I have had the worst luck in the last week. From trying to find a job in AZ, to over-contacting 3 people in the investing business (and scaring them) to not contact me ever again. I feel so bad, too. How can I fix this?
I guess I am nervous about talking to sellers, any potential buyers, and really trying to get 1 deal done or a job since I have bills to pay along with child support. I know this isn't the typical positive journal entry, or a positive one, but It should get better. Thank you for listening to me. I shall continue with updates, hopefully positive as I am feeling a little in the gutters recently.
Thank you.
Leave your 2010 problems in 2010. Make corrective action in your daily life and move forward.
When you have real deals, investors will want to contact you, not the other way around. The one thing about RE investing is you can't just make your deal to magically appear. Only through networking, reading, learning, asking questions, looking at houses, reading real estate forums, living, breathing, eating, sleeping real estate can you make a living at this. But only you can make that commitment.
A lot of times, real estate deals come when you aren't under pressure as you are now. Are you trying to be a real estate investor because you're unemployed; or are you a real estate investor because of choice? Be honest to yourself and you will find the answer you need.
Perhaps a "regular job" of some type will relieve the pressure so you can consider real estate as your second job. I only say this because child support is a serious issue and the state of AZ takes it serious.
Even if you found a deal today, you could be looking at 3 weeks to be paid if the deal is perfect. Your buyer is going to do his own research and that takes time. Trust between parties only occurs over time. It does not happen on day one. When you've been in the business as long as I have, the trust issue comes a little easier, but for that, you'll have to put in 30 years.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
Over time it will get easier for you to talk to sellers and buyers. Do you have a questionnaire in front of you when you are speaking to sellers so you can get as much info as possible about the property & circumstances? Do you have a quesionnaire in front of youwhen you are speaking with buyers? As you become more familiar with the questions you need answered you will sound less rehearsed and more natural. Often times your questions will be answered before you ask them.
Some cash investors are just plain too busy to spend time talking on the phone to answer your questions or they aren't sure about you and what you are doing. Some aren't serious buyers. The 1st time I called a for rent sign in an effort to find a motivated seller or cash buyer the conversation went from bad to worse and he blasted me over the phone. I was nervous and he knew it! I brushed myself off, picked myself up and did it again - it DOES get easier!!
Some investors will ask a lot of question to find out more about you. One wanted to meet us.
Have you been able to attend an REI meeting in your area? You'll meet investors and other RE professionals at these meetings.
I wish you the best of luck in your REI journey and all that you do.
Hello Dallas
I am sorry to hear about your current situation, and I did say current all things can change if you choose a path and commit to making it work.
Bill and Lea already told you some of what you should do.
This is the main reasons we tell everyone to read and study first,because when people try to go out and start making deals when they don't have the knowledge they need they fail. Then they become afraid to try again.
It sounds like you need a income before all else. If you want to work in real estate, maybe you can get an entry level position with a local Realtor or investor so you can earn while you learn.
Hopefully you'll find this helpful.
When building your buyers list and talking to your buyers remember it is about THEM. What kinds of properties do THEY LIKE? What makes them tick? Do you 'hear' the excitement in their voice when they talk about doing major rehabs? Or are they 'over' that and want a turnkey property or minor cosmetics and small repairs only so they can rent quickly and start cash flowing ASAP? Listen closely to what they are telling you. Enjoy learning about THEM and what they enjoy. Some will even want to help you, guide you and share their experiences, knowledge and wisdom they've learned along the way. Respect their time - imagine what it is like for them for example if they are working on or overseeing a major rehab and then getting a call from you at the same time. Timing is everything.
Hope this helps
Dear Friend,
It's going to take some time before you get your feet wet. In the mean while find a investment group and look for someone to "Mentor" you. This person will expect you to do what he say and start attending network groups so you can meet the "Who's is Who in the area. Once you meet other investors it's ok to let them know you are new and want to learn. Some may tell you a little about what they want and others will ask you to bring them any kind of deal.The more you have face time around these people you will get confortable and then you will understand that we are all just regular people. You do have to understand what a deal is. We are all in this for a profit, that goes for you or the person you are bring your deals to.Learn the numbers and the deals will sell.
