Hi Everyone,
Well I just ordered Deans Book a couple weeks after seeing his infomercial for the first time, after doing more research and of course waiting for my next paycheck to come. lol. I'm 21 years old, live at home with my parents and I am just in a situation where I feel like I am not getting anywhere in life. I'm surrounded by people who are making moves and going to college and when we go to visit family, they ask so what are you doing with your life... It's the topic I always dread, its almost embarassing. I do work, I pay for all my expenses, car, phone, insurance, food, etc, but time doesnt stop for anybody, and I make just enough to pay waht needs to be paid. I have been so inspired by what i have seen here, and from what I hear from Dean. I really feel like this is an opportunity I can take advantage of. I feel since I am younger the intimidation factor on my end seems a little greater, but I am determined to get passed that fear. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme, or a sit at home and do nothing but make millions kind of thing... I really am willing to learn and work hard. I'm 21 years guy, who wants to look back and be proud of my accomplishments, one day support a family with financial freedom, the american dream. I'm very willing to put in the work ethic to make a system like this work. Maybe this is my calling, I want to do something that I love. Not just a good enough job to get by. I look forward to soon being able to share my Real Estate experiences with everyone. Take Care
WELCOME from the DG family!(that's what we call ourselves here)Where are you located?Your local real estate market will determine how hard you will how to work at it
I'm trying to get my first property right now myself & wish I were younger like you are..I feel that's a huge plus cause you can learn faster & take it all in 
You are in a fantastic situation!
I wish I was 21 and just read Dean's books!
Don't let the world fool you, most people are unhappy and broke in their JOB (Just Over Broke). If this is something you are truly interested in then you are in the right place!
Be sure to read Dean's story, he started with nothing and only a high school education. Look up Jeremy (he is in Dean's latest book). He partnered with another DGer on here and they have become very successful (I think he is 18). Also look up Chad Merrihew, he is also young and is also very successful. All because of what they learned from Dean.
By reading his books, and participating on this site, and meeting some of the people, and taking action, the only results are success!
I will give you your first action step...Dean loves to give action steps.
- Read Dean's books
- Determine who you most relate to and follow in their footsteps for a while until you can blaze your own trail.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
You will succeed at this and wow, if only I'd found Dean at 21, I can imagine where I'd be right now! There is so much info on this site, soak it up.
Start building your buyer's list and find an awesome realtor like Gorgeous did (another new 21 year old doing 9 deals right now!!!)
I am so excited for you and i'm no longer alone in the age department!!! i've been with deans material for less than two months now i am 21 with NO MONEY, NO CREDIT, i dont even have a car!! YET!! lol and with the knowledge i have learned from this amazing site and deans success academy i have people twice my age totally impressed with me. i have 1 deal under my belt and like tammy said 9 in progress with my real estate agent and two great deals locked up under contract by myself!! I am a current college student and was recently laid off my corporate J.O.B. for a 21 year old i was making good money and had a great career ahead of me but i cant stand time constraints. I wasnt on time for anything!!! lol i hated the hustle and bustle of a 9-5 to support myself and then going to school at night. so no social life i was just burnt out!! after i got laid off which was the best thing that could have ever happened!!! i have thrown all my energy into learning and perfecting deans techniques because i too want to have that sense of accomplishment.
I told my self that i refused to work for anyone else ever again and once you have that mentality that you wants to succeed at something you WILL make it happen. the dg fam is here for you make sure you ask as many questions as possible and we will all pool our knowledge and help in anyway possible.
God Bless,
Gorgeous Frazier
PS. NEVER GIVE UP!! no matter what anyone tells you stick to your gunz and youll be fine
I bought my 1st house at 21 & it was a awesome feeling. My wife Jill & I were also in Deans's last book & have done 56 RE transactions to date. Use all of these tools given to you & RE investing will give you a life style 2nd to none. Good Luck ! Gary/ Jill
Hi Jesse. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and are very inspired and motivated. I'm sure you will succeed.
