
All About Alarussa

Alarussa's picture
Castleton/Fishers Area (northeast side of INDY)
About Me: 

A Computer Engineer by trade. I've been in the Industry since the RCA Factory moved everything to Juarez, Mexico in 1998. It's provided a semi-decent living, I suppose. Just not getting where I feel I should be.

I figured out computers within a relatively short time. I think I can get a handle on this, as well.

Anyone interested in gettin' together over Happy Hour, just let me know. Right now, I work downtown, outsourced to a Large Corporation. My Home Office is in Carmel. Feel free to drop me a note here, email me, or you can even text me cell. 317-250-4317

Getting this Real Estate thing off the ground is quickly becoming a high priority. But, my fun time belongs to the IndyPackerBackers. A PackerFan Club that I've been overseeing since 2002.

Topics I've Participated In

Linda's (from Indiana) Journal pdqservicesinc136211 years 35 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #145 - Several New and Exiciting Updates dgadmin15112 years 22 weeks ago
Fannie Mae Going After Mortgage Servicers dgadmin2413 years 23 weeks ago
Hello All Alarussa313 years 25 weeks ago
can somebody anybody help me out paradise101813 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Computer Engineering/Networking
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Just Getting Started

Alarussa's picture

Over the years, I think we've all seen the Carlton Sheets, etc., infomercials which don't always tell you the guts of what to do in the real estate business. I figure it's worth $19.95 to buy Dean's book and test it for myself.

Thanks Dean. Keep you posted.

News On Joplin, MO - not positive

Alarussa's picture

Pour some salt on that wound, Direct-TV!!

As Joplin victims call Direct-TV to have their service canceled due to homes being completely wiped off the map, they are being told to send in a box or remote control or pay a fine $500+ to cancel service.

Direct-TV should be boycotted.

Tell their employees to go to these former HOMES and find their remote controls...

(from Facebook)