If I have a 2011 car for sale at 2005 price I have a deal buyer will knock down my doors to buy. I dont have to sell it. It will sell it's self. My friend that is what you are looking for out there. Deals that bring "Motivated buyer".
This is what your looking for out there in the real estate market and the buyer will come.Start reading books and learn what make a great deal. Get your bandit signs out there, and post ad on all kinds of website looking for buyers with ghost ad's stay on the DG website and find someone you can relate to and make that connection with. Read what they are doing and make them one of your mentors as well. Just keep contacting people on the phone to sell there home to you until you get pass your fear.
I once took a telemarketing job just to make a little extra cash on the side. I was feared of the phone every day. My boss walked up to me and said this isn't for you and you need to stick with your day job. I got so mad with him, but he was right. But the next day i asked one guy there how does he do so well at this phone crap each day. He told me that he kept score of how many people hung up on him and how many purchase from him. He also said that he would get 5 to 15 no not interested call out and finally one Yes I'm interested call. After a while it became a game for both of us each day to see who got the most "NO". Before you know it I was sell sometime as much a my friend but not alway as much as him because he had a nake at the Phone and I had a day job and was not as motivated as he was. I hope this cheered you up. Nothing happen over night you just work at it harder. Good luck.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions - I appreciate it.
For the last at least 2 years I've heard it's fairly easy and you can make some good money. I would say it's a little of being forced into it, but a lot of the choice aspect. It really hard for me to say, unless I actually do a 1st deal and I get that 1st check. My other thing is this: If I find a deal in the town I live, how will I know if it's a golden egg for an investor if they would mind buying in this town, or a dud and it doesn't sell? I know home values in Arizona and amongst a few other states like Cali, Nevada, and Florida have been a little crazy over the last year and they're just bouncing up one day or month and the next they're not - just like the stock market.
Oh, I snagged up the "Your town - Your profit" book deal where you could get the 2 for 1 special basically. I've read through the 1st, but haven't touched the 2nd book yet. If an investor called me tomorrow and asked if I would like a mentor for free, (and they had the time to do it), I would go for it. The problem I have with the other programs out there is they cost $, esp. if you don't have it. I believe it when they say nothing happens overnight that quick. I also realize there are a lot of other people out there that are fighting tooth and nail for the same job, as most of the jobs out there are or have gotten a little scarce. I hope life gets better for us all as well, no matter what happens to us.
Thought you might like this post.
just think how you'll feel when you can sit back with no worries about how you'll take care of your family.
P.S. like i said your young, you have so much in front of you!
Thank you all for your advice, and encouragement. I'm so thankful to be a part of a second family, that wants you to succeed.
I've been a little afraid lately, not sure of the unknown. I decided to drive down & have a little lunch at a neat italian sub shop (which I recommend when you're in town). I was planing on giving the waitress my business card, with the words like, "I pay cash for referrals!" on the back. They don't have a waitress until 4pm. I kinda knew the guy at the counter a little bit, off and on throughout the years when I used to work at the same location in Florence, but I kept debating whether or not to give him the card and give him a few words about "what I do". I chose to give him the card anyway and found out he's got $10k to get a house with, but his credit isn't as good. The house he had before - he did a "loan mod" on, the company took the $2k he paid them and he found out the house was being sold anyway & there wasn't anything he could do. He wants to find a newer house in Coolidge, and wants to hang out around $500 or so a month. He told me if I had something, come by the store and let him know. I don't know if I'll be able to help him or not. I wouldn't take all of the $10k, either. He kinda seemed excited about it, though.
I told a family member about it, but their main concern was what would happen If found one for him, but for some reason he couldn't pay, the seller died or something like that? That is a good question - what happens if you have the deal going and the original seller dies? The way I was trying to explain it didn't sound right, and they said what you used to buy homes for $120k, you can now get 'em for $65k or less now. I told them that I knew that. It kinda sounded as it seemed like a bubble got busted a little.
What do you think? Thank you.
