Will????

I am completing my first deal. Buying a house for 196,500 and its worth 240,000. No money out of my pocket in fact I am going to put about 3 thousand in my pocket.

I have bad credit and had no money to put down. Owner will carry and I got a private loan for 25,000 so the seller has some money. People think I am crazy.. maybe those of us that succeed need to be to think outside the box.
We will live in this house for a year while my youngest dd finishes High school and then we will either sell or I will use it as rental property.

I bought Deans books less than a month ago. I have gone from having nothing to having a 4 bed 2 bath home on an a huge corner lot.
Thank you so much Dean!!! Matt you rock and I want to say thank you to all of you for your positive thoughts to all of us just starting out!

Get out there and get started, No is just a word that will lead to a yes if you keep on going.

Its all good!!!!

just using the book

I am like many of you. Afraid of going forward. I read all about the success of you in the academy. Would like to hear from some of you that didn't start in the academy, did the actions in the book work for you. I am starting the actions now and I am hopeful that they will lead me to a deal that I can do so eventually get into the academy to learn more, and quicker. I am excited and frightened at the same time. But I am tired of not doing anything, and Dean's videos help and he makes it sound not so difficult once you get a few under your belt. I know the first one is the hardest. I guess I am looking for some help along the way.


Just using the book...

I have not done the academy yet,I have not had the money and decided that for the time being I would just follow the steps that were outlined. It works you just got to have faith in yourself and jump in. I bought the book 4 weeks ago and with just about 6 hours work on my part, I bought my house with no money down with a owner carry.

I move in to my home by May 1st and I have 2 other deals getting ready to line up.
Good luck to you and keep on flying.

If you do not believe in yourself who will?
Its all Good!

Thank you for responding.

Thank you for responding. That gives me more incentive to continue. I'm determined more than ever now to get started.

Congratulations on your deals!


Thank you for responding...

Your welcome, One of the things I love about this site is all the positive support. Make sure to keep posting so we can all share in your success!

Have a wonderful day~


If you do not believe in yourself who will???

Words of Encouragement.

I got DG's book about two weeks ago or less. Read it in a day. Now here I am this week truly being the first week that I have started putting the knowledge into action. I have about five or six investors on my buyers list
I found a very distressed property for dirty cheap. I have it under contract and have two or three investors coming to see it. Money possibly in my pocket without touching a thing. Should be about five or ten thousand dollars profit. However, in mean time I went on craigs list and asked for rehabbers to come look at the property and give me a bid..leaving off some of the stuff that I know I can do for myself. I was thinking the bids was going to be about 10-15k counting supplies...but shocking enough I think total rehab will be about 8k. If I sell this property lower than FMV just to sale quick after rehab I still have a profit margin starring me in the face for abnout 20-30K.
So now I am thinking of everyway possible to come up with the rehab moeny so I can rehab the property and get the better profit vs 5 or 10k as a finders fee. This has been a crazy week working this situation..but I think I may have the magic in place and seal the deal tomo.

When others say it is about acion and networking... they are telling you the TRUTH. It is all about action and thinking outside the box.

Hopes this helps someone.

Dizzydrln (Lisa)

good luck

Glad to see you taking action that's 90% of the battle. And each one gets easy.




That is awesome. Good luck either way. We cannot wait to hear how it turns out. You may be the next latest and greatest success story!


Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.

Thats awesome!!!

You are a go getter Lisa and because of your prompt actions, its encouraging me to take action as well. And im sure that other DGers are feeling the same way. Please continue on keeping us all posted on your progress. It would be greatly appreciated.

Update guys - OMG - lol

Okay here it is in a nutshell.
I started all of this out - in a bad credit with no money situation. Thinking I was gonna make my first several deals assignments.
I am still there... lol - however;

I think I posted prior - I did just bite the bullet and get my LLC via - made it so EASY prolly more expensive than going to a lawyer but the price was worth the quick easy.

Last week - I bought the distressed property I was telling you all about. I was able to get it for MUCH less than initial thought about. I did it with a small downpayment (note the word small) and I have owner financing for six months. With the first payment not due until June 1st. So from the day I got the property that gives me 45 day before first payment. My goal is to rehab this NIGHTMARE and sell with 45 to 60 days. With the economy so crappie - I have been getting great bids on labor really really cheap in comparison to two or three years ago. Two investors want the property already for 10k+ what I paid for it... but after rehab I think profit will be anywhere from 20-35K.

I have taken pics of the property as is - I will see if there is away to post the pics here and keep you all posted on progress.

This is all so doable for everyone - trust me.
As things progress I will also do numbers and break downs on an excel ss for my records and if anyone is interested I would be more than happy to share my creative craziness. lol

How is everyone else doing?

dizzydrln (Lisa)

Im very interested!

Im so amazed on how quickly your moving. Theres no stopping you now. Keep up the great job. And thank you for giving us updates. We would all like to see your breakdown on your deal. Where are you located? Maybe we can work on some deals together in the near future. Send me a PM if you would like.


I am NC and you?

Thanks for the boost...I don't think I can to deep now. lol

dizzydrln (Lisa)