I am new myself, but quite a few years older than you! Just joined in April. I'm in the process of working on 3 reo deals which I will have to do back to back closings on so wish me luck. I'm really confused at this time, but am working with a real estate agent. The other day I was on here and they were talking about assignments. Their conversation helped me so much. It cleared up some of the confusion in my head. So thanks to everyone! If you get overwhelmed and confused just ask questions on here. They are great!
Jo Ann
Thank you all so much for your advice and support, I really do appreciate it! It really gives me the confidence and drive to succeed. Gorgeous I hope to be on your level soon Lol, but i know exactly what you mean. I've been watching videos everyday and going back to even older video blogs of Dean just taking in as much information as i can before the books arrive so I can really have an idea where I can go with this. To answer question Pinballdan Im located in Northern Virginia, Woodbridge; Prince William County.
Thats great to hear Jo, I really do wish you luck on your reo deals!!
I cant stress enough how grateful I am to have a support system like this in place, it really does keep the drive alive when things jus dont seem to falling in your favor. Funny, I probably wont even tell alot of my friends im getting into this, because I already know the kind of response i will get, lol, and i dont need that bringing my spirits down. The best time to tell those people is when you start seeing the results, and THEY will see the results. I do feel if I play my cards right, dont give up, and really make an effort here, this opportunity can be huge for me. I wont give up and I look forward to speaking to all of you throughout my journeyy!
that's what I did!!
I joined the site before I got the books I watched every single blog dean had ever made looked him up on YouTube it's great that he puts all this free info out for you!! Trust me I have a lonngggg wayyy to go but I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't take ACTION!! Sometimes you gotta put down the book or books and implement a action item I look forward to your success
God Bless,
Jesse read , read ,read. Then look for answers to your questions by using the search engine top left here. If you dont find your answer, ask we will all help if we can.
At 21 you have a bright future if you follow Deans steps.
good luck, give it 100% and you will succeed.
Welcome to the DG Family. It is a great family to be involved in. This website is a good place for information, tools, and people that are all in this together.
Don't feel overwhelmed by real estate all. It doesn't matter what age you are, you can do real estate. That is the fun thing about it. Real Estate is for everyone. When you find the area that interests you the most you are just going to love it even more.
Good Luck to you and I can't wait to hear about your success.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
It's good to here there are other young investors out there. Im 21 as well that was an awsome boost of comfort and confidence. Thanks!
Gregory B Palmer
I am 19 and some people say I look alot younger. I bout the book last year but one of my mean fears was that people would think I was a joke or something. Because of that I stoped trying. The book is good and I know it would work. Just a need something to keep me going. I am about to buy his new book now and I think I can do it this time. I was woundering if any of you knew anyone that is my age and made some deals or if any of you have any advice you could share with me that could make being 19 in real state a good thing.
Just wanted to say welcome to the dg family as well. You are starting at a good age as you still have a lot ahead of you that you can do and do not worry about the nay sayers and such as those are every where or dream stealers they are called too. Just look over them and get out there and getr done. I was once 21 some time ago and too bad I did not get deans books back then or even heard of him but I have done a lot of things in my life and have made it pretty far right now with the things I have done but I have not gone far enough yet though. Well you feel your stuck on something and do not know what to do just ask here and we will all try to help when and where we can. No I have not done a deal yet but I am working on it still and I will not give up, I use every bit of spare time I have for this and that is not that much as I have a 40 hr week job with lots of over time and then a small farm here in Ne Tx as well that takes time to keep up also. Once again welcome and best wishes from Tx.
I feel the same way. I do not feel like I have much of a financial future in my current possition. I to have people and friends thinking it won't work but I know it can. I am also young at 18. I got deans books about 3 months ago and am really trying. I have found a real estate agent that I believe will really help me out. I also should be starting my first assignment deal this week. Just keep watching the videos over and over like I did and the insperation will never stop.