Good morning,
Lately I have been really into reading Dean's book, "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". I don't know why, but I have been feeling good about it. I bet in the next few days I'll have it read. Usually I would never read a 270 pg. book, but it's awesome. There are a lot of great ideas in there - things I would never think of to use. I read about the "round robin" approach a couple weeks ago, and I am excited to read about it again, which the chapter is coming up soon. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I am getting the feeling about 2 particular properties in town. Both are vacant, no sign in front, they're older, and need work. When I fist got the books and videos, I drove around Coolidge to check out whats out there. These have been on the back of my mind for a while - I've been by both properties. On 1 side of the property it has a property next to it with a MH on it, and junk in the yard. On the property next to it, there is a Fannie Mae home that's locked up. This home is maybe 15-20ft from a 4 way stop small intersection, that gets traffic. The fence needs repaired... I could probably get this for a good discount. The other home is in a decent neighborhood, on the west side of town. The back fence is wooden, and torn down. The wood is rotten on all sides. Looks like it may have roof damage in a few spots, and would need drywall repair. It also looks like they started to replace a couple things, but then stopped.
I am tempted to mail them yellow letters, to see what happens. I've already looked up tax assessor info, and haven't ran the true numbers on them, yet, nor have I been able to get in to look at everything. What do you think?
I finally got around to adding my website and blog to my user profile. I haven't added any posts to my blog, but at least I have one.
I was trying to find my wordpress blog, but I don't know what happened to it.
I haven't done hardly anything with the last 2 homes, and I found 2 more in a bigger town 17 miles from here, that both have fire damage. I'm not sure what I'll be able to do with those, as they are located in a decent part of town, but if they're owned by people and not banks, I could get 'em at discounts? I'm not sure what they would bring as far as value adds are concerned.
As you can tell, my progress is going slow. I won't lie about it ~ fear has kept me from doing a lot of things lately. For those who have helped me with other questions, thank you ~ I appreciate your help and efforts.
Have a great Valentines Day, and spend it with the ones you love!
you're MIA
6 wks? where u at?
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools
It's been more than 6 weeks, and I sent you an email the other day to the address you filled out from my website ~ Thanks!
I feel I have a renewed confidence that I can make some good things happen. From networking with a few people from Dean's live web-a-thon last weekend, organizing my emails, to getting in touch with others, I can smell a deal. LOL... I know it's there & I am determined to succeed! Deans right ~> Motivation + Action = Great Results!
Whenever I get good news, I'll keep this up to date. Thank you!
6 wks? where u at?
My last response was about a year ago ~ Wow!
Real estate went to the back burner. until recently in the last 2 months, thanks to Chase R. & Randy W. Both of you believe in me, and I won't let you down. It's a great feeling to know you have not only friends, but a mentor, holding you accountable and believing in YOU and having faith that you can do anything. Sometimes it takes hearing it from other people ~ it's a good thing!
Now, for the juicy stuff! Since then, I moved to KY and permanently back to Boise, ID. We've got a realtor set up here, I just sent out cash buyer letters yesterday and today, and things are looking up! This is a lot more than what I did or didn't do in the past. Time to get off the fence, and make a move! It's either sink, swim, or die trying. NO more excuses!! Yes, I'm doing it, scared! I've got something to prove, and nothing will stop me this time.
Sit back & enjoy the movie, folks! Stay tuned for more action adventure...
I realize I didn't start my journal out on a positive note ~ My apologies! For those who have stood by, encouraged, and never gave up on me, I am grateful and I wanted to thank you, yet I don't know how. The only think I came up with, is to update this journal, so here I go.
Now, I have about 6 buyers on my list, ready to chomp down on great deals.I had a major roadblock for a couple months, due to my old agent's fault. I can't get into the details on that, but let's say I have a new agent since a couple weeks ago, and his crew is awesome. I have gotten out 7 offers so far, 1 came back as a probable short sale that I had to reject for a couple reasons but as I rejected I explained my reasons why, and gave a few pointers on the options they had or they could do. The other, kinda the same situation. If they come back to me later on, I'll still do a short sale with them. Right now, it's not feasible. So, 5 offers are out there, now ~ 2 bank reo offers, and 3 regulars reo's which I should hear about this week. I'm not stopping there ~ I'm not near 25 offers yet.
