Everything Else


I know there were some that missed the conference call last night because of confusion on the time zones. Here is a great link to check on current times. I've got it set to the US map, but you can also find a world map and a world clock. Hope this helps.



I appologize

Hi Everyone, I appologize for advertising, I didn't know that this type of thing was not allowed. Once again i appoligize. Cindy

HELP dealing with 'Dream Stealers'

I am suffering miserably with my dream stealing husband.
I am so thankful that I have so much support on this web site, because I am all alone in this world apart from my husband who earns the money (for now) and is the MOST NEGATIVE PERSON ON THIS PLANET!

I am reading the book and I will make myself a millionaire through RE, but he just negates every single thing, every thing, on earth that I try to achieve.

Center City Philadelphia

Hello everyone,
I am a novice real estate investor who wants to pursue a dream of being a real estate millionaire. I have just completed the "Be a real estate millionaire" book.

What are you really afraid of?

We all know that real estate investing is a great way to take control of your life. With "downsizings", "rightsizings", "off shoring" and layoffs at an all time high, job security is simply a thing of the past.

Why Coaching Works

When I began in real estate over 10 years ago I failed, in fact several times. My first deal was a fraud laden transaction, not by me but the seller. I had friends that said after my first failure when trying my next transaction "didn't you learn from the last one." For the fist several years I was told many, many times that I could not do what I trying to do.

If I had to do it over again I would have gotten a coach; someone that has done this before. The mistakes that I saw I would have avoided and gotten better result.

Paying for a Business Plan

Question, simply put, would you spend $200 to have your business plan reviewed by an Angel Investor Group?

This question was asked to me over PM. I would like to answer this publicly so others may learn from this.

I would not pay for a review. There are SBA offices near where you live that will review your business plan for free. There are also community programs that will also do free business plan review, helps and coaching. Check with your local college and they may be able to direct you.

Real Estate Accounting Programs

I am interested in knowing what some of you professionals use for accounting/software programs in your real estate businesses. Is there one in particular that you've found or know of that does the job, yet is inexpensive? Or even a more expensive one that you would recommend?
Forgive me if I've missed this info somewhere else in the forums.


Zillow.com cannot find the property??

Why would Zillow.com or others like it not find the approximate value of a house that was built in 1905?
I used Yahoo Real Estate which calls up Zillow.com and eppraisal.com and it came back with 'We are unable to locate the address you have specified.'
Any suggestions?

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