Hoping that you get it going,
Keep It Moving
That should be the motto you have when thinking about working with people and those in your inner circle who don't have the same beliefs you do
You'll probably go through tons of agents, attorneys, bankers and brokers, etc. Look at it as a lesson learned.
Have a plan, never go headfirst into this without some type of handle on it; this is not for the weak of heart and what will make more the difference is not the amount of checks you cash, or how soon you close, and being overjoyed about your first deal.
The difference is how you handle the adversity of having a deal fall through, having your deposit not returned because of a clerical error in the contract, being duped by an 'investor' screwing you out of a deal, just to name a few.
Keep your eyes and ears open, always be professional and never fall in love with a deal or a property.
Good luck
I first purchased Be a Real Estate Millionaire followed by Proftit from Real Estate Right now. I just finished reading Your Town and it all finally makes sense. I was just under 20 years old when I bought BARM and as I have finally made the decision to go forth and actually make this happen. I am 23 now and it sickens me to think of all the profits and deals I have missed out on, convincing myself I was too young. Carry yourself as a professional and it won't matter whether you are 19 or 91!
Hello everybody. i am just reading the books for the 1st time.
I feel, like i will have to read or look through again in order to have
more clear picture. It's great to be 21. At this age You are like a sponge,
soak everything in. I am not there anymore, but determined.
I think, this is more important than age. good luck.
Welcome to the DG family. We are excited that you all have decided to join a great group of talented people who are going places. As with any business, you have to put in the time and effort to acquire the results. As was echoed earlier, reading the material is important as well as putting the information to good use. Do not get discourage, if you feel that nothing is happening too soon. Keep investing in yourselves and watch your lives change for the better. All the best and God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hello, my young DG siblings!
I am 21 as well! This seems to be the trendy age around here! Jesse, Gregory, James, Dakota, Odyssey, and Jane, welcome to our family! I haven't seen this many 23 and unders on one post before. I have a feeling that we could well be the next generation of inspirational, motivating DG investors here. There's a sense of pride to be taken from coming into a world of 10% unemployment. We have plenty of people to look up to on this site, and now with Jeremy and Gorgeous, we've got the proof that there's no time or reason to wait around or be overcome by timidity. Life is an adventure and it's time we started treating it as such. Let me ask you: what makes something an adventure? Once you know that answer, we'll be prepared for success. "Who will join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?"
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
Yo whats up Jesse. Just want to share some thought. It's so cool to share some thought about how im getting started. I'm 23 years old and bought deans book about 5 or 6 months ago. I'm still learning alot about real estate. In my opinion the learning curve for REI never stops. There is no such thing as someone being more better or smarter than the other. It's about GRIND. But yeah the only thing that holds people back most of the time is the fear. The way i over come that is by simply knowing what you know and putting it into action before paralysis occurs. And try having a Friendly, Funny and humorous attitude. And have others goals in mind. For Ex. REI will get me financial stability but My real passion is Developing Video games. I did lots of youtubing before i got into real estate. And what I've noticed is that. Its ok to be yourself. Young guys in there early or mid 20's breaking deals left and right. Here this will get you real pumped up to get started. Watch and enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8s8T-VvU8E&NR=1
This guy is 24 years old and making serious$$$
Its great to know so much of us young ones are stepping out regardless of what any has to say..or any money..or without a car..etc lol we our stepping out on faith and making it happen!! Keep us updated jesse and if you need anything were all here.
God Bless,
Hi Jesse!
I am 21 as well and would like to tell you that you are on the right track. Good job taking action!!
Well by the looks of things I am the only senior here. 21 or a graying senior, age makes no difference on this site. Continue to monitor this site at all times and ask questions always. Read and re-read Dean's books for the wealth of information he has given. You will know when the time is right for you to jump in. Stay positive and stay focused and you will succeed.....Jan
Whats up Jesse!