All of this couldn't have been possible, without the help of a great mentor & friend. Had I done all this without help? No! Normally, I'm not outgoing & spontaneous as others are. But, real estate has been changing my life. Soon, something is about to break loose & $ should be coming in. I am still thinking about getting my Idaho RE license, too. I was reading Wendy's journal a few minutes ago, and I got the feeling I needed to do this. I've been learning so much about what to do and what NOT to do. Up until a few months ago, I was still "wet behind the ears", scared, and just didn't know how to break outta the shell to get into the game off the fence. The scary part was telling people you are a real estate investor, and not knowing their reaction. How do you know a man, unless you've walked a mile or two in his shoes, right? >:)
So, to all the inspiring commenters in the DG family, thank you. To Dean, thank you for bringing us all together! To those who are sitting on the fence, YOU can do this! You have to believe in yourself, step out of that crappy bubble and take action! You are not alone ~ you have friends and family, who care. No, life isn't easy! RE investing isn't always gonna be easy, but when you have the right tools, you can accomplish anything.
Didn't realize you had a journal. You've come a long way since first starting, that's for sure....I remember.
It's great to see you finally getting off the fence and taking action! You're a smart guy, quick witted, with a TON of knowledge! You are putting it to use and in a good way. So, it's just hard for me to see you NOT on top!!
You've got your wings and rings; so let's go get us a diamond man!!....But hey, guys can like diamonds too, right?
Wings and rings; hmmmm....kinda makes me hungry.
Good luck on the offers!....make more, make more!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...
I agree with John, guys look good with diamonds too! and you have come a long way, just like all of us; it's amazing when you look back and read your first posts, you can really see how much you have learned and accomplished this far! your deal is just around the corner... and you will get it before you know it!
wishing you get your diamond very soon!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
I think I'm the Wendy you referenced in your journal entry. I was reading your journal because you had commented on mine, and that sort of made me feel like I had a connection to you. And as I'm reading your journal, I see my name. I was overjoyed that something I said inspired you to think new thoughts. Thanks for the mention, it made my day!
And after reading your entire journal, I'm most impressed that although you've had your share of set-backs, you're still in the game! This RE game is not just a destination to make the cash, but a journey that has many rewards. And no one knows what we will encounter along the way, but the adventure is worth the trip.
I'm plugging for you and trust that anyone who has been working at this for over 2 years without even making money yet, is destined to be a success because there's something more powerfully driving you than you may even be aware at this time.
I'm either going to be wildly successful at real estate OR die trying! (I choose wildly successful!)
Where do start? Thank you to all the DG followers who've been with me from Day 1 & who've made the extra effort to encorage me along the way. I APPRECIATE it more than you know. After another short re-marriage & 3 months of setbacks, getting the Idaho team ready & some offers either not getting in on time, being outbid bc the market was hot in Boise then or relationship Issues that didn't supoort what I was doing, I moved back to AZ where I grew up & where I live & work, now.
The last time I was motivated & had that adrenaline rush was when our 1st deal acually sold back in September/October last year! It was awesome, and talk about "name recognotion". Between that, going through a couple realtors in AZ who weren't panning out, trying to setup a crew here & realizing I had no funds for not even a $250 earnest money deposit, it wasn't encouraging. YES, Chase & I were doing cartwheels when the deal finally closed in Lexington, KY.!! I've shared the news on here & on the cashflow club group on Facebook, too. It's been months since I've done anything with rei, until recently. Like I said, because of lack of funds & lack of resources, It's been a debbie downer for me. Until recently, I'm not sure why, but I started thinking about Rei again, what I'm missing out on & how much more my life could benifit financially, if I had the chance, resources, and a swift kick in the shins. Don't get me wrong, I have 1 local job that helps me pay my bills & now with my rent going up, it's another $100 outta my already stretched budget. It's bad enough I'm lucky enough to see a movie & eat out a couple times every month. What can you do after doing all the things I can as a divorced, outta state father with no degree even though I started taking classes last year at a local college.
