
All About ZTForce

Jae Ho
real estate investing, karate, body building and football

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

self employed
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


S corp or LLC

I am about to purchase first rental property. Is it a good idea to form a S Corp. or LLC? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Automated Foreclosure Finder

Has anyone used Dean's AFF system?

Anser help

Anitarny's picture

you may want to go to FORUMS and post both of your questions there to receive an answer. This comment page if for people wishing to let you personal questions and comments. If you are looking for help from the group post in FORUMS.


investment property interest rates

Why the interest rates for investment properties higher than primary resident rates?

LLC Company

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to form a LLC Company.
Currently I have mortgage of the rental property under joint name(myself and wife), is it a easy process to change the deed title to LLC Company? Will the bank change the name of the mortgagee to our new LLC Company? Any help will be qreatly appreciated.