So you're brand new into the world of Real Estate Investing I see, very awesome. Well congrats bro on taking the first step in securing your future by getting Dean's books, you made an excellent and wise decision! Just like yourself and several of the other great members of the DG family, I too am also 21 and feel very fortunate and blessed to have taken a leap of faith to secure my future with real estate. The only thing is, and as hard and slightly embarrassing for me to admit, is that I've had Dean's material for over a year now and I have not made any real progress yet. It's not because I chose not to, it's simply because of the issues of life in general I have to deal with. Between work, school, and managing a social life...it can get pretty tough at times to a point where it can just totally wear you out and then sum. So I totally hear ya and know where you're coming from when it comes to doing what you can to make it by and feeling pressured. But I've learned in life that it doesn't really matter what you've gone through in the past or how difficult life may be for you, there is still hope and it's never too late put your foot down and go after all the dreams and goals in your life!
So with that said, I just wanna say its great to know there is another fellow young DG family member besides myself and I am ready just like everyone else to change my life forever. I have read both of his recent books "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" and "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" so if you have anything to ask or collaborate ideas, feel free to hit me up. I may not have all the best and most wise knowledge out there like some of our veterans in the DG family, but I am certainly an optimistic guy you will want to turn to for encouragement and for all the best support. : ) Once again, congrats on making the decision to better your life with real estate and I look forward to hearing from ya soon and helping each other reach our potential to live our lives to the fullest!
"You are who you are without a doubt...And what you put in is what you see out."
Glad to have you on board! Don't worry, our family has had to deal with the responsibilities and time required of life! We're starting to make some major headway.
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
I'm only 15 and I'm super nervous and kind of scared to be posting here, but I saw an infomercial for Dean's program at I think 3 in the morning which was for me just an hour ago. I saw his infomercial and I started to get inspired and I started thinking that I could start doing this and give myself a head start in life but I'm still having doubts, mostly cuz im only 15, and I am actually scared to try this and I have no idea what to do.
I guess I'll finally go to bed and wake up 5 hours later at 10am and do some more research and reading then
Welcome Jesse. I share your enthusiasm.
We'll call you Billy the Kid!
There's no reason for you to be nervous. I'm impressed that you're taking the initiative at your age. Even if the only thing you do right now is learn, you're getting miles ahead of the field!
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
Hi Jesse, I'm new to RE as well. Getting my West Virginia State license tomorrow and slowly working into the business. Keep the faith Jesse! do alittle something toward your business each day, reading, calls, talking to people about what your doing, realestate agents/brokers etc, and it will slowly come together for you! Steve
Hi Jesse and everyone else,
I'm a 23 year old who is also just getting started in the world of real estate investing. I graduated from a decent school with a degree in civil engineering 7 months ago and still haven't been able to find a job. I just bought Dean's book yesterday and am about halfway through. Needless to say, I haven't been on this forum very long, but already I am inspired by all the positivity. I still have some nagging doubts, (that I will hopefully be able to alleviate once I finish the book and spend some more time online) but it's so encouraging to see other young investors like myself taking their first steps and finding success!
I work full time at what is basically nothing more than a Summer job, and since I'm still living with my parents, I'd love to take action to start working toward financial freedom as soon as possible. My hometown buddy and I are both looking to get jobs as estimators or construction managers to learn more about local development trends and meet contractors. We've also been working with Habitat for Humanity on weekends building and refurbishing homes in some of Connecticut's most impoverished areas. This has been an unbelievable experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone. We also are home architecture nuts and share the dream of one day working for ourselves building LEED certified green homes. Real estate investing sounds like a great way to turn this dream into a reality, so I join this online community with open ears and an open mind.
I wish all of you the best of luck in life and in business, and I can't wait to begin getting to know other investors as I learn more about this exciting and (with any luck) lucrative enterprise!
-Ben from CT