I don't mean to ramble on & on about my struggles, but it helps me clear my thoughts. I also felt the need to update my REI journal on here, too. If you were in my shoes, you would understand & agree with me. I'm greatful for what I have, though I know I could be doing better & I deserve better. The greatest thing about all this is I haven't totally given up, so in a way, I've been licking my wounds.
I just came across your messages here on forum. I looked at your profile and saw that you have looked at Carol Stinson, who is generous enough to give her time to helping us in the DG family. That's one I plan on gleaning lots of strategies from because of her awesome track record on wholesaling. She has done over 600 wholesale deals.
I know you know this, but the nice thing about this DG site is that it is Free, Free, Free. Lots of training, lots of encouragement and lots of ways to get in the game. Despite the life challenges, you are still hanging around, and like me, I think you are in it to win it. I hope you continue this thread on a regular basis and keep us up to date on how things are going.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
What you focus on is where your energy goes-Kristin
With gratitude,
your reason why is vital......
I hope the rest of the DG family helps me in this, but Dean did a weekly wisdom where he shared a way to get to your why by going 7 levels deep. This is crucial to combating that Debbie downer energy when it starts to rise but into your mind and ultimately your heart that takes your passion, enthusiasm,and dedication......
We here at DG as you have noticed are more then investors, more then friends across state lines, WE ARE A FAMILY, A FAMILY THAT INVEST AND WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED
It's been a debbie downer for me. Until recently, I'm not sure why, but I started thinking about Rei again, what I'm missing out on & how much more my life could benifit financially, if I had the chance, resources, and a swift kick in the shins.
The last time I was motivated & had that adrenaline rush was when our 1st deal acually sold back in September/October last year! It was awesome, and talk about "name recognotion". Between that, going through a couple realtors in AZ who weren't panning out, trying to setup a crew here & realizing I had no funds for not even a $250 earnest money deposit, it wasn't encouraging. YES, Chase & I were doing cartwheels when the deal finally closed in Lexington, KY.!! I've shared the news on here & on the cashflow club group on Facebook, too. It's been months since I've done anything with rei, until recently. Like I said, because of lack of funds & lack of resources, It's been a debbie downer for me. Until recently, I'm not sure why, but I started thinking about Rei again, what I'm missing out on & how much more my life could benifit financially, if I had the chance, resources, and a swift kick in the shins. Don't get me wrong, I have 1 local job that helps me pay my bills & now with my rent going up, it's another $100 outta my already stretched budget. It's bad enough I'm lucky enough to see a movie & eat out a couple times every month. What can you do after doing all the things I can as a divorced, outta state father with no degree even though I started taking classes last year at a local college.
I don't mean to ramble on & on about my struggles, but it helps me clear my thoughts. I also felt the need to update my REI journal on here, too. If you were in my shoes, you would understand & agree with me. I'm greatful for what I have, though I know I could be doing better & I deserve better. The greatest thing about all this is I haven't totally given up, so in a way, I've been licking my wounds.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
It is good to see you back.
Joel is right. You have to find your "Why". Evidently you haven't done that yet.
And then there is the mindset. Dallas, this isn't something that you can pop in and out and "Try".You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, no matter what! You will just keep going! If one way doesn't work, you will try a different tactic. This is what you MUST do and NEVER, EVER quit!
You can do it, Dallas, if you just get your mindset right and find your "Why"! Only you can make that decision!
I wish you the best!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thank you, Karen! It feels GREAT to see all the experts, newer investors, the newbies who are just starting out & people like me who hang in there & still want success. I completed the 7 level deep exercise when I was living in Kentucy & taking a class at BCTC in Lexington in Summer 2012. Then, I felt my reason why was to do this for my autistic son so he could have a bright future. It's not something I prominently printed & posted near my computer or somewhere where I would see it daily, but it was in my thoughts every day. Never did I think I'd have to get a 2nd part time job to help bring in the income needed. If that's what it takes to put me back on the path to success, I'll do it.
