Hello DG family,
I want to let you know that birdogging works! I had bought a home from a seller, who had many more homes and they casually asked if I know any investors in a certain area, please let me know about them. So, I introduced another fellow DGer to the seller. A few weeks later I got a check for $500; and then a week later another for $1025 from the seller! AND, another was put in the mail and will be in my mail box this week for $825 and one for $725 next week!
ALL I DID WAS INTRODUCE THE PARTIES! Nothing else. So, if you STILL think you can't make money in this business without money, think again. It is 100% possible. Now I can add 'birddogging' to my list of investing experience.
God is great, with God ALL things are possible! Dean, you have been such an inspiration, and DG family, you have kept me on my toes and given me so much motivation and been there through all my ups and downs! (read my journal (listed below) for a view of all the struggles I've had ) Don't EVER give up!! If you fail 100 times, that 1 time you do it, you will realize it was not in vain!
I'm still trying my hand at co wholesaling and wholesaling, and I've failied a lot. But, you'll see a post from me soon with a successful deal, because I will keep at it UNTIL I succeed. And you should too!
That is awesome! Great Job!
Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!! http://www.lanemccaw.bookimentioned.com/b/
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
Way to go. Money is money any money in is more money than you had it all adds up.
Keep up the good work I know you work hard at this and it is going to pay off big time.
Now lets get a deal done together.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Great post, glad you are on here sharing your deals, have missed your journal posts, always loved seeing what you have going on. Why so many checks?
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
source of income that we often overlook. Gotta start paying more attention my self. If we spend so much time developing buyers why not share them with people we trust.
Btw: Cathy, the reason you havent seen Tammy on DG is she is spending so much time on FB. LOL Tammy your posts are great...I wonder how your uncle is doing?
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Thanks for the encouragement. I've had so much going on, I'm finally getting a breather! I've had about 20 some deals fall through in the past month and a half. There are 3 checks, because the seller gives me a small fee for each property bought! I was pleasantly surprised! Hope you are doing well!
LOL , I am actually not there too often, but when I am there it is to talk to some of my buyers, and then of course I get sidetracked with the neat sayings, videos and pictures that are on the front page.
Yes, it is overlooked! Sellers always need buyers! We do get so caught up in the bigger things we forget about the simple ones, don't we? Back to basics sometimes opens doors we would have otherwise missed!
Btw: Cathy, the reason you havent seen Tammy on DG is she is spending so much time on FB. LOL Tammy your posts are great...I wonder how your uncle is doing?
Yes, we need to get one going and just do it. Even though I haven't closed too many wholesale deals yet, just getting in and doing it has grown my network tenfold. And, I've learned so much! That kind of payment will benefit later on down the line!
Keep up the good work I know you work hard at this and it is going to pay off big time.
Now lets get a deal done together.
I knew you'd come through because you are super persistent and don't give up. Its worth sticking with it through the bad to get to the good, isn't it?
Hey Tammy, Way to go my fellow DGer Investor, Jim
Tammy, Thank you for sharing, very cool!
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https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Way to go!
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
Thanks. I'm still working on that other item for you.
Thank you! Love your name!
It just goes to show that there is money to be made everywhere in this business!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
So I updated the title and the new amount. Another $725 of passive income made.
Don't you just LOVE the possibilities with REI???

That's great! Practically a stream of passive income.
I was under the impression for a situation like this that most people would only be paid for the original referral/deal. But hey, you wouldn't hear me complaining if it happened to me too.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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That's amazing Tammy! Great money for just introducing two in a transaction! Keep it up!
Tom and Jeri
Congratulations on your checks!! Your post caught my attention! Im Holly, I think you and I have pm eachother awhile ago.. (Mother of 5, I homeschooled my children, like you.
I wanted to ask you how you arranged to get your fee on those deals??? I recently posted an ad to attract some buyers online.. The very same day, I had a seller/Investor call me and ask about a cash buyer to buy his property, possibly two. (My ad was not inteneded to find a seller at the time, although I was extremely excited about it!! ) He is moving out of state and does not want to landlord. He asked me if I had any cash buyers and I told him I did . What I didnt do in our conversation was lead him to believe I would buy the properties myself.. He thinks I am going to find him a buyer.. How would you handle this if you were me? Would you act as a bird-dog and collect a fee from buyer, or seller?? OR... should I make an offer and put the deal under contract and then find a buyer... This would be my very first wholesale deal.. I just want to make sure If I introduce any buyer to the seller, or vice versa, that I somehow get paid too. He has another property he may sell also, I have worked so hard and long to make this finally happen!!! I appreciate your feedback...
