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Positive Thinking

How Positive Thinking May Be Blocked By Your Own Inner Dialogue or Self-Talk!
Positive thinking can and will change your entire life.

Maintaining a positive attitude can and will help you to deal with and manage many of life’s challenges.

A positive attitude brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking.

What goes on in your mind affects your entire life.

When you focus on the negative things in this world you will only attract more negativity into your life.

The ability to focus your mind towards positive thinking all starts with your own inner dialogue.

Multi-Generational Home buying

A growing number of home buyers are looking for extra space to accommodate multiple generations of family, according to a recent Coldwell Banker survey of real estate agents.

Almost 40 percent of the agents who responded noted an increase in home buyers looking to purchase homes to accommodate more than one generation of their family. Nearly 70 percent of the agents surveyed said multi-generational buying is only likely to get hotter in 2010 given the economic landscape.

The grim financial environment is the main driving force behind the new attention on garage apartments and mother-in-law suites. But health care (29 percent) and those good old family ties (6 percent) were also cited as factors, according to the survey.

Treat Real Estate Investment as a busisnesses

It is important for real estate investors to approach their real estate activities as a business in order to establish and achieve short- and long-term goals. A business plan allows real estate investors to not only identify objectives, but also determine a viable course of action towards their attainment. A business plan also allows investors to visualize the big picture, which helps maintain focus on the goals rather than on any minor setback. Real estate investing can be complicated and demanding, and a solid plan can keep investors organized and on task.

•Know Their Markets

What Exactly is a Real Estate Investors Buyer Agent?

Buyers' agents are agents who are experienced in and often times specialize in working on investment related transactions and retained by real estate investors to help them find the perfect house and are paid by the sellers / builders / listing agents.

Here's an example. Lets say that you are in the market to buy a very specific car (i.e. a Black Chevrolet Suburban 4x4 with tan leather interior) and walk into a local Chevrolet dealership to find one. Guess who those "friendly" sales people work for? The dealer, of course. They're all trying to get you to buy using every pressure tactic in the book. Do you feel comfortable? Of course not.

How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Wholesale Buyers List

I’ve been on a bunch of coaching calls recently with students. One of the main strategies of interest to investors seems to be wholesaling. And I think it’s great! Wholesaling is an awesome way for beginning investors to get their feet wet without sticking their neck out too far. You can virtually limit your risk to next to zero if you use the right techniques. Wholesaling is also a great way to create cash flow for beginners and pros alike. Lot’s of times, you can wholesale deals for anywhere between $3K and $10K. Not bad for never having to even close on the property, right? With that being said, there have been many questions in reference to building a list of wholesale buyers. Soooo, here we go . . . 6 Surefire Ways to Build Your Wholesale Buyers List

Write goals down

You’ve probably heard hundreds of times that it is crucial to write your goal down. But do you know why this step is so important?

When you put pen to paper you turn your thoughts into something tangible. You can actually see it, touch it, and even smell it if you want to. Your goal is no longer just a thought! It becomes something, what motivates us and creates a gut feeling inside.

Even the act of using the eye in coordination with the hand holding the pen makes a much stronger impression on our mind as we write out the phrase or expression. Now when we read and re-read that phrase or sentence the impression on the mind becomes deeper and deeper.

There is something semi-magical about writing one’s goals down which makes achieving well-written goals an almost certainty.


If clutter is the accumulation of unnerving stuff, then decluttering means tossing what you don't need - including items, thoughts and even interruptions that distract you. Focus. Simplify. Declutter.

De-cluttering your physical space can have an amazingly uplifting effect on your mood. Feng Shui experts claim that buildings and furniture store the memories of events in the form of energy, and that by de-cluttering you can clear the energy of historic traumatic events. Whether or not you put any store in that kind of theory, nobody who has ever de-cluttered a space could deny the positive benefits of increasing the physical space in their environment.


Many think of meditation as a silly New Age practice or "too hippie" for their taste. Some others think it is against their religion.

In the 1970s, Swami Muktananda arrived in Santa Monica, California from India to kick off his "meditation revolution" in the USA. A young reporter asked if her rabbi would allow meditation. Muktananda responded with this question, "Does your rabbi allow you to sleep?"

Meditation is not sleep. But it is very personally subjective and doesn't conflict with any religious dogma or belief system. It requires daily practice for optimum benefits. It's considered better to meditate for short periods daily than long periods occasionally.

negativity of complaining

I think it was Philip McKernan who said, “you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most.” Think about that for a minute. Who do you spend most of your time with? Your spouse? Coworkers? Friends?

Now ask yourself what are those people like? Am I like them? I suspect if you answered the questions truthfully to yourself then you would have to answer the last question with a resounding, “yes!”

Which brings me to the inspiration for this article as written by Minda Zetlin. Her article has some really good points and good quotes, namely:

“The brain works more like a muscle than we thought,” Blake says. “So if you’re pinned in a corner for too long listening to someone being negative, you’re more likely to behave that way as well.”

How to Be Successful - On Achieving Success

There is immense pressure on us to be successful. Be it that it comes from society, family, friends, or from our own selves. We all want to be successful, we want to reach this distant success. Yet, what is success exactly? Did you ever stop to think what success means to you, because, apparently, it means different things to different people. So make sure you know where it is you are going, just so you get to the right place.

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