I've realized in the last 2 days I've started gaining motivation & knowledge back, like it was in storage somewhere, waiting to come out again. It's like insider said, when you're on the DG site, we're more like friends & more like family. We all have ways of keeping each other in check. Since my return, I want to thank all the new advice & comments my journal has received. I'm here to stay & promise to update this journal & keep this dream alive.
What's 1 of my goals now that I'm returning? Start building my crew of agent(s), cash buyers, rehabbers, etc. here in the Pinal County area & branch out from there. Once I master this area & do a few deals, I might revisit the Boise market. What's 1 great result that comes from completing a deal? Local name recognition.
Joel is right. You have to find your "Why". Evidently you haven't done that yet.
And then there is the mindset. Dallas, this isn't something that you can pop in and out and "Try".You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, no matter what! You will just keep going! If one way doesn't work, you will try a different tactic. This is what you MUST do and NEVER, EVER quit!
You can do it, Dallas, if you just get your mindset right and find your "Why"! Only you can make that decision!
I wish you the best!
Sometimes we just need a swift jolt to our system to bring us back to reality and focus where we once had it initially..... like today being memorial day we remember the soliders and their efforts to perserve, protect and provide us with the privledge to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.....
They fight on a battle field we fight in our own to some minor respect where we are sometimes trail blazers to show that no matter how much obstacles, people and the unkowns in our journeys we will strive threw for our family initially then friends and then the community at large
I hope to help soliders in the future for all their sacrifice ( I work with current and former military personel from different branches, police officers as well) since adjusting to civilian life is not easy and it takes a toll on their families
But back to the post... you are back on track and I know you will see threw this time
I've realized in the last 2 days I've started gaining motivation & knowledge back, like it was in storage somewhere, waiting to come out again. It's like insider said, when you're on the DG site, we're more like friends & more like family. We all have ways of keeping each other in check. Since my return, I want to thank all the new advice & comments my journal has received. I'm here to stay & promise to update this journal & keep this dream alive.
What's 1 of my goals now that I'm returning? Start building my crew of agent(s), cash buyers, rehabbers, etc. here in the Pinal County area & branch out from there. Once I master this area & do a few deals, I might revisit the Boise market. What's 1 great result that comes from completing a deal? Local name recognition.
Joel is right. You have to find your "Why". Evidently you haven't done that yet.
And then there is the mindset. Dallas, this isn't something that you can pop in and out and "Try".You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, no matter what! You will just keep going! If one way doesn't work, you will try a different tactic. This is what you MUST do and NEVER, EVER quit!
You can do it, Dallas, if you just get your mindset right and find your "Why"! Only you can make that decision!
I wish you the best!
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-
It's interesting when anyone mentions anything about Carol. Every time I see or hear what she tell us, I'm reminded of the story she had, when she 1st ran into Dean G. & his infomercial/book. With the little funds they had left, barely any food on the table, medical bills, etc., she was determined to get through it, order Dean's book & see what happened. We all know the rest of the story, but it's her motivation, determination & her personal experience that help keep me going.
I love the DG site for many reasons including networking, socializing & connection we have, as a "2nd family". Sometimes, what we have to say doesn't come out the way we want, but if it gets us moving & off our butts & outta our chairs in a great direction, I'm all for it. Deep down, I'm still in this to win it & I haven't completely thrown in the towel. I'll admit a little rusty around the edges, but, no matter what, people still hang in there with me & go along for the ride. There are so many people on this site who care and take the time to be there if you need it. As long as everyone know I'm there if they need it, that's all that matters. So, Thanks, Patrick!
I know you know this, but the nice thing about this DG site is that it is Free, Free, Free. Lots of training, lots of encouragement and lots of ways to get in the game. Despite the life challenges, you are still hanging around, and like me, I think you are in it to win it. I hope you continue this thread on a regular basis and keep us up to date on how things are going.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
What you focus on is where your energy goes-Kristin
With gratitude,
Take your pick, right? Joel, you're correct. I HAVE & WANT to see this through. I had multiple pushings & nudges from a few great investors including Mike, Karen, John and a few others in the group on different occasions, throughout this whole time. The 1 thing is they've never given up on me... So, if I've never had the chance to tell you, this is my way of saying, "Thank you!". This DG site & the great sacrifice all the soldiers went through remind me of a quote on 1 of the not-so-famous christian movies out there from the movie, "Fireproof". It goes something like this, "You never leave your partner behind, especially in a fire!".