I want to let you know that birdogging works! I had bought a home from a seller, who had many more homes and they casually asked if I know any investors in a certain area, please let me know about them. So, I introduced another fellow DGer to the seller. A few weeks later I got a check for $500; and then a week later another for $1025 from the seller! AND, another was put in the mail and will be in my mail box this week for $825 and one for $725 next week!
ALL I DID WAS INTRODUCE THE PARTIES! Nothing else. So, if you STILL think you can't make money in this business without money, think again. It is 100% possible. Now I can add 'birddogging' to my list of investing experience.
God is great, with God ALL things are possible! Dean, you have been such an inspiration, and DG family, you have kept me on my toes and given me so much motivation and been there through all my ups and downs! (read my journal (listed below) for a view of all the struggles I've had
) Don't EVER give up!! If you fail 100 times, that 1 time you do it, you will realize it was not in vain!
I'm still trying my hand at co wholesaling and wholesaling, and I've failied a lot. But, you'll see a post from me soon with a successful deal, because I will keep at it UNTIL I succeed. And you should too!
Thank you! For this one, the seller just sends me a form to fill out for the finder's fee whenever a deal is happening. If you find the buyer and don't put it under contract, you CAN use an NCND to protect the confidentiality and going around you. But, even using those, people sometimes try to go around you.
The best way is to put it under contract, with 'BUYER NAME and/or ASSIGNS' as the buyer. Give yourself as long as possible to hold the property and as long as possible due diligence period to remove contingencies. Then you can use an assignment agreement; that is the best route to go IMHO because then they HAVE to go through you to get the property. I have found that its best to market it for the sales price + assignment fee; then people call you to ask what the assignment fees are. Or, you can market it with the assignment fee built in; its all up to you.
I do remember talking to you a while back because you are another mom of many that homeschooled. Right now I broke down and put my kids in school (a very small one that is run just like homeschool) and it has really given me the break I've needed.
And my kids love being with other kids, even if the class size is only 5 or 6. 
Thanks, I wanted to share to show that birddogging can bring in some money too, so don't forget about that strategy.
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
This seller has quite a few properties, so they reward the finder for each transaction rather than for each buyer; because they wouldn't have gotten the sale at all w/o the introduction and they realize the value of it. Every little bit.. it adds up...
I was under the impression for a situation like this that most people would only be paid for the original referral/deal. But hey, you wouldn't hear me complaining if it happened to me too.
that is so cool! who would think birdogging after all the other deals you've done this far?! as you say... another strategy to put under your belt!
congratulations! as always, thanks for sharing!
Learning and progressing every day,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
What a Great Story Tammy, gives one goosebumps just contemplating all the possibilities here!!
Fabulous stuff.
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself..."
"Never Say Die Until a Dead Horse kicks ya!" An Aboriginal Elder
You are always thinking of new ways to generate income. Keep it going
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
Way to go with the birdogging! It incredible how much the saying "its who you know, not what you know" applies to REI.
I noticed that your private money site is down... just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware
Great job Tammy and much Congrats! You definately have and continue to pave a way for yourself:) And like you said, "back to basics"...I sometimes think we forget this. Much continued success to you!
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
Yes, I'm in a situation now, I can't buy any properties, I have mega expenses going on and things seemed to be in a pretty bad situation. My loan STILL hasn't closed (10 months now) and I'm getting very worried as my HML is due in 2 months and this HML is brutal and will just take the house, all our investment into the house, all the rehab and equity and take it from us when term comes; so I'm getting pretty anxious about it.
The possibilities in RE are endless! Keep at it and you will succeed!
Despite the obstacles against me right now, I have to press forward past them. I'm making it happen despite everything in my way!
Yes, I'm in the middle of updates to it, so its off and on throughout the day. But, its working now.
Networking is SO essential in wholesaling, its your lifeline. Your network=your net worth!
I'm now on my way to my first successful short sale assignment as well. Things keep getting better!