Marketing to Buyers and Sellers

Free Website Hosting???


I had a quick question to see if anyone on here knows of any free GOOD website hosting companies?? I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but; I could not find any "updated" info about it.. I feel the content of this topic could help a lot of newcomers out...

Now, I know there are free ones out there like and However, these sites make you carry there name as part of your domain name (which does not look too professional at all)...

So please if anyone knows of any please post a comment...

New way to market Bandit Signs?

New way to market Bandit Signs?

So recently I was listening to a podcast......

In respect to marketing and social media.......and it hit me...... We are all visual and audio human beings. I follow many people for different reasons, I.E. Health,Real Estate,etc.

Why not as a collective community re-enforce our marketing to a broader audience, and refresh our marketing techniques, this is what I was thinking.

Using these platforms:


(it's mostly pictures and now 15 second video clips) by using hash tags we can take a picture of our bandit signs and share it with an audience. Which can direct it back to our web pages, which will have a podcast. And the captive audience can listen to us, in respect to our individual states.

Make a podcast:


I am in contact with 2 different owners who have about 4 houses each, all of which are currently rented All these houses are located in 19146 and 9145 areas of Philadelphia. These areas are side by side are one of the the hottest areas of Philadelphia right now.

These owners are interested selling the properties. But I lack experience in dealing with something like this. I am writing to you to ask if you are interested in co-wholesaling or finding buyers for these properties.
I am open to splitting the profits.

But I would like to deal with someone who would not go behind my back to complete the deals.

Bandit Sign Substitute

Bandit signs are kind of frowned upon in my area so I created my own portable bandit sign that I can use everywhere and no one can complain. (see picture)

I get over a dozen calls a month to buy houses and it is a great icebreaker to meet investors. I think it will pay for itself by the end of summer.

Pocket Listings to Sell???

I found a really cool article that discusses some interesting ideas dealing with marketing and selling your property to potential buyers. I hope this article helps you as much as it helped me.

3 Concerns About Pocket Listings Every Home Seller Should Consider
By: Sam DeBord
Home sellers today are often approached with a variety of marketing strategies from potential listing agents. They offer a wide range of options to get exposure for the homeowner’s property.
The local MLS has listings that feed out to every brokerage and agent website in your area, and even nationwide in many cases. Since nine out of ten buyers are searching online, it’s the MLS that is real estate agents’ #1 tool for generating buyer exposure for their listings.

Craigslist or Backpage ads for motivated sellers?

Does anyone have any good ideas or suggestions for finding motivated sellers on Craigslist that work? And, what section to put those ads in?

CASH Buyers for Commercial Properties

Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to find CASH buyers for commercial properties, real buyers. We have buyers, get them the properties they ask for, but when it's time for them to provide POF or LOI, they won't proof up. Any thoughts would be helpful.


Hello All!
Looking for some HELP!
In my Marketing plan I am using Postlets.
I ran into a situation with a house i previously had under contract and posted it on Postlets. I got a call from what I thought was an interested Investor. But here it was an Agent. He went back to the listing Agent and told him I was Marketing and showing the property.I went threw Matt Larsons Full Wholesaling program and You could actually SAVE the Postlet and use to Market ONLY.
It seems to have changed Is anyone out there using Postlets? And if so can you HELP me with this.

Jay C

Bandit Signs works

Hello there DG family,

I'm Peter from Queens NY. I put up two bandit signs up. One on a main street by lights and a bus stop the other at a McDonald's exit. Funny thing I use to work there. I got two calls back. Amazing how easy and open people are about selling there houses that need some work. I'm going to do some research on these two properties and send them a offer.

i'm on my way little step at a time.

Vinyl Letters and Car Magnets vs. Bandit Signs

Anyone who has had bad luck with Bandit signs getting taken down should try vinyl letters or car magnets on their vehicle. The two biggest advantages are that no one can take them down on you, and because you can get alot of viability when your on the road or in parking lots. I have several students that have taken this approach and been very successful with it. The best place I have seen to get it is:

Try it!



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