They fight on a battle field we fight in our own to some minor respect where we are sometimes trail blazers to show that no matter how much obstacles, people and the unkowns in our journeys we will strive threw for our family initially then friends and then the community at large
I hope to help soliders in the future for all their sacrifice ( I work with current and former military personel from different branches, police officers as well) since adjusting to civilian life is not easy and it takes a toll on their families
But back to the post... you are back on track and I know you will see threw this time
I've realized in the last 2 days I've started gaining motivation & knowledge back, like it was in storage somewhere, waiting to come out again. It's like insider said, when you're on the DG site, we're more like friends & more like family. We all have ways of keeping each other in check. Since my return, I want to thank all the new advice & comments my journal has received. I'm here to stay & promise to update this journal & keep this dream alive.
What's 1 of my goals now that I'm returning? Start building my crew of agent(s), cash buyers, rehabbers, etc. here in the Pinal County area & branch out from there. Once I master this area & do a few deals, I might revisit the Boise market. What's 1 great result that comes from completing a deal? Local name recognition.
Joel is right. You have to find your "Why". Evidently you haven't done that yet.
And then there is the mindset. Dallas, this isn't something that you can pop in and out and "Try".You have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, no matter what! You will just keep going! If one way doesn't work, you will try a different tactic. This is what you MUST do and NEVER, EVER quit!
You can do it, Dallas, if you just get your mindset right and find your "Why"! Only you can make that decision!
I wish you the best!
I remember a few addresses of some homes in town & in the Casa Grande area that've been bought & rehabbed in the last 6 mo. to a few I found, searching the county assessor portal search & update my buyer spreadsheet to send buyer yellow letters to. I think there are at least a few vacant homes in town that I'm gonna research & try to send a yellow letter to. It doesn't sound like a lot to go on, but it's a start. 1 is in a great location, across from the K8 school, so, we'll see. Then, I plan to get this full box of yellow bandit signs that've been sitting untouched in my apt. since I bought 'em last year out, too. The original town of Florence itself seems kinda small, & don't see a lot of competition with yellow bandit signs here, which is great. Through another realtor on Facebook, a Re/Max agent friended me from a neighboring town. I haven't had a chance to chat with him yet. In a way, it's good, bc I need an agent on my team where I live.
I've already started to think 'o small & big goals I want to do, which is great. So, as soon as a get more, I'll give another update.
I see you are moving full steam ahead now. It seems the momentum is building for you. As you mentioned, perhaps things were in a store room in your brain just waiting for you to act on your education and knowledge. This much I know, DG family is welcoming you back to help in any way possible. I look forward to seeing your progress here.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
What you focus on is where your energy goes-Kristin
With gratitude,
Thanks, Patrick! I got a hold of a local Re/Max agent in the Pinal County area where I live, today. I'm not sure how this will pan out, but I'll see what happens. I'm not sure how or where the funds will come from, but I think things are about to turn up. With the right A-team & tools, you can go anywhere! If you're gonna do it, do it scared, right? All I can mostly see is success at the end 'o the road! To get there, you take the bumps, curves & whatever goes along with it.
Someone emailed me a couple weeks ago & said they had limited hard money funds available. I haven't done any research to find hard $ lenders, either. At this point, I'm not sure what to do with this potential hml AZ lead. What do you think?
Nobody ever said this road is or would be easy. This time, it's for real & it'll be worth it.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
What you focus on is where your energy goes-Kristin
With gratitude,
Ok. Among all the craziness going on here in Arizona, I haven't given up on Idaho completely. Why? I have the A-team there, already. I did it with an MLS property in KY without bandit signs and a great rei partner there, so, why not where I started building the 1st team? I know a few buyers are or have been doing the same advertising to get their leads & don't care if they're on the MLS or not, as long as the numbers work. I know people do it remotely all the time, esp. in the DG family. I'd like to focus on homes that aren't on the MLS there, if possible.
Do any of you have